亚东点地梅 |
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中文名:亚东点地梅 拉丁学名:Androsace hookeriana Klatt 界:植物界 门:被子植物门 纲:双子叶植物纲 亚 纲:合瓣花亚纲 目:报春花目 科:报春花科 族:报春花族 属:点地梅属 分布区域:西藏 |
亚东点地梅(yà dōng diǎn dì méi),学名 Androsace hookeriana Klatt,多年生草本,植株由着生于根出条上的莲座状叶丛形成疏丛。根出条节间长2-3厘米,幼时枣红色,疏被短柔毛,老时深紫褐色,近于无毛。产于西藏南部(亚东、帕里)。分布于不丹、尼泊尔。 [1]
Herbs perennial, laxly cespitose. Shoots initially deep reddish brown, sparsely pubescent, becoming dark purple, glabrescent, internodes 2--3 cm. Leaves trimorphic. Outer leaves sessile, lanceolate, 2.5--4 mm, early deciduous, glabrous. Medial leaves yellowish green or brown, ligulate, 3--6 X 1--1.8 mm, thin leathery, ciliate, abaxially sparsely pubescent near apex, adaxially glabrous, apex obtuse.
Petiole of inner leaves slightly shorter to longer than leaf blade; leaf blade ovate-elliptic to suborbicular, 8--30 X 4--8 mm, sparsely pubescent, base abruptly constricted, apex obtuse to rounded. Leaves of sterile rosettes 4 or 5; petiole longer; leaf blade subrounded at apex. Scapes erect, 4--8 cm, sparsely pilose; umbels 4--8-flowered; bracts linear, 3--5 mm.
Pedicel 6--10 mm, pubescent. Calyx 2.5--3 mm, sparsely pubescent, parted nearly to middle; lobes ovate, densely ciliate, apex obtuse. Corolla pink, ca. 6 mm in diam.; lobes broadly obovate, margin entire. Fl. Jul. 2n = 20.
Androsace hookeriana Klatt in Linnaea 32: 293. t. 3. 1863; Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. 3: 499. 1882; R. Knuth in Engl. Pflanzenr. 22 (IV-237): 187. 1905, p. p.; S. Gould in Hara et Williams, Fl. Pl. Nepal 3: 63. 1982; C. M. Hu et Y. C. Yang in Act. Phytotax. Sin. 24: 221. 1984.