柳叶卫矛 |
中文学名:柳叶卫矛 门:被子植物门 纲:双子叶植物纲 目:龙胆目 科:卫矛科 科拉丁名 Celastraceae 属中文名 卫矛属 属拉丁名 Euonymus |
柳叶卫矛(liǔ yè wèi máo),学名 Euonymus salicifolius Loesener,俗名:柳叶中缅卫矛,异名:Euonymus lawsonii f. salicifolius Euonymus georgei Euonymus lawsonii var. salicifolius ,被子植物门,龙胆目,叶纸质,披针形,少为阔披针形或披针状线形,长8-15厘米,宽1.2-2.5厘米;叶柄长4-6毫米。聚伞花序1至数花,花序梗长1-2.5厘米。 产于云南南部思茅至蒙自一带。模式标本采自云南。 [1]
Euonymus georgei H. F. Comber; E. lawsonii C. B. Clarke ex Prain f. salicifolius (Loesener) C. Y. Cheng; E. lawsonii var. salicifolius (Loesener) Blakelock.
Evergreen shrubs, 2-3 m tall; branches terete, sturdy, twigs green to light green, striate. Petiole sturdy, 6-10 mm; leaf blade leathery, long lanceolate, 10-15 × ca. 3 cm, base cuneate or attenuate, margin remotely serrulate, apex acuminate; lateral veins 10-12.
Peduncle ca. 3 cm, several flowered; pedicel ca. 5 mm. Flowers 4-merous (not seen). Capsule obrhombic, 4-angled with little deep grooves, brown or yellow-brown to red-brown, ca. 1 × 1.5 cm.
Seeds ovoid, dark brown; aril orange-red. Fl. unknown, fr. Dec.
Mixed forests. Yunnan [Vietnam].
Records of Euonymus lawsonii C. B. Clarke ex Prain from China (e.g., in FRPS 45(3): 42. 1999) are misidentifications of E. salicifolius. True E. lawsonii is distributed in India and Myanmar.
Euonymus lawsonii C. B. Clarke f. salicifolius (Loes.) C. Y. Cheng, Stat. nov. ——E. lawsonii var. salicifolius (Loes.) Blakel. in Kew Bull. 1951: 242. 1951; 中国高等植物图鉴补编2: 226 (检索表中) 1983.——E. salicifolius Loes. in Engl. Bot. Jahrb. 30: 458. 1902.