

事實揭露 揭密真相
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擔任安徽省社會心理學會理事,及Science of the Total Environment、energy & environment等期刊匿名審稿人。






[1] 主持國家社會科學基金青年項目,項目編號17CGL046.

[2] 主持合肥工業大學哲學社會科學培育計劃智庫項目,項目編號JS2019HGXJ0035.

[3] 主持合肥工業大學哲學社會科學培育計劃項目,項目編號JS2017HGXJ0046.

[4] 主持合肥工業大學博士學位人員專項資助基金項目,項目編號JZ2017HGBZ0953.

[5] 參與教育部示範優秀教學科研團隊建設項目(重點選題).

[6] 參與國家自然科學基金面上項目,項目編號71373250.

[7] 參與國家自然科學基金青年項目,項目編號61004108.



[1] 朱葦葦,王峰,黃志斌.重要他人理論視角下大學生思想政治理論課認同的影響因素及提升對策研究[J].思想教育研究,2019(10):113-117.

[2] Weiwei Zhu, Jiuchang Wei, Dingtao Zhao. (2016). Anti-nuclear behavioral intentions: The role of perceived knowledge, information processing, and risk perception. Energy Policy, 88, 168-177.

[3] Jiuchang Wei, Weiwei Zhu*, Dora Marinova, Fei Wang. (2017). Household adoption of smog protective behavior: a comparison between two Chinese cities. Journal of Risk Research, 20(7), 846-867.

[4] Weiwei Zhu*, Nengzhi Yao. (2019). Public risk perception and intention to take actions on city smog in China. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal, 25(6), 1531-1546.

[5] Weiwei Zhu, Nengzhi Yao, Jing Yan. (2018). Exploring the determinants of disaster coverage: Evidence from coal mine disasters coverage in China. International journal of disaster risk reduction, 31, 856-861.

[6] Weiwei Zhu, Shanshan Lu, Zhibin Huang, Jing Zeng, Jiuchang Wei. (2020). Study on public acceptance of nuclear power plants: Evidence from China. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment, 26(4), 873-889.

[7] Weiwei Zhu, Nengzhi Yao, Ma Ben, Fangbin Wang. (2018). Consumers』 risk perception, information seeking, and intention to purchase genetically modified food: An empirical study in China. British Food Journal, 120(9), 2182-2194.

[8] Weiwei Zhu, Nengzhi Yao, Qiaozhe Guo, Fangbin Wang (2020). Public risk perception and willingness to mitigate climate change: city smog as an example. Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 42(3), 881-893.

[9] Shanshan Lu, Weiwei Zhu*, Jiuchang Wei. (2020). Assessing the impacts of tourism events on city development in China: a perspective of event system. Current Issues in Tourism, 23(12), 1528-1541.

[10] Shanshan Lu, Weiwei Zhu*, Jiuchang Wei. (2020). The relationships of communication intensity, ceo commitment, cause fit and media reputation: evidence from Chinese marathon title sponsors. International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship, ahead-of-print(ahead-of-print).[1]
