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孙东亮 - 西安交大博士


外文名称;Sun DL



主要成就;申请"IDEAL算法数值求解流动传热问题计算软件 V1.0"软件著作权






1. Sun DL, Tao WQ. IDEAL- A fully implicit algorithm for coupling between velocity and pressure. The Korean Society of Computational Fluids Engineering (KSCFE), Seoul, Korea, 2008.

2. 孙东亮, 陶文铨. 一种精确的界面捕捉方法-VOSET. 计算流体力学方法在核反应堆热工水力和安全分析中的应用的学术交流会议,中国核动力研究设计院,成都,2008.


1. 陶文铨等. 传热与流动的多尺度数值模拟:方法与应用. 北京:科技出版社, 2008.(其中该著作中166-181页和350-362页的两处内容为本人完成.)


1. Sun DL, Qu ZG, He YL, Tao WQ. An efficient segregated algorithm for incompressible fluid flow and heat transfer problems - IDEAL (Inner Doubly Iterative Efficient Algorithm for Linked Equations) part I: Mathematical formulation and solution procedure. Numerical Heat Transfer PART B, 2008, 53(1): 1-17.

2. Sun DL, Qu ZG, He YL, Tao WQ. An efficient segregated algorithm for incompressible fluid flow and heat transfer problems - IDEAL (Inner Doubly Iterative Efficient Algorithm for Linked Equations) part II: Application Examples. Numerical Heat Transfer PART B, 2008, 53(1): 18-38.

3. Sun DL, Qu ZG, He YL, Tao WQ. Performance analysis of IDEAL algorithm for three-dimensional incompressible fluid flow and heat transfer problems. International Journal for Numerical Methdos in Fluids, 2009, DOI: 10.1002/fld.2004.

4. Sun DL, Qu ZG, He YL, Tao WQ. Implementation of an efficient segregated algorithm-IDEAL on a 3D collocated grid system. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2009, 54(6): 929-942.

5. Sun DL, Tao WQ. A coupled volume-of-fluid and level set (VOSET) method for computing incompressible two-phase flows. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Accepted.

6. Zhu CL, Liang H, Sun DL, Wang LB. Numerical study of interactions of vortices generated by vortex generators and their effects on heat transfer enhancement. Numerical Heat Transfer part A, 2006, 50(4), 353-368.

7. Song KW, Wang LB, Sun DL. Convective heat transfer and absolute vorticity flux along main flow in a channel formed by flat tube bank fins with vortex generators mounted on both fin surfaces, Journal of Enhanced Heat Tranfer, 2009, 16(2), 123-139.

8. Chang LM, Wang LB, Song KW, Sun DL, Fan JF. Numerical study of the relationship between heat transfer enhancement and absolute vorticity flux along main flow direction in a channel formed by a flat tube bank fin with vortex generators, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2009, 52(7-8), 1794-1801.

9. Chen YY, Song KW, Wang LB, Sun DL. Comparisons of Local Experimental Results with Numerical Results of Heat Transfer Enhancement of a Flat Tube Bank Fin with Vortex Generators. Numerical Heat Transfer Part A-Applications, 2009, 55(2), 144-162.

10. Wu ZG, Zhang JZ, Sun DL, Tao WQ. An efficient solver for the algebraic equations resulting form discretization of the governing equations for fluid flow and heat transfer. Numerical Heat Transfer Part B-Fundamentals, 2009, 56 (1), 58-74.


1. 孙东亮,屈治国,何雅玲,陶文铨.求解流动与传热问题的一种高效稳定的分离式算法-IDEAL.工程热物理学报,已接收.

2. 孙东亮,屈治国,何雅玲,陶文铨.基于三维同位网格的高效稳定的分离式算法-IDEAL.科学通报,2008,53(24):3014-3025.

3. 孙东亮,陶文铨.高密度和高粘度比率下气液两相流动的数值模拟.工程热物理学报,2007,28(4):667-669.

4. 孙东亮,陶文铨,王良璧.涡强化扁管管片散热器传热特性及场协同原理分析.工程热物理学报,2006, 27(2):325-327.

5. 孙东亮,樊菊芳,王良璧.内螺纹肋管内流动与传热的数值模拟.工程热物理学报, 26(3),483-485,2005.

6. 孙东亮,王良璧.含扭曲带管内流动与传热的数值模拟.化工学报,Vol. 55(9),pp. 1422-1427,2004.

7. 金巍巍,孙东亮,陶文铨,何雅玲.Krylov子空间法在SIMPLER算法中的求解性能分析.工程热物理学报,28(3),478-480,2007.

8. 史百战,孙东亮,王良璧.涡强化扁管管片散热器流动与传热的数值模拟.化工学报,Vol. 57(2),pp. 263-268,2006.

9. 樊菊芳,孙东亮,王良璧.扁管管片式散热器中马蹄形涡的数值模拟.工程热物理学报,Vol. 25(Suppl.),pp. 152-154,2004

10. 盈海,陶文铨,孙东亮,赵长颖.金属泡沫管内强制对流换热的数值模拟.西安交通大学学报,Vol. 42,pp. 261-264,2008


1. 申请了"IDEAL算法数值求解流动传热问题计算软件 V1.0"软件著作权;

2. 正在申请"一种精确的界面捕捉方法-VOSET"软件著作权。


  1. 孙东亮 , 机械工程学院