

事实揭露 揭密真相
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出生 1943年2月
国籍 中国
职业 科研工作者
知名于 发展完善了边坡稳定分析理论

陈祖煜[1] 生于1943年2月,中国科学院院士,中国水利水电科学研究院教授级高级工程师,水利水电、土木工程专家。









1982年~ 中国水利水电科学研究院工作,任工程师、高级工程师、教授级高级工程师。














陈祖煜早期的工作是在理论和分析计算方法两个方面完善了边坡稳定分析领域中著名的Morgenstern-Price法。其主要贡献为对这一方法的数学力学表达和理论内涵做出了重要改进,给出了力和力矩平衡方程式的解析解,并根据剪应力成对原理提出了求解该方程所必需的边界条件。用严格的解析方法推导出土体力和力矩平衡微 分方程式,并获得闭合解;推导了用牛顿法求解力和力矩平衡方程所需的各项导数的计算公式,解决了各种稳定分析严格方法长期未能解决的数值计算收敛困难的问题;提出对土条侧向力的假定必须满足的边界条件,以保证剪应力成对的原理不受破坏,以此全面改进了在边坡稳定分析领域中具有重要学术地位的Morgenstern-Price法。1983年,在Morgenstern-Price法发表以后的18年,一个以Chen和Morgenstern署名的新方法出现在加拿大岩土工程学报,这一新的完善的方法引起了国际土力学界的重视。并已于2003年纳入"碾压式土石坝设计规范"(SL272-2001)。


1960年,陈祖煜团队在白草洼建坝(黄河水利委员会绥德水土保持科学试验站辛店试验场),2008年加高了的中型坝上,示范土工布 (膜)新材料。(由陈祖煜团领衔的黄土高原淤地坝新材料新技术示范项目)




时间 项目名称 奖项名称
1992年 天生桥二级水电站岩质高边坡分析与治理研究 电力部科技进步应用二等奖
1993年 漫湾水电站左岸边坡稳定分析研究 示例
1995年 漫湾水电站左岸边坡稳定分析研究 国家科技进步应用三等奖
1995年 天生桥二级水电站岩质高边坡分析与治理研究 国家科技进步应用二等奖
1996年 岩质高边坡稳定分析与软件系统 电力部科技进步应用一等奖
1997年 沟后面板砂砾坝失稳机理及溃决过程研究 水利部科技进步二等奖
2002年 云南省务坪水库软基筑坝技术 云南省科技进步应用二等奖




1. 陈祖煜,"土质边坡稳定分析-原理、方法、程序" ,中国水利水电出版社,2003(独著, 共560页,84万字)。

2.陈祖煜,汪小刚杨健贾志欣王玉杰,"岩质边坡稳定分析-原理、方法、程序" ,中国水利水电出版社,2005(共810页,104万字)。

3.陈祖煜,周晓光,张天明,陈立宏,"务坪水库软基筑坝技术" ,中国水利水电出版社,2005(共200页,25万字)

4.朱伯芳、高季章、陈祖煜、厉易生, "拱坝设计与研究", 中国水利水电出版社,2003(合著, 本人完成第7、第8章,共20万字).

5.陈祖煜,边坡稳定分析,"土工计算机分析"第5章,主编:龚晓南. 中国建筑工业出版社, 2000. 215-231.

6.陈祖煜,汪小刚,极限分析数值方法,"土工计算机分析",第6章,主编:龚晓南. 中国建筑工业出版社, 2000. 232-258.

7.陈祖煜,汪小刚, "岩质边坡工程",中国大坝50年,第12章,中国水利水电出版社,主编:潘家铮、何璟. 2000,654-674.

8.陈祖煜,汪小刚,岩石高边坡失稳机理和分析方法,"岩石高边坡的变形与稳定"第5章, 主编:张有天、周维垣. 中国水利水电出版社, 1999, 86-107.

9.陈祖煜,汪小刚,岩质高边坡的加固技术,"中国水力发电工程,施工卷第二篇"第7章, 中国电力出版社. 主编:谭靖夷, 2000, 129-147.

10.陈祖煜,土工数值分析(一):土体稳定极限平衡和极限分析. 高等土力学. 主编:李广信.. 中国水利水电出版社,2004. 323-399.

11.陈祖煜,土工数值分析(二):渗流、应力应变和固结的有限元方法.. 高等土力学.主编:李广信.. 中国水利水电出版社. 2004. 400-446.



中国水科院组建60周年访陈祖煜院士 12.Chen, Z. and Morgenstern, N.R, Extensions to the generalized method of slices for stability analysis", Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 1983, Vol. 20, No.l, 104-109.

13.Chen, Z and Shao, C, Evaluation of minunmum factor of safety in slope stability analysis, Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 1988,Vol 25, No.4, 735-748.

14.Chen, Z. Random trials used in determining global minimum factors of safety of slopes. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 1992, Vol. 29, No. 2, 225-233.

15.Chen, Z. Y. and Li, S. M. Evaluation of active earth pressure by the generalized method of slices. Canadian Geotechnical Journal. 1998, Vol. 35,No. 4,591-599.

16.Chen, Z. Wang, X, Haberfield, C, Yin, J, Wang, Y. A Three-dimensional Slope Stability Analysis Method Using the Upper Bound Theorem, Part I: Theory and Methods, International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences. 2001, Vol. 38, 369 –378.

17.Chen, Z. Wang, J. Yin, J, Wang, J. Haberfield, C, A Three-dimensional Slope Stability Analysis Method Using the Upper Bound Theorem, Part II: Numerical approaches, applications and extensions. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences. 2001, 38:379 -397.

18.Chen, Z., Mi, H., Zhang F. and Wang X., A simplified method for 3D slope stability analysis Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 2003, 40:675-683.

19.Chen, Zuyu. A generalized solution for tetrahedral rock wedge stability analysis International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences. 2004. 41 613–628

20.Donald, I. and Chen, Z. Y. Slope stability analysis by an upper bound plasticity method. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, December. 1997. 34: 853-862.

21.Wang, Y. J., Yin, J. H., and Chen, Z.Y., Calculation of bearing capacity of a strip footing using an upper bound method. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 2001, Vol. 25, 841-851.

22.Zhang, Jianhong, Xu Qianjun, Chen Zuyu. Seepage analysis based on the unified unsaturated soil theory. Mechanics Research Communications. 28, 1, 107-112, 2001.

23.Wang, Y.J., Yin, J.-H., and Chen, Z.Y. Calculation of bearing capacity of a strip footing using an upper bound method. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 2001. Vol. 25, 841-851.

24.Chen, Z. Y. Keynote Lecture: Recent developments in slope stability analysis, Proceedings 8th International Congress on Rock Mechanics. Vol. 3.1041-1048. September, 1995, 25-30, Tokyo.

25.Chen, Z. General report: Earth structures and underground Geotechnique, Proceedings of the 10th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering. 1995, Vol. 2. 145-157.

26.Chen, Z. and Lee, Y. H. Theme Lecture: Soil Structure and slopes., Proc. 11th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering. 1999. Vol. 3, 189-201.

27.Chen, Z., Keynote Lecture: The limit analysis for slopes: Theory, methods, and applications. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Slope Stability Analysis. 1999. 31-48. Mastuyama.

28.Donald, I. And Chen, Z. Y. Keynote Lecture: Modern wedge methods of slope analysis. 2nd International Conference on Infra-structures. 27-28 July 1999. Singapore. 25-55

29.Hoek, E., Read, J.,Karzulovic, A. and Chen, Z. Keynote Lecture: Rock slopes in Civil and Mining engineering. GeoEng'2000, Vol. I, Invited Papers, 2000. 643-658.

30.Chen, Z 1992, Experience with the search of minimum factors of safety of slopes. Proceedings, 6th Australian New Zealand Conference on Geomechanics. 426-431.

31.Chen, Z 1992, Experience with the search of minimum factors of safety of slopes. Proceedings, 6th Australian New Zealand Conference on Geomechanics. 426-431.

32.Chen, Z. Y. The working party on China's water resources related landslide inventory. Procedings, 6th International Conference on Landslides, Chirstchurch. 1992. Vol. 3, 2011-2014.

33.Chen, Z., Chen, D., Yang Z., Non-linear Stability Analysis of the Hongjiadu Rockfill Dam. International Symposium on High Earth-Rockfill Dams , 1993, Vol. 1 October, 26-29, Beijing, China. 132-144.

34.Chen, Z. Y. and Donald, I, Comparison between the limit equilibrium and limit analysis method. 267-270. Proceedings of the 10th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering. 1995, 267-270.

35.Chen, Z. Y. 1995. Recent developments in the energy approach to slope stability analysis. The Ian Boyd Donald Symposium on Symposium on Modern Developments in Geomechanics. 51-63, 7th, June 1995, Monash University.

36.Chen, Z. Supporting software. for slope engineering. Proceedings of Seminar on Geotechnical Problems of Rapidly Developing Areas in China. Hong Kong Institution of Engineers. 1996, 41-54

37.Chen, Z. and Li, S. M. Extension of the generalized method of slices to active earth pressure calculations for retaining structures. Proc. 9th International Conference on Computer methods and advances in Geomechanics, 1997. Vol. 3. 1653-1658.

38.Chen,. Z., Wang, Y. 1999. An upper bound wedge failure analysis method. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Slope Stability Analysis. pp. 325-328. Mastuyama.

39.Chen Z., Y. Wang, and Haberfield, W. A numerical method for three-dimensional slope stability analysis. GeoEng'2000, Vol. II, in CD Disk.

40.Chen, Z. Y. The working party on China's water resources related landslide inventory. Procedings, 6th International Conference on Landslides, Chirstchurch. 1992. Vol. 3, 2011-2014.

41.Chen, Z., Chen, D., Yang Z., Non-linear Stability Analysis of the Hongjiadu Rockfill Dam. International Symposium on High Earth-Rockfill Dams , 1993, Vol. 1 October, 26-29, Beijing, China. 132-144.

42.Chen, Z. Y. and Donald, I, Comparison between the limit equilibrium and limit analysis method. 267-270. Proceedings of the 10th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering. 1995, 267-270.

43.Chen, Z. Y. 1995. Recent developments in the energy approach to slope stability analysis. The Ian Boyd Donald Symposium on Symposium on Modern Developments in Geomechanics. 51-63, 7th, June 1995, Monash University.

44.Chen, Z. Supporting software. for slope engineering. Proceedings of Seminar on Geotechnical Problems of Rapidly Developing Areas in China. Hong Kong Institution of Engineers. 1996, 41-54

45.Chen, Z. and Li, S. M. Extension of the generalized method of slices to active earth pressure calculations for retaining structures. Proc. 9th International Conference on Computer methods and advances in Geomechanics, 1997. Vol. 3. 1653-1658.

46.Chen,. Z., et. al. 1999. An upper bound wedge failure analysis method. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Slope Stability Analysis. pp. 325-328. Mastuyama.

47.Chen Z., Y. Wang, and Haberfield, W. A numerical method for three-dimensional slope stability analysis. GeoEng'2000, Vol. II, in CD Disk.

48.Chen L.H., Chen Z.Y Consolidation and stability behavior of a high rockfill dam built on soft clay foundation Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Soft Soil Engineering ICSSE3. 2001, DEC, Hong Kong.:175-180

49.Liu Lianxi, Shi Lishan, Chen Zuyu, The slope stablility analysis of poor quality embanckment material, International Symposium on High Earth-Rockfill Dams, 1993, Vol. 1 October 26-29, Beijing, China. 132-144.

50.Donald, I. & Chen, Z. Y. Upper bound stability solutions in Geomechanics. Computational Plasticity, Fundamentals and Applications. Proc. 4th Int. Conf. Comp. Plas. April, 1995, Barcelona, Pineridge Press. Vol. 2. 1797-1808.

51.Sun, D. Y., Chen, Z. Y. and C. Y. He, A rock mass classification system for slope failure assessment, Proceedings of International Conference on Hydropower'96. 1996, 1006-1015. China Water Power Press.

52.Zhang, J. H., Chen, X. Y., Wang, X. G., Zhao, Y. Z. & Han L. B. Stability of a toppling slope, Proc. of the International Conference Centrifuge 98, Tokyo, Japan, 1998. 23-25, September, 1998.

53.Beichuan Yan, Lun Chen, Lihong Chen, Zuyu Chen, Xiaogang Wang,. Use of the modified Cam-clay model in embankment consolidation analysis. Proc. of 11th Asian Regional Conf. on Soil Mech. and Geotech. Engrg., 16-20 August, 1999. Seoul, pp. 355-358.

54.Wang, Y.-J., Yin, J.-H., Chen, Z. and Lee, C.F. Three-dimesional stability analysis of slopes using a plastic limit method, Proceedings of the 14th Southeast Asian Geotechnical Conference, 10-14 Dec, 2001,Singapore.








时间 荣誉/表彰
1977年 北京市科技先进工作者
1995年 国家有突出贡献的中青年专家
1996年 国家"八五"攻克先进个人
1998年 茅以升土力学与基础工程大奖
2005年 中国科学院院士








