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英语原文: Amazing grace! How sweet the sound! That saved a wretch like me! I once was lost but now I am found, Was blind but now I see. Was grace that taught my heart to fear And grace my fears relieved; How precious did that grace appear The hour I first believed! Through many dangers, toils, and snares, I have already come; This grace has brought me safe thus far, And grace will lead me home. The Lord has promised good to me, His word my hope secures; He will my shield and portion be, As long as life endures. Yes, when this flesh and heart shall fail, And mortal life shall cease; I shall possess, within the vail, A life of joy and peace. The earth shall soon dissolve like snow, The sun forbear to shine; But God, who called me here below, Will be forever mine.
[[File:6782626bc876414497ff7f6a701fcc3a th.jpg|缩略图|右|250px|[http://img.mp.itc.cn/upload/20170606/6782626bc876414497ff7f6a701fcc3a_th.jpg 原圖鏈接][http://img.mp.itc.cn/upload/20170606/6782626bc876414497ff7f6a701fcc3a_th.jpg 来自原图]]]