

事实揭露 揭密真相
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来自 网络 的图片



书名: 中国文化阅读


出版社: 浙江大学出版社

出版时间: 2009年03月

ISBN: 9787308065610

开本: 16开

定价: 36.00 元






Unit 1 Traditional Festivals in China

Unit 2 The Great Wall: A Miracle of the World

Unit 3 Chinese Table Etiquette

Unit 4 Technology and Education: A Trans-century Strategy

Unit 5 Approach to Life

Unit 6 China Enters the WTO

Unit 7 Does Culture Stifle Creativity?

Unit 8 I'm Glad My Son Is Growing Up in China

Unit 9 The Cowherd and the Weaving Maid

Unit 10 A Review of Chinese Stamps

Unit 11 My Chinese Classmates Should Get Their Priorities Right!

Unit 12 Buddhist Philosophy on Health Building

Unit 13 China's Media Rush

Unit 14 Web-shopping E-commerce Gaining in Acceptability

Unit 15 In Search of the Great Leisure Seeker

Unit 16 LiKa-shingandaCoin

Unit 17 Battle against AIDS

Unit 18 Big Ideas Drive China'S Quest for Super Status

Unit 19 Schoolyard Rhymes Evoke Wide Concern

Unit 20 The Personnel Market in China

Unit 21 China Increasingly Accepts Psychology

Unit 22 Students Live off Campus My Mother

Unit 23 Health Is Not Enough

Unit 24 The Spirit of the Chinese People

Unit 25 China's First Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

Unit 26 Key to the Exercises[1] .....
