小花磨盘草 |
中文学名:小花磨盘草 界:植物界 门:被子植物门 Magnoliophyta 纲:双子叶植物纲 Magnoliopsida 目:锦葵目 Malvales 科:锦葵科 Malvaceae |
小花磨盘草,一年生成多年生、直立、分枝,亚灌木状草本,高0.5~2.5米,全部皆被灰色短柔毛。 [1]
小花磨盘草 直立草本,高2米,全株被灰色星状柔毛。叶圆心形,长5—10厘米,宽也近似,先端渐尖头,基部心形,边缘具不规则齿,近先端通常为3个齿牙状,两面均被细绒毛;叶柄与叶片近等长或较长,被细绒毛;托叶线形,长约5—6毫米。
Abutilon indicum (Linn.) Sweet var. forrestii (S. Y. Hu) Feng in昆明植物研究所, 云南植物志2: 206, 1979.——Abutilon forrestii S. , Y. Hu Fl. ChinaFamily 153: 34, Pl. 8-8, 17-2, 1955.
Basionym: Abutilon forrestii S. Y. Hu, Fl. China, Malvaceae [Fam. 153], 34. 1955; A. bidentatum Hochstetter ex A. Richard var. forrestii (S. Y. Hu) Abedin; A. indicum var. forrestii (S. Y. Hu) K. M. Feng.
Herbs to 2 m tall. Stipules 5-6 mm; petiole as long as leaf blade or slightly longer; leaf blade orbicular-cordate, often 3-toothed near apex, 5-10 cm in diam., both surfaces pubescent, margin irregularly dentate, apex acuminate. Calyx disk-shaped. Petals ca. 0.6 cm. Staminal column stellate puberulent.
● Grasslands, scrub-covered slopes in dry hot valley of Jinsha Jiang; 1000-1500 m. Sichuan, Yunnan.
This variety differs from the typical variety by the much smaller flowers and fruits and the shorter and more acute mericarp awns. These distinctions seem better defined than those between many of the accepted species.