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醫學生物信息學,圍繞着(1)心腦血管疾病、癌症、糖尿病等重大複雜疾病關鍵miRNA/lncRNA的計算機識別、(2)miRNA/lncRNA在疾病中調控規律的數據挖掘、(3)基於RNA的計算機輔助藥物研發等科學問題,在Nucleic Acids Research、Bioinformatics等雜誌發表第一作者(含共同)SCI論文7篇,通訊作者(含共同)SCI研究論文60篇,創建醫學生物信息學平台30餘個。他主持和參與了NSFC、科技部等課題10餘項。2014年獲得國家自然科學基金委優秀青年基金支持。已授權中國專利、國際專利和美國專利各1項。



1. Song F, Cui C, Gao L*, and Cui Q*. miES: predicting the essentiality of miRNAs with machine learning and sequence features. Bioinformatics. 2018 Aug 28.

2. Zhou Y*, Zeng P, Li Y, Zhang Z, Cui Q*. SRAMP: prediction of mammalian N6-methyladenosine (m6A) sites based on sequence-derived features. Nucleic Acids Res 2016 Jun 2;44(10):e91.

3. Wang J, Ma R, Ma W, Chen J, Yang J*, Xi Y*, Cui Q*. LncDisease: a sequence based bioinformatics tool for predicting lncRNA-disease associations. Nucleic Acids Res 2016 May 19;44(9):e90.

4. Li J*, Ma W, Zeng P, Wang J, Geng B, Yang J, and Cui Q*. LncTar: a tool for predicting the RNA targets of long noncoding RNAs. Briefings in Bioinformatics 2015 16(5):806-12.

5. Chen G, Wang Z, Wang D, Qiu C, Liu M, Chen X, Zhang Q, Yan G*, and Cui Q*. LncRNADisease: a database for long noncoding RNA associated diseases. Nucleic Acids Research. 41, 983-986, 2013. (SCI引用357次)

6. Chen G, Wang J*, and Cui Q*. Could circulating microRNAs contribute to cancer therapy. Trends in Molecular Medicine . 2013 19 (2), 71-73.

7. Wang D, Wang, J, Lu M, Song F, and Cui Q*. Inferring the human microRNA functional similarity and functional network based on microRNA-associated diseases. Bioinformatics 2010 26: 1644-1650. (SCI引用170次)

8. Lu M, Zhang Q, Deng M, Miao J, Guo Y, Gao W, Cui Q*. An analysis of human microRNA and disease associations. PLoS ONE. 2008;3(10):e3420. (SCI引用489次)

9. Cui Q, Ma Y, Jaramillo M, Bari H, Awan A, Yang S, Zhang S, Liu L, Lu M, O'Connor-McCourt M, Purisima EO, Wang E. A map of human cancer signaling. Mol Syst Biol 2007 3:152. (SCI引用191次)

10. Cui Q#, Yu Z#, Purisima EO, Wang E. Principles of microRNA regulation of a human cellular signaling network. Mol Syst Biol 2006 2:46. (SCI引用276次)[1]
