
模板:Infobox royalty

事实揭露 揭密真相
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Infobox royalty
加冕 -
前任 -
摄政 -
继任 -
加冕 -
前任 -
摄政 -
继任 -
加冕 -
前任 -
摄政 -
继任 -
加冕 -
前任 -
摄政 -
继任 -
配偶 -
配偶 -
储君 -
朝代 -
皇家颂歌 -
父亲 -
母亲 -
宗教 -
Template documentation[view] [edit] [history] [purge]



{{Infobox Royalty
| type =
| consort = 
| name = 
| native name = 
| title = 
| titletext = 
| more = 
| image = 
| imgw = 
| alt = 
| caption = 
| succession = 
| moretext = 
| reign = 
| reign-type = 
| coronation = 
| cor-type = 
| predecessor = 
| pre-type = 
| regent = 
| reg-type = 
| successor = 
| suc-type = 
| succession1 = 
| moretext1 = 
| reign1 = 
| reign-type1 = 
| coronation1 = 
| cor-type1 = 
| predecessor1 = 
| pre-type1 = 
| regent1 = 
| reg-type1 = 
| successor1 = 
| suc-type1 = 
| succession2 = 
| moretext2 = 
| reign2 = 
| reign-type2 = 
| coronation2 = 
| cor-type2 = 
| predecessor2 = 
| pre-type2 = 
| regent2 = 
| reg-type2 = 
| successor2 = 
| suc-type2 = 
| succession3 = 
| moretext3 = 
| reign3 = 
| reign-type3 = 
| coronation3 = 
| cor-type3 = 
| predecessor3 = 
| pre-type3 = 
| regent3 = 
| reg-type3 = 
| successor3 = 
| suc-type3 = 
| spouse =
| spouse-type = 
| spouse1 =
| spouse-type1 = 
| spouse2 =
| spouse-type2 = 
| spouse3 =
| spouse-type3 = 
| spouse4 =
| spouse-type4 = 
| issue = 
| issue-link = 
| issue-pipe = 
| full name = 
| era name = 
| era dates = 
| posthumous name = 
| temple name =
| house = 
| house-type = 
| father = 
| mother = 
| date of birth = 
| place of birth = 
| date of death = 
| place of death = 
| date of burial = 
| place of burial = 
| occupation = 
| signature = 
| religion =




type =
  • monarch
  • majesty
consort =
  • yes - 如果主题人物是任何君主之配偶 — 产生 "spouse" 栏
  • no - 本栏位省略时之预设
name = 最普遍的中文名称(例:乔治三世;威廉王子【而非威廉,坎伯兰公爵】;苏菲【而非爱德华公主、苏非公主】;伊丽莎白·鲍斯-莱昂【而非伊莉莎白王后】;威廉王子【而非威尔斯威廉王子】等等)
native name = 主题人物最普遍的母语名称,尤其是有别的字母 / 语言时
title = 主要的使用中的头衔(例:英国国王;前任爱丁堡公爵,威尔斯亨利王子【无尊称,如殿下】) (omit this field if any one "succession(X)" field would be identical to it)
titletext = "title"(头衔)的注解,字体已加入缩小 — 例如键入头衔全称的连结(根据 "title" 栏位)
more = "titletext" 栏位的自动生成选择;只在 "titletext" 栏位不明确 / 空白以及 "realm" 栏位有填写时出现
  • austria
  • belgium
  • britain
  • china
  • cyprus
  • denmark
  • en-sco
  • england
  • ethiopia
  • france
  • hre
  • hungary
  • italy
  • jerusalem
  • luxembourg
  • malaysia
  • monaco
  • netherlands
  • norway
  • parma
  • portugal
  • russia
  • scotland
  • sicilies
  • spain-crown
  • spain-heir
  • sweden
image = 即 XXXXX.jpg,毋须填写[[File:
imgw = 图档宽度值;如果图档小于预设宽度值210px时填写(例:"120"【不填单位(如px)】;根据 "image" 栏位)
alt = 滑鼠置于图片上时所出现的说明文字,参见WP:ALT
caption = 图档之作者(画家)或年分的详细内容,范例参见WP:CAP
succession fields
succession = Primary substantive hereditary title (regarding the following fields, "reign" 'til "suc-type"; omit the "title" field if the two would be identical)
moretext = An explanatory note about the "succession", already in s — such as a link to full titles (dependent upon "succession")
reign = D Month YYYY – D Month YYYY (or other appropriate format per MOS:DATE#Dates; for monarchs and their consorts (although dates may differ between the two))
reign-type = Optional alternative text for 'Reign' (dependent upon "reign")
coronation = D Month YYYY (or other appropriate format per MOS:DATE#Dates; for monarchs and their consorts)
cor-type = Optional alternative text for 'Coronation', such as 'Investiture' (dependent upon "coronation")
predecessor = For use in succession whose titles are entirely and directly hereditary. Link should be piped as appropriate — when it is reasonably clear that the person in context is a (e.g.) King of Scots, he may be linked as "James II" rather than "James II of Scotland".
pre-type = Optional alternative text for 'Predecessor' (dependent upon "predecessor")
regent = Any regents of the monarch in their role in this succession only; listed by most common name/title, most recent first, with line breaks (
reg-type = Optional alternative text for 'Regent' (dependent upon "regent")
successor = As predecessor, mutatis mutandis
suc-type = Optional alternative text for 'Successor'. e.g. 'Heir-Apparent' or 'Heir-Presumptive' (dependent upon "successor")
"succession" to "suc-type" repeated as "successionX" to "suc-typeX" for 1–3
spouse fields
spouse = Husbands/wives only; listed by most common name/title, in chronological order, with line breaks (
), and dates if needed, e.g. (m. 2004; div. 2006; dec. 2007; wid. 2008). Break dates onto a new line if more visually appropriate
spouse-type = Optional alternative text for 'Spouse' (no plurals needed); "consort"=yes (above) produces 'Consort to' here (dependent upon "spouse", effected by "consort")
repeated as "spouseX" and "spouseX-type" for 1–4
issue = Descending in order of birth, separated by line breaks (
); listed by name and highest shorthand title (e.g. Prince Edward, Earl of Wessex), no need for preceding styles (e.g. HM). Individuals without articles and/or who died as infants may be omitted from the list on an arbitrary basis. See also note for 'predecessor'.
issue-link = Creates small link to a section in the article for further details on offspring (dependent upon "issue")
issue-pipe = Changes the output text of the above link (dependent upon "issue-link")
full name = English/Anglicised full legal non-titular name (current/most recent), with maiden name '(née Whatever)' and translation in their native/official tongue(s) on a new line (each) underneath (use a ''{{lang-XX|}}'' Multilingual support template)
styles = A list of all primary common shorthand title through time, with preceding styles (shortened forms, e.g. HH not His Highness; The Hon not The Honourable; Lady not The Lady), listed most recent first, with line breaks (
) (has the hidden deprecated alias "titles" from previous versions of T:IBR)

era name =

For Asian era names, wikilinked if appropriate (dependent upon "era dates")
era dates = The dates of the monarch's era (per the above)
posthumous name = The posthumous name given to monarchs in certain traditions
temple name = As "posthumous name" m.m.
house = The Houses, Dynasties, or Families to which the subject belonged/s (by birth, marriage or otherwise), listed chronologically first to last, with line breaks (e.g. House of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha]
[[House of Windsor]) (formerly called "house name" and listed last to first — it is strongly recommended that, for clarity, (by birth/marriage) or similar be included after each House's link)
house-type = Optional alternative text for 'Royal house', such as 'Dynasty' or 'Family' (dependent upon "house")
father = Most common shorthand title, no need for preceding styles (e.g. HM). May include multiple individuals, such as (Biological), (Adoptive) or (Hanai). See also note for 'predecessor'.
mother = As "father", m.m.
date of birth =
place of birth = Residence, Town/City/County/Region/Country (although almost invariably Country is obvious) HOWEVER, TAKE CARE TO AVOID FLAGCRUFT (dependent upon "date of birth")
date of death =
place of death = See "place of birth", m.m. (dependent upon "date of death")
date of burial = See "date of christening", m.m.
place of burial = See "place of birth", m.m. (dependent upon "date of burial")
occupation = Primary non-royal occupations, listed most recent first (if the subject is deceased there's no need for 'prev.') e.g. 'Theatre; prev. Broadcasting' (alive), or 'Military; Author' (dead)
signature = X.jpg, being an image of the subject's personal signature
signature_alt = Alt text for signature
religion = The subject's religion(s) — may be listed with dates (in chronological order) if applicable



本模板使用了hCard 微格式标记,被标记的人物资料可以被电脑分析读取,以便将其自动归类,或者透过专门的浏览器取得资料讯息,例如将讯息加入通讯录。关于在求真百科使用微格式的详细讯息,请参见微格式维基专题

出生日期(bday)参数只能使用于包含了 {{bd}} 或 {{Birth date and age}} 模板的信息框。

  • adr
  • bday
  • county-name
  • fn(必须)
  • honorific-prefix
  • honorific-suffix
  • label
  • locality
  • nickname
  • note
  • org
  • role
  • vcard
