朝鲜老鹳草 |
中文学名:朝鲜老鹳草 拉丁学名:Geranium koreanum Kom. 界:植物界 门:被子植物门 纲:双子叶植物纲 亚 纲:原始花被亚纲 目:牻牛儿苗目 科:牻牛儿苗科 属:老鹳草属 种:朝鲜老鹳草 组:沼生组 |
朝鲜老鹳草(cháo xiān lǎo guàn cǎo,学名:Geranium koreanum)是牻牛儿苗科老鹳草属的植物。分布在朝鲜、俄罗斯远东地区以及中国大陆的辽宁等地,生长于海拔500米至800米的地区,常生长在山地阔叶林下或草甸,目前尚未由人工引种栽培。 [1]
蒴果具短毛,长约2厘米,种子近平滑。 [2]
Geranium koreanum Kom. in Act. Hort. Petrop. 18: 34. 1901, Kom. Fl. Marsh.2 (2): 652. 1904; R. Knuth in Engl. Pflanzenr. Heft 53. 4 (129): 142. 1912; Ohwi. Fl. Jap. 704. 1956, 东北草本植物志 6: 15. 1977; Kitag. Lineam. Fl. Mansh. 418. 1979. ——G. tsingtauense Yabe. Prelim. Rep. Fl. Tsingtau-Reg. 70. 1918. syn. nov. 中国高等植物图鉴2: 527. 图2784. 1972. ——G. lauschanense R. Knuth in Fedde Repert. Sp. Nov. 28: 6. 1930. syn. nov.
Perennials. Rootstock ± vertical, 0.8-1.5 cm in diam., not tuberculate, with thickened roots along rootstock. Stem 30-87 cm tall, erect, not rooting at nodes, with 0.1-1.8 mm retrorse appressed or patent nonglandular trichomes. Stipules broadly ovate, usually connate. Leaves opposite; petiole with 0.2-1.7 mm retrorse appressed or patent nonglandular trichomes; leaf blade 6.3-9.9 cm, palmately cleft, ratio of main sinus/middle segment length = 0.65-0.81, pilose with appressed nonglandular trichomes; segments 5, rhombic, 1.1-2.6 cm wide at base, 8-14-lobed in distal half, ratio of second sinus/middle segment length = (0.08-)0.13-0.15(-0.21). Cymules solitary, 2-flowered; peduncle 2.5-10.3 cm. Pedicel 1.4-3.5 cm, with 0.1-0.6 mm retrorse appressed or patent nonglandular trichomes; bracteoles lanceolate. Sepals 7.4-10.9 mm, mucro 1.3-3.8 mm, ratio of mucro/sepal length = 0.15-0.38, outside with 0.1-0.9 mm antrorse ± appressed nonglandular trichomes, inside glabrous. Petals bright pink, (1.2-)1.3-1.6(-2.1) cm, erect to patent, outside basally with trichomes, inside basal ca. third with trichomes, margin basally ciliate, apex rounded. Staminal filaments pinkish, lanceolate, base slightly dilated, almost glabrous but with scattered 0.1-0.4 mm trichomes; anthers bluish, 1.9-2.8 mm. Nectaries 5, hemispheric, abaxially glabrous, apex with a tuft of trichomes. Stigma dull red. Fruit 2.7-3 cm, erect when immature; mericarps smooth, with a basal callus, with 0.2-0.4 mm ± patent nonglandular trichomes and apically rarely with 0.6-0.8 mm patent glandular trichomes; rostrum 1.7-1.8 cm, with a 2.3-3.3 mm narrowed apex; stigmatic remains 5-6.3 mm. Seeds 2.6-2.9 mm. Fl. Jul-Aug, fr. Aug-Sep. 2n = 28.