戴宾,男, 武汉大学经济与管理学院教授。
硕士,工业工程及物流管理, 香港科技大学(2007—2009年)
管理学与工学双学士, 工业工程系, 西安交通大学 (2002—2007年)
[1] 第十四次“梁亮胜侨界科技奖励基金”,2021。
[2] 武汉大学351珞珈青年学者,2017-2020
[3] 武汉大学经济与管理学院第一届珞珈领秀人才计划,2016-2018
[4] 湖北省楚天学者计划,2014-2018
[5] 第十一届湖北省社会科学优秀成果奖二等奖,独作,2018
[6] 国家自然科学基金青年项目后评估“特优”,2019
[7] Featured Article(IIE Transactions亮点论文),Industrial Engineer Magazine, 2013
[8] Best Paper Prize, International Conference on Service Science and Service Management (ICSSSM17), 2017
[9] 武汉大学第十四届人文社会科学优秀成果著作一等奖,2017
[10] 武汉大学优秀教学研究论文二等奖,2017,一等奖2021.
[11] 武汉大学本科优秀教学业绩奖,2017,2020
[12] 湖北省优秀学士论文指导老师,2017
[13] 中国物流学术年会优秀论文一等奖、三等奖,2016
[14] 第九届中国管理学年会优秀论文,2014
[15] 深圳供电局有限公司2021年度管理创新奖三等奖,2021.
[16] 全国电力行业物资管理创新成果项目一等奖,2022
[1] 2017 POMS年会, 金融与供应链管理分会主席(Section Chair in Finance and Supply Chain Management)
[2] 武汉大学现代物流与供应链研究中心副主任
[3] 武汉大学柯力数字管理研究中心副主任
[4] 国家自然科学基金通讯评审专家、教育部CJ人才通讯评审专家、湖北省青拔人才评审专家
[5] POMS会员,INFORMS会员,中国物流学会特聘研究员
[8] 教育部高等学校物流管理与工程类专业教指委青年教师工作组副组长
[9] 中国自动化学会专业委员会SIG委员
[10] ISCOM企业委员会委员。
[1] Bin Dai, Minglu Wang, Jiannan Ke.(2023). Implications of Product Line Competition on Channel Matching Strategies in a Retail Platform. Naval Research Logistics. 70:145-164. (SSCI, 国际A-,物流管理领域国际顶刊)
[2] Bin Dai*, Yu Nu. (2020). Pricing and capacity allocation strategies: Implications for manufacturers with product sharing. Naval Research Logistics,67(3):201-222. (SSCI, 国际A-,物流管理领域国际顶刊)
[3] Xia Xie, Peng Hu, Jing Yu, Bin Dai* (2021). Impact of Capacity on the Supplier's Distribution Channel Selection in Facing a Retail Platform. Naval Research Logistics, 68:837-854. (SSCI, 国际A-,物流管理领域国际顶刊)
[4] James B.Dai, Q. Fu and Neville K.S.Lee. 2013. Beacon placement strategies in the ultrasonic positioning system. IIE Transactions, 45(5): 477-493.(SCI, 国际A-,工业工程国际顶级期刊)
[5] Bin Dai, Xi Yang, Chen Wang, Minglu Wang, Xia Xie*(2024). Channel Expansion Strategies in the Presence of Asymmetric Competitive Retail Platforms, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. 67:2951 - 2972 (SSCI, 国际B+, FMS国际A类期刊).
[6] Xia Xie, Bin Dai*, Yuwen Du, Chen Wang (2023). Contract design in a supply chain with product recall and demand uncertainty. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. 70(1):232-248. (SCI, 国际B+,FMS国际A类期刊)
[7] Bin Dai, Yu Nu, Xia, Xie, Jianbin Li*.(2021). Interactions of traceability and reliability optimization in a Competitive Supply Chain with product recall. European Journal of Operational Research. 290(01):116-131. (SSCI, 国际B+,FMS国际A类期刊)
[8] Bin Dai, Yuwen Du, Qingbei Yang, Xia Xie*.(2024).Implications of unobservable promotion on distribution channel strategies in a retail platform. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review. 187: 103502. Doi.org/10.1016/j.tre.2024.103502. (SSCI一区,FMS国际A类期刊)
[9] Xi Yang(博士), Bin Dai, Xia Xie*.(2024). Supplier encroachment strategies in a retail platform with strategic inventory holding behavior. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review. 187: 103582. Doi.org/10.1016/j.tre.2024.103582. (SSCI一区,FMS国际A类期刊)
[10] Ruotong Wang, Jianbin Li, Han Xu, Bin Dai*(2022). Optimal Sales Promotion in a Supply Chain Using Consignment Contract under Stochastic Demand, Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering. 31(4):414-436.(SCI)
[11] Jianbin Li, Yuting Zheng, Bin DAI*, Jiang Yu. (2020). Implications of matching and pricing strategies for multiple-delivery-points service in a freight O2O platform. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review. 136: 101871.(SSCI,FMS国际A类)
[12] Xueyuan CAI, Jianbin LI, Bin DAI*, Tai ZHOU. 2018. Pricing Strategies in a Supply Chain with Multi-Manufacturer and a Common Retailer Under Online Reviews, Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering, 27(4), 435-457.(SCI)
[13] James B.DAI, Lei FAN and Neville K.S.LEE, Jianbin LI*, 2017. Joint optimization of tracking capability and price in a supply chain with endogenous pricing, International Journal of Production Research, 55(18):5465-5484. (SCI,一区,FMS国际B类)
[14] Jianbin LI, Xiaoshuai FAN, James B.DAI*, 2017. Fairness of Extra-Gain Guilty in Performance of Supply Chain and Contract Design, Journal of System Science and Complexity, 30(4):866-882. (SCI)
[15] Jianbin LI, Rihuan HUANG, James B.DAI*, 2017. Joint Optimization of Order Picking and Picker Routing in the Online Retailer’s B2C Warehouse in China, International Journal of Production Research, 55(2):447-461.(SSCI, 一区,FMS国际B类)
[16] James B.DAI, Q. FU and Neville K.S.LEE. 2013. Effect of beacon orientation on beacon placement strategies in the ultrasonic positioning system. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 61(6):648-658. (SCI, B-,自动化国际A类期刊)
[17] James B.DAI and Neville K.S.LEE. 2012. Economic feasibility justification of flexible material handling systems: a case study in the apparel industry. International Journal of Production Economics, 136:28-36.(SCI, 一区)
[18] James B. DAI, Neville K. S. LEE, and W. S. CHEUNG. 2009. Performance analysis of flexible material handling systems for the apparel industry. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing and Technology, 44:1219–1229.(SCI, B-)
[19] 戴宾*、杨茜,重点产业链供应链安全风险特征识别与治理机制设计,珞珈管理评论,2023(01):1-10.
[20] 戴宾*、陈金枝、喻家乐,产品线竞争环境下的生产成本信息分享策略,管理工程学报,接受(中文权威期刊)。
[21] 戴宾、杜玉文、杨青蓓、张佳杰,考虑顾客转移的供应商侵入策略:独立站还是平台寄售。管理学报,接受(中文权威期刊)。
[22] 李建斌, 钱自顺, 蔡学媛,戴宾. 跨境电商下基于商品属性–情境的推荐算法. 系统工程学报。接受。(CSSCI)
[23] 李建斌、雷鸣颢、戴宾、蔡雪媛, 2022. 考虑促销因素的医药电商平台需求预测研究, 中国管理科学,DOI:10.16381/j.cnki.issn1003-207x.2021.2661. (中文权威期刊)
[24] 李建斌、蒙铭友、戴宾*, 2021. 电子商务环境下的存储策略优化研究:固定存储还是分类随机存储,中国管理科学,29(8):67-80。(中文权威期刊)
[25] 李建斌、梅启煌、张蕊、戴宾,2021,运单体积不确定对货运共享平台定价决策的影响研究,运筹与管理, 30(4):69-75。(基金委管理类A类期刊)
[26] 谢霞、戴宾*、曹乐艺,2021,双源采购还是单源采购:责任供应链下的战略采购模式分析. 管理工程学报,35(6):194-207。(中文权威期刊)
[27] 戴宾, 蔡莎莎, 张永喆*, 2021. 基于成本分担合约的装配供应链召回努力策略研究,工业工程与管理,26(06):129-137。(基金委管理类B类期刊)
[28] 戴宾,苏洋洋,李建斌*,2020. 产品召回供应链中线性保险合约与订货决策,管理工程学报,2:145-155。(中文权威期刊)
[29] 李建斌、周泰、徐礼平、戴宾,2020.货运O2O平台有时间窗同城零担集货匹配优化决策,系统工程理论和实践,04: 978-988。(中文奖励期刊)
[30] 戴宾、陈思淼、李建斌*,2020,考虑促销努力和生产努力的供应链召回努力策略研究,运筹与管理,06:19-32。(基金委管理类A类期刊)
[31] 蔡学媛,李建斌,戴宾*,李赟,2020,基于在线评论多个竞争制造商和零售商的产品优化定价策略,运筹与管理,04:187-194。(基金委管理类A类期刊)
[32] 李建斌,郑宇婷,戴宾*,2018. 基于品类管理和需求外生模型的医药电商网页空间优化策略,中国管理科学,5: 138-146。(中文权威期刊)
[33] 李建斌, 黄镇,管梦城,戴宾*, 2018, O2O模式下货运平台防欺诈系统的设计与应用, 工业工程与管理, 23(5):1-7。(基金委管理类B类期刊)
[34] 戴宾,皮莹莹,李建斌*,2017. 不同市场竞争环境下生产成本信息分享决策,系统工程理论与实践,37 (6) :1452-1466。(中文奖励期刊)
[35] 戴宾,王晶晶,李建斌*,2017. 责任供应链中的采购与市场定价策略决策,管理学报,14(8):1236-1243。(中文权威期刊)
[36] 戴宾*,苏洋洋,2017. 考虑产品召回的供应链保险合约与订货决策,系统工程,35(10):123-130.(基金委管理类B类期刊)
[37] 李建斌,朱梦萍,戴宾*,2016, 双向搭便车时双渠道供应链定价和销售努力决策,系统工程理论和实践,36(12):3046-3058。(中文奖励期刊)
[38] 李建斌,朱梦萍,戴宾*,2016,基于在线报价与固定价格的闭环供应链最优决策研究,中国管理科学,24(10):105-115。(中文权威期刊)
[39] 戴宾*,范雷,田颖, 2016,考虑供应断裂与产能恢复的多供应商-单制造商采购策略研究, 管理学报,13(12):1826-1833。(中文权威期刊)
[1]. Bin Dai, Yurong Liang, Tao Lu. April 28, 2024. Price and SR Certification Signalling in a Retail Platform. 2024 POMS Annual Conference. Minneapolis, Minnesota - 55403, United States.
[2]. Wang Minglu, Dai Bin, Ke Jiannan, August 10-12, 2021. Implications of product line competition on channel matching strategies in a retail platform, 2021 INFORMS Conference on Service Science, Zoom.
[3]. James B.DAI and Shimiao Chen, May 02-06, 2019. Contract Design in a supply chain with product recall, POMS 30th Annual Conference, Supply Chain Risk Management, Washington DC, USA.
[4]. Xie Xia and James B.DAI, May 02-06, 2019. The impact of competition on the optimal tracking capability under consumer preference, POMS 30th Annual Conference, Supply Chain Risk Management, Washington DC, USA.
[5]. James B.Dai and Yongzhe Zhang, May 5-8, 2018. The effect of cost sharing policy on tracking strategies in a supply chain with product recall, POMS 29th Annual Conference, Supply Chain Management, Houston, Texas, U.S.A.
[6]. James B.Dai and Xinyu Li, July 15-18, 2017. The effect of competition on tracking strategies in a supply chain with product recall, Chinese Scholars Association in Management Science and Engineering(CSAMSE17), Guangzhou, China.
[7]. Xia Xie, James B.Dai. June 16-18, 2017. The Effect of Tax Rate on Pricing and Bundling Strategy, International Conference on Service Science and Service Management (ICSSSM17), Dalian, China.
[8]. James B.Dai, Lei Fan, Neville K.S.Lee, Jianbin Li. May 5 - 8, 2017. Joint Optimization of Tracking Capability and Pricing Strategies in a Supply Chain with Endogenous Pricing, POMS 28th Annual Conference, Finance and Supply Chain Management, Seattle, Washington, U.S.A.
[9]. Jianbin Li, Tai Zhou, James B.Dai. May 5 - 8, 2017. Service Investment and Pricing Strategies of a Pharmaceutical Two-sided Market, POMS 28th Annual Conference, Healthcare Operation Management Session, Seattle, Washington, U.S.A.
[10]. Jianbin Li, Xueyuan Cai, James B.Dai. May 5 - 8, 2017. E-tailer Competition in Pharmaceutical Supply Chain: Pricing Strategies and Formulary Design in China, POMS 28th Annual Conference, Healthcare Operation Management Session, Seattle, Washington, U.S.A.
[11]. Jianbin Li, Xiaoshuai Fan, James B.Dai*. 2015. Fairness in performance of supply chain and contract design, 12th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management, ICSSSM 2015, July 28, 2015(EI).
[12]. Neville K.S.Lee and James B.Dai. 16, November, 2011. “Performance enhancement of the engineered particles for geoengineering”. INFORMS Annual Meeting Conference. Lifecycle Issues in Environmental Operations, Charlotte, NC, U.S.A.
[13]. James B,Dai and Neville Lee. 16, November, 2011. “Effect of beacon orientation on beacon placement strategies in the ultrasonic positioning system”. INFORMS Annual Meeting Conference. Analytics Tools for Logistics II, Charlotte, NC, U.S.A.
[14]. Neville K.S.Lee and James B.Dai. 10, November, 2010. “Design of solar radiation management by projecting man-made particles to counter global warming”. INFORMS Annual Meeting Conference, Environmental Operations Track, Austin, TX, U.S.A.
[15]. James B.Dai and Neville K.S.Lee. 10, November, 2010. “Performance analysis on introducing intercity high-speed railway system”. INFORMS Annual Meeting Conference, Environmental Operations Track, Austin, TX, U.S.A.
[16]. James B.Dai and Neville K.S.Lee. 13, October, 2009. “Sensor placement for implementing ultrasonic sensor network”. INFORMS Annual Meeting Conference, Logistics/Warehousing Track, San Diego, U.S.A.
[1] Neville K. S. Lee, James B. Dai. Chapter 11: Designing and Planning of Material Handling Systems for Mass Customization, Mass Customization – Springer Series in Advanced Manufacturing, Part III, 219-246, DOI: 10.1007/978-1-84996-489-0_11, 2011.
[2] 戴宾 主编,基于室内定位服务的弹性物料搬运系统设计研究,北京:科学出版社,2016.12。ISBN:978-7-03-050587-3.
[3] 戴宾,李建斌 主编。 基于产品追溯的召回供应链管理理论,北京:科学出版社,2022.12。ISBN 978-7-03-071524-1.
[1] 产能约束下考虑消费者策略行为的零售平台供应链渠道决策、产能分配及定价优化研究,2022-2025,国家自然科学基金面上项目(72171178),主持。
[2] O2O模式下即时配送服务运作管理的理论与方法,2019-2023,国家自然科学基金重点项目(71831007),子课题负责人。
[3] 大数据驱动的消费市场全景响应式营销管理与决策研究,2018-2022,国家自科基金重大研究计划的重点项目(91746206), 子课题负责人。
[4] 基于召回成本分享与供应链竞争的供应链追溯和定价策略研究, 2017-2020, 国家自然科学基金面上项目(71671133),主持(后评估优秀)。
[5] 不确定感应条件下的定位传感器布局问题研究,2014-2016,国家自然科学基金青年项目(71301122),主持(后评估特优,1%)。
[6] 基于产品召回的供应链追溯能力设计研究,2016-2017,湖北省软科学研究面上项目(2016ADC074),主持。
[7] 不确定感应条件下定位传感器鲁棒性布局问题研究,2014-2015,武汉大学校内项目,主持。
[8] 基于多目标优化的定位传感器布局问题研究,2016-2017,武汉大学自主项目,主持。
[1] 数字供应链管理研究,宁波柯力传感科技股份有限公司,2022-2023,主持。
[2] 基于大数据分析的物资采购策略分析模型研究及应用框架设计, 深圳供电局(南方电网),2019-2020,主持。
[3] 物联网产业与数字企业发展的理论与实践,宁波柯力传感科技股份有限公司, 2020-2021,主持。
[4] 沙洋县农村物流融合发展规划(2015年-2020年),(合作单位:华中科技大学、湖北省沙洋县物流发展局), 2015-2016,联合主持。
[5] 跨境电商供应链优化,卓志科技集团,2018-2023,联合主持。[1]