小叶对叶兰 |
中文名:小叶对叶兰 拉丁学名:Listera smithii Schltr. 界:植物界 门:被子植物门 纲:单子叶植物纲 目:微子目 科:兰科 属:鸟巢兰属 拼 音:xiǎo yè duì yè lán |
小叶对叶兰(xiǎo yè duì yè lán,学名 Neottia microphylla (S. C. Chen & Y. B. Luo) S. C. Chen,异名:Listera smithii Listera microphylla ),兰科,对叶兰属植物。产四川西北部(松潘)。生于海拔3900米的林下。该种唇瓣形状与三角叶对叶兰(L. deltoidea)十分相似;但后者叶片为正三角形,花序具10余朵花而不同。 [1]
Listera smithii Schltr. in Act. Hort. Gothob. 1: 144. 1924; S. Y. Hu in Quart. J. Taiwan Mus. 27(3-4): 430. 1974;横断山区维管植物2: 2549. 1994.
Basionym: Listera microphylla S. C. Chen & Y. B. Luo, Novon 12: 438. 2002.
Plants autotrophic, 5-11 cm tall. Rhizome with a very few elongate, filiform roots. Stem 0.6-2 cm, slender. Leaves 2, opposite, borne below middle of plant, sessile, orbicular-ovate, 0.6-0.8 × 0.7-0.9 cm, minutely glandular hairy on both surfaces, base broadly truncate, apex obtuse-acute. Peduncle 2.6-6 cm, glabrous, sometimes with 1 sterile bract; rachis 1.6-3 cm, sparsely pubescent, laxly 3- or 4-flowered; floral bracts subovate or ovate-lanceolate, 3-4 × ca. 2 mm, apex acute. Flowers resupinate, greenish white; pedicel arcuate, 1.5-2 mm, slender, glabrous; ovary ca. as long as pedicel, glabrous; sepals and petals not spreading. Dorsal sepal oblong-ovate, ca. 3.5 × 1.5 mm, 1-veined, apex obtuse; lateral sepals lanceolate-ovate, slightly oblique, similar in size to dorsal sepal, outer surface carinate. Petals oblong-ovate, slightly shorter and narrower than dorsal sepal; lip spreading forward, obovate-cuneate, 5-5.5 × ca. 3.5 mm, apex deeply 2-lobed; lobes broadly oblong, ca. 1.4 × 1.6 mm, 3-veined, apices obtuse; sinus with small tooth between lobes; disk with an indistinct ridge extending from base of lip and continuous with tooth in sinus. Column suberect, 1.5-2 mm; anther ca. 1 mm. Capsule erect, ellipsoid, ca. 3 × 2 mm. Fl. Oct. 2n = 40 + 0-2B*.
● Grassy slopes; ca. 2500 m. NW Yunnan.[2]
生长于海拔3900米的林下。 [3]