多花黄耆 |
中文学名:多花黄耆 拉丁学名:Astragalus floridus Bunge 界:植物界 门:被子植物门 纲:双子叶植物纲 亚 纲:原始花被亚纲 目:蔷薇目 亚 目:蔷薇亚目 科:豆科 亚 科:蝶形花亚科 族:山羊豆族·黄耆亚族 属:黄耆属 亚 属:黄耆亚属 组:膜荚组 命名者及年代:Bunge, 1869 |
多花黄耆(duō huā huáng qí,学名:Astragalus floridus Bunge)多年生草本。托叶离生。花黄色或紫红色,排成疏松的总状花序,具长总花梗;子房具柄。荚果果瓣膜质,两端尖,表面被棕色或黑色半开展或倒伏柔毛;果颈与萼筒近等长,种子3-5颗。花期7-8月,果期8-9月。生于海拔2600-4300米的高山草坡或灌丛下。分布于中国西北部和锡金。 [1]
多 年生草本,被黑色或白色长柔毛。
荚果纺缍形,长12-15毫米,宽约6毫米,两端尖,表面被棕色或黑色半开展或倒伏柔毛;果颈与萼筒近等长,1室;种子3-5颗。 花期7-8月,果期8-9月。 [2]
Astragalus floridus Benth. ex Bunge in Mem. Acad. Sci. St. Petersb. VII. 15 (1): 28. 1869; Baker, in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. 2: 127. 1867; Dunn in Journ. Linn. Soc. Bot. 39: 421. 1911; Simps. in Not. Roy. Bot. Card. Edinb. 12: 45. 1937-1938; 中国主要植物图说·豆科413. 图409. 1955; 西藏植物志2: 830. 1985. ——A. przewalskii? Hand. -Mazz. Symb. Sin. 7: 556. 1933, pro parte, non Bunge 1877.
Astragalus floridus Bentham ex Bunge (1869), not Scopoli (1787).
Plants 50-90 cm tall, with hairs 0.2-0.8(-1) mm. Stems at base up to 6 mm thick, with slender, non-flowering lateral branches out of most of leaf axils, loosely covered with as-cending, mostly black hairs. Leaves on main stem 5-9 cm; stip-ules on main stem linear-acute, 1-1.4 cm, white ciliate, those on lateral branches 4-5 mm; rachis slender, with ascending white hairs; leaflets in 10-15 pairs, very narrowly elliptic to narrowly elliptic, 10-17(-20) × 2-6 mm, abaxially rather densely ap-pressed white hairy, adaxially glabrous, apex acute; leaves and leaflets on lateral branches mostly distinctly smaller. Racemes densely many flowered, ovoid to capitate, later strongly elon-gated and in fruit up to more than 15 cm; peduncle 2-7 cm, loosely covered with ascending to spreading white and pre-dominantly black hairs; bracts whitish membranous, linear-acute, 3.5-6 mm, black ciliate. Calyx shortly tubular, 5-6 mm, strongly obliquely cut at mouth, in lower part loosely, toward teeth rather densely, covered with longer appressed black or white hairs, young inflorescences therefore white or sometimes black sericeous; teeth slightly unequal, 2 adaxial 1-2 mm, 3 abaxial 1.5-3 mm, sometimes all teeth nearly equal, subulate, 3-4 mm. Petals pale yellow or whitish, often purplish suffused; standard 12-13 × 4-5.5 mm, narrowly oblong-elliptic; wings 11-12 mm; keel 11-12 mm. Legumes with a stipe 4-5 mm, ellipsoid, 1-1.5 cm, 4-5 mm high and 2-3 mm wide, keeled ventrally and dorsally; valves covered with subappressed to ascending black and white hairs up to 1 mm.
Subalpine to alpine zones; 2700-5200 m. Gansu, Qinghai, Si-chuan, Xizang [Bhutan, India (Sikkim)].