

what is dancing》是一首兒童歌曲。




Man what in the world is happening down At the end of the hall? I don't have a clue? Let's check this thing out! What is happening here Something's going on that's not quite clear Somebody turn on the lights We're gonna have a party It's starting tonight Chorus: Oh, what a feeling When we're dancing on the ceiling Oh, what a feeling When we're dancing on the ceiling The room is hot and that's good Some of my friends came by from the neighborhood The people startin' a climb the walls Ooh it looks like everybody is having a ball Chorus: Oh, what a feeling When we're dancing on the ceiling Oh, what a feeling When we're dancing on the ceiling Oh, what a feeling When we're dancing on the ceiling Oh, what a feeling When we're dancing on the ceiling Come on! Everybody start to lose control When the music is right If you see somebody hangin' around Don't get uptight The only thing we want to do tonight Is go 'round and 'round And turn upside down Come on! Let's get down! So come on! Let's get loose Don't hold back 'Cause ain't no use Hard to keep your feet on the ground 'Cause when we like to party We only want to get down Chorus: Oh, what a feeling When we're dancing on the ceiling Oh, what a feeling When we're dancing on the ceiling Oh, what a feeling When we're dancing on the ceiling Oh, what a feeling When we're dancing on the ceiling (Scream, whistles) Say what? Can't stop now Just getting started Everybody clap your hands Come on Everybody let's dance Chorus: (Oh, oh, oh, oh) Oh, what a feeling When we're dancing on the ceiling Oh, what a feeling When we're dancing on the ceiling Oh, what a feeling When we're dancing on the ceiling Baby, baby We gonna dance all night Till the broad daylight Keep on movin', keep on groovin' Oh yeah Oh, what a feeling When we're dancing on the ceiling (Begin fade) Oh, what a feeling When we're dancing on the ceiling...





what is dancing相關視頻

兒童歌曲大全-親寶兒歌 串燒100首
貝瓦兒歌大全100首連續播放 兒童歌曲大全串燒


  1. 民歌音樂,音樂MP3
  2. 比興手法在詩詞中的作用,個人圖書館,2019-06-09
  3. 《一閃一閃小星星》 經典兒歌『+』,愛奇藝, 2014-07-17
  4. 淺析兒歌的審美特點,道客巴巴,2015-03-18
  5. 童謠:聖野的童謠《布娃娃》,太平洋親子網,2016-03-22
  6. 為何我應該為孩子念兒歌?【今天是世界兒歌日】,搜狐,2016-03-21