山東師範大學生物科學學士,美國伊利諾伊理工大學食品安全碩士,美國俄勒岡州立大學MBA, 俄勒岡州立大學戰略管理與創新創業博士。
Zhang, SC. Cho, SY., Arthurs, J. Who Shall Succeed? A Sheep or A Tiger? The Effects of Board of Directors Facial Masculinity on CEO Successors.
European Financial Management (ABS 3)
Conference Presentation
Zhang, SC. Cho, SY., Arthurs, J. Who Shall Succeed? The Effects of Board of Directors Facial Masculinity on CEO Successors.
Western Academy of Management, 2023, Reno, NV
Southwestern Academy of Management, 2023, Houston, TX
Zhang, SC. CEO masculinity, board vigilance, and acquisition premiums.
Western Academy of Management, 2023, Reno, NV
Southwestern Academy of Management, 2023, Houston, TX
Working Papers
Zhang, SC., Arthurs, J. Entrepreneurial orientation similarity, joint venture formation, and shareholder value creation. Stage: to be submitted. Target Journal: Entrepreneurship Theory, & Practice
Zhang, SC. Diverted Attention: The Effect of Corporate Social Responsibility on Product Recalls. Stage: manuscript preparation.[1]