2009.9–2015.6 北京林业大学 自然保护区学 博士
2005.9–2009.6 北京林业大学 工商管理学 学士
2021.7至今 北京林业大学生态与自然保护学院 讲师
2018.12至今 东亚-澳大利西亚迁飞区伙伴关系协定(EAAFP)秘书处科学部主任
2015.7-2021.6 北京林业大学湿地生态学 博士后
国家重点研发项目课题:江湖关系变化胁迫下两湖水生态环境效应及适应性调控(2017YFC0405303)(2017-2021, 参与)
第二次青藏高原综合考察研究:重要野生水禽群落动态与栖息地保护(2019QZKK0304) (2019-2022, 参与)
黄渤海候鸟栖息地(第二期)申遗 (2020-2022,主要参加人)
东亚-澳大利西亚迁飞区保护地网络培训(2019-2020, 主持)
中华秋沙鸭越冬栖息地利用与东亚-澳大利西亚迁飞区保护策略 (2020-2021, 主持)
履行东亚-澳大利西亚迁飞区伙伴关系协定相关内容 (2021-2022, 主持)
Tian, H., D. Solovyeva, G. Danilov, S. Vartanyan, L. Wen, J. Lei, C. Lu, P. Bridgewater, G. Lei*, and Q. Zeng*. 2021. Combining modern tracking data and historical records improves understanding of the summer habitats of the Eastern Lesser White-fronted Goose Anser erythropus. Ecology and evolution, 2021, 11: 4126-4139.
Jia, Y., Q. Zeng, Y. Wang, N. Saintilan, G. Lei, and L. Wen. 2020. Processes shaping wintering waterbird communities in an intensive modified landscape: Neutral assembly with dispersal limitation and localized competition. Ecological Indicators 114:106330.
Zeng, Q., J. Reid, N. Saintilan, M. J. Colloff, G. Lei, and L. Wen. 2019. Contrasting diversity patterns of breeding Anatidae in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. Ecology and evolution 9:9990-10003.
Zeng, Q., Q. Wei, and G. Lei. 2018. Contribution of citizen science towards cryptic species census: “many eyes” define wintering range of the Scaly-sided Merganser in mainland China. Avian Research 9:6.
Lu, C., Y. Jia, L. Jing, Q. Zeng, J. Lei, S. Zhang, G. Lei, and L. Wen. 2018. Shifts in river-floodplain relationship reveal the impacts of river regulation: a case study of Dongting Lake in China. Journal of Hydrology 559:932-941.
Zeng, Q. #, Y. Zhang#, L. Wen, Z. Li, H. Duo, and G. Lei. 2017. Productivity benefits of warming at regional scale could be offset by detrimental impacts on site level hydrology. Scientific Reports 7:15144.
Zeng, Q., C. Lu, G. Li, Z. Guo, L. Wen, and G. Lei. 2018. Impact of a dam on wintering waterbirds’ habitat use. Environmental Conservation 45:307 - 314.
Shengwu, J., Z. Qing, S. Gongqi, and L. Guangchun. 2016. Improving conservation of cranes by modeling potential wintering distributions in China. Journal of Resources and Ecology 7:44-50.
Zeng, Q., L. Shi, L. Wen, J. Chen, H. Duo, and G. Lei. 2015. Gravel Bars Can Be Critical for Biodiversity Conservation: A Case Study on Scaly-Sided Merganser in South China. PLoS ONE 10:e0127387.
Zeng, Q., Y. Zhang, G. Sun, H. Duo, L. Wen, and G. Lei. 2015. Using Species Distribution Model to Estimate the Wintering Population Size of the Endangered Scaly-Sided Merganser in China. PLoS ONE 10:e0117307.
Zeng, Q., Y. Zhang, Y. Jia, S. Jiao, D. Feng, P. Bridgewater, and G. Lei. 2012. Zoning for management in wetland nature reserves: a case study using Wuliangsuhai Nature Reserve, China. SpringerPlus 1:23.
曾晴,雷光春.南山国家公园体制试点建设经验.生物多样性,2021, 29:319-320.
吕偲,曾晴,雷光春.基于生态系统服务的保护地分类体系构建. 中国园林, 2017:19-23.
李扎西姐,曾晴,何玉邦,朵海瑞,文力,雷光春.青海湖蛋岛斑头雁产卵及孵化日期对气温和归一化植被指数的响应模型.湿地科学, 2017,15:369-374.
雷光春,曾晴.世界自然保护的发展趋势对我国国家公园体制建设的启示. 生物多样性, 2014, 22:423-424.
世界瑰宝:奇妙盐城黄海湿地. 中国科学技术出版社, 2020.(主编)
中国鹤. 邮电出版社, 2021.(译著)
中国生物多样性红色名录脊椎动物(第二卷):鸟类. 科学出版社, 2021. (译著)
中国野生动物. 中国林业出版社, 中国海关出版社, 2022.(参编)
中国湿地保护管理. 科学出版社, 2019. (参编)