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Personal profile:
Hui Li was a Professor of Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School. He received his B.Eng. and M.S. degrees from School of Information Eng., Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, in 1986 and 1989 respectively, and Ph.D. degree from the Dept. of Information Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2000. He was Director of Shenzhen Key Lab of Information theory & Future Internet architecture, Director of PKU Lab of CENI (China Environment for Network Innovations), National Major Research Infrastructure. He proposed the first co-governing future networking “MIN” based on blockchain technology and implemented its prototype on Operator’s Network in the world,and this project “MIN: Co-Governing Multi-Identifier Network Architecture and Its Prototype on Operator’s Network” was obtained the award of World Leading Internet Scientific and Technological Achievements by the 6th World Internet Conference on 2019, Wuzhen, China. The first English monograph by theme of “Cyberspace UN” has been published by Springer Publisher withtitle《Co-governed Sovereignty Network: Legal Basis and Its Prototype & Applications with MIN Architecture》. His research interests include network architecture, cyberspace security, distributed storage, and blockchain. As the first author, He has published three Monographs with field on Future network architecture, Consensus Algorithms on Blockchain, Distributed storage theory and system in Chinese.
Academic and Professional Qualifications:
¨ Director of ShenzhenCity Key Lab of Information theory & Future Internet architecture
¨ Director of Peking University Lab of China Environment for Network Innovations (CENI), National Major Research Infrastructure
¨ Director of Network Media Broadcasting Key Lab, jointed with Shenzhen City Media Group Co. Limited.
¨ Director of IEEE Blockchain Shenzhen Expert Committee
¨ PhD, Dept. of Information Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2000
¨ MS, School of Information Eng., Tsinghua University, 1989
¨ BE, School of Information Eng., Tsinghua University, 1986
Employment History:
¨ Professor, Shenzhen Graduate School, Peking University, 2003.12 ~ present
¨ Adjunct Professor, Peng Cheng Laboratory, the National Lab of China in Network Communications;
¨ Director, Shenzhen Key Laboratory of EDA and Network, Shenzhen Tsinghua Institution, 2002.5 ~ 2003.11
¨ Director, TeraPower Limited (HongKong), 2000.5 ~ 2002.4
¨ Lecturer, Shenzhen University, 1993.5 ~ 1996.12
¨ R&D engineer and project manager, China Software Corporation, 1989.7 ~ 1993.4
Professional Services:
¨ IEEE Spectrum, Editorial Committee Member, 2017.12 ~ 2019.12
¨ 9rd International Workshop on Distributed Storage and Blockchain Technologies for Big Data at the IEEE International Conference on Big Data 2021, Co-Chair
¨ 8th International Workshop on Distributed Storage and Blockchain Technologies for Big Data at the IEEE International Conference on Big Data 2020, Co-Chair
¨ 7th International Workshop on Distributed Storage and Blockchain Technologies for Big Data at the IEEE International Conference on Big Data 2019, Co-Chair
¨ 6th Workshop on Distributed Storage Systems and Coding for Big Data at the IEEE International Conference on Big Data 2018, Co-Chair
¨ 5th Workshop on Distributed Storage Systems and Coding for Big Data at the IEEE International Conference on Big Data 2017, Co-Chair
¨ 4th Workshop on Distributed Storage Systems and Coding for Big Data at the IEEE International Conference on Big Data 2016, Co-Chair
¨ 3rd Workshop on Distributed Storage Systems and Coding for Big Data at the IEEE International Conference on Big Data 2015, Co-Chair
¨ 2nd Workshop on Distributed Storage Systems and Coding for Big Data at the IEEE International Conference on Big Data 2014, Co-Chair
¨ 1st Workshop on Distributed Storage Systems and Coding for Big Data at the IEEE International Conference on Big Data 2013, Co-Chair
¨ ICEBE 2014, International Conference on e-Business Engineering, Vice Chair
¨ The Second ASE International Conference on Big Data Science and Computing, BigDataScience, Stanford, CA, USA, May 27- 31, 2014, Workshop Co-Chair.
¨ IEEE NetCod 2011, Member of TPC
¨ IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Reviewer
¨ IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, Reviewer
¨ IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing, Reviewer
¨ IEEE Transactions on Communications, Reviewer
¨ IEEE Access, Reviewer
¨Hui Li, "MIN: Co-Governing Multi-Identifier Network Architecture and Its Prototype on Operator’s Network", World Leading Internet Scientific and Technological Achievements by the 6th World Internet Conference on 2019, WuZhen, China.
¨Hui Li,"Key technology and application of Strong Consistency Carrier-class distributed Database", Second Prize of Shenzhen Science and Technology Progress in 2018.
¨Hui Li,Science Chinese person of the Year 2017, China Association for Science and Technology
Representative Research Projects and Grants (recent 5 years):
¨ National Keystone R&D Program of China, Cyber Security Key Project, Research on the technology mechanism of mimic defense in Cyberspace (2016YFB0800100), Basic Theory of Mimicry defense, (2016YFB0800101), subject investigator.
¨ National Keystone R&D Program of China, Cyber Security Key Project, Research and Development of advanced defense equipment and system (2017YFB0803204) in the new situation of network infrastructure protection technology (2017YFB0803200), subject investigator.
¨ National Natural Science Foundation of China, "Research on efficient distributed storage Coding based on Combination Design", Principal Investigator, No.61671001, 2017.1-2020.12
¨ Basic Research Project of Shenzhen city of China, "Research on Generation, Translation, Forwarding and Management Algorithm of Multi-Identifier Network", Principal Investigator, JCYJ20190808155607340, 2019.
¨ Basic Research Project of Shenzhen city of China, "Research on Erasure Code Technology based on Composite Design", Principal Investigator, JCYJ20170306092030521, 2017.
Granted USA Patents:
1.Hui Li, J.X WU, Xin YANG, P.Yin, BobLI, "Anti-attacking modelling for CMD systems based on GSPN and Martingale theory", U.S. patent No. 10,440,048B1,2019.10.8
2.Hui Li, JiangxingWU,Kejiao Li, Shisheng CHEN,Yunyong ZHANG,Yongle Chen, Jiawei Cai, Peng Yi, Zhihao Huang, Beini Zhou, XinLi, and Jiayang Zhang, "Determining Consensus in a Decentralized Domain Name System", U.S. patent No. 10382388 B2,2019.08.13
3.Hui Li, Xiangui Wang, Zhili Lin, Jiangxing, Wu Xueming Si, Kedan Li, Xin Yang, Han Wang, "System and Methods for Managing Top-level Donain Names Using consortium Blockchain", U.S. patent No. 10178069B2, 2019.1.8
4.Hui Li, Hanxu Hou, Bin Zhu, "The construction of MBR (minimum bandwidth regenerating) codes and a method to repair the storage nodes", U.S. patent No. 9722637 B2, 2017.8.1
5.Hui Li, Hanxu Hou, Bin Zhu, "Method for encoding MSR (minimum-storage regenerating) codes and repairing storage nodes", U.S. patent No. 9647698 B2, 2017.5.9
6.Hui Li, XianxiaHuang, hanxu Hou, "A Data Storage Method, Device and Distributed Network Storage", U.S. patent No. 9,961,142 B2, 2018.5.1
7.Hui Li, SiCong Song, "A self-adaptive network control transmission method and system based on TCP”U.S. patent No. 9553956 B2, 2017.1.24
8.Hui Li, Wei He, Shuo-yen Robert Li, "A Load-Balancing Structure for Packet Switches and Its Constructing Method", U.S. patent No. 8902887B2, 2014.12.02.
Representative Books and Chapters:
1.Hui Li, Xin Yang, "Co-governed Sovereignty Network: Legal Basis and Its Prototype & Applications with MIN Architecture", Springer Publisher 2021.7
2.Hui Li, Xin Yang, Jiuhua Qi, “Co-governed of Sovereignty Network: Legal Basis and a Prototype with Multi-ldentifier Network Architecture" (Chinese version, Tsinghua University Press, 2020)
3.Hui Li, Han Wang, "Principle and Application of Blockchain Consensus Algorithm -- Taking Multi-ldentifier Network as an Example" (Chinese version, China Science Press, 2019)
4.Hui Li, Hanxu Hou, "Distributed Storage Coding and Systems" (Chinese version, China Science Press, 2016)
5.H. Li, K. Pan, and S.-Y. R. Li, “Toward a loss-free packet transmission via network coding,” in the book “Network Coding at Different Layers in Wireless Networks”, Chapter 4, Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016.
6.Hui Li, Xi Chen, "SystemC electronic system-level design" (Chinese version, China Science Press, 2010)
7. S.-Y. R. Li andH. Li, "Layout complexity of bit-permuting exchange in multi-stage interconnection networks, published in the book "Switching Networks: Recent Advances" edited by Ding-Zhu Du and Hung Q. Ngo, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, pp.259-276, 2001.
Representative Journal Papers:
Note: The first authors of these following papers were doctoral students of Professor Hui Li, and Professor Hui Li was the corresponding author.
¨ Yunmin WANG, Hui LI,Ting Huang,Xinchun ZHANG,Yongjie BAI;Scalable Identifier System for Industrial Internet Based on Multi-Identifier Network Architecture;IEEE Internet of Things Journal,Special Issue,On Dec,2021;
¨ Yunmin WANG, Hui LI;Scalable Name Identifier Lookup for Industrial Internet ;Elsevier,Computer Communications; 2022;
¨ Wenjun Li, Tong Yang, Ori Rottenstreich, Xianfeng Li, Gaogang Xie,Hui Li, Balajee Vamanan, Dagang Li and Huiping Lin, “Tuple Space Assisted Packet Classification with High Performance on Both Search and Update,” IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 2020. (Volume: 38, Issue: 7, July 2020), Page(s): 1555–1569, (SCI JCR Q1, IF: 9.302)
¨ Wenjun Li,Dagang Li,Xinwei Liu,Ting Huang,Xianfeng Li,Wenxia Le,Hui Li;A power-saving pre-classifier for TCAM-based IP lookup,Volume 164,9 December, 2019,Computer Networks
¨ Hanxu Hou,Yunghsiang S. Han, Kenneth W. Shum , andHui Li,“A Unified Form of EVENODD and RDP Codes and Their Efficient Decoding”,IEEE Trans.on Communications, 2018.Nov.
¨ Bing Zhu, Kenneth W. Shum, andHui Li, "On the Duality and File Size Hierarchy of Fractional Repetition Codes," The Computer Journal, Aug. 2018.
¨ Huanyu Zhang,Hui Li,S.Y. Robert Li,Repair Tree: Fast Repair for Single Failure in Erasure-coded Distributed Storage Systems;IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, VOL. 28, NO. 6, pp 1728—1739, June 2017
¨ Fuxing Chen,Hui Li, Xuesong Tan, Shuo-yen R. Li , “Multicast Switching Fabric Based on Network Coding and Algebraic Switching Theory”, IEEE Transactions on Communications, VOL. 64, NO. 7, JULY 2016,p2999-2011.
¨ Hanxu Hou,Kenneth W. Shum,Minghua Chen,Hui Li,“BASIC Codes Low-Complexity Regenerating Codes for Distributed Storage Systems,IEEE Transactions on Information Theory. VOL. 62, NO. 6, JUNE 2016, pp3053-3069
¨ Hanxu Hou,Kenneth W. Shum,Hui Li;“On the MDS Condition of Blaum-Bruck-Vardy Codes with Large Number Parity Columns”, IEEE Communications Letters, vol.20, no.4, p644-647,april 2016
¨ Bing Zhu, Kenneth K. Shum,Hui Li,Heterogeneity-Aware Codes with Uncoded Repair for Distributed Storage Systems,IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 19, No6,P901-904,June,2015.
¨ Bing Zhu, Kenneth K. Shum,Hui Liand Hanxu Hou, "General Fractional Repetition Codes for Distributed Storage Systems," IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 18, no. 4, pp. 660-663, Apr. 2014.
Representative Conference Papers:
Note: The first authors of these following papers were doctoral and master students of Professor Hui Li, and Professor Hui Li was the corresponding author.
¨ Wenjun Li, Xianfeng Li, Hui Li and Gaogang Xie, “CutSplit: A Decision-Tree Combining Cutting and Splitting for Scalable Packet Classification,” IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), 2018,May,Honolulu,USA.
¨ Bing Zhu, Kenneth W. Shum, Hui Li, and Weiping Wang, "On the Optimal Reconstruction Degree of Fractional Repetition Codes," IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), Paris, France, Jul. 2019.
¨ Wenjun Li, Xianfeng Li andHui Li, “MEET-IP: Memory and Energy Efficient TCAM-based IP Lookup,” In International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN), 2017.
¨ Xin Yang,Hui Li,Han Wang,“NPM: An Anti-attacking Analysis Model of the MTD System Based on Martingale Theory”,IEEE symposium on Computers and Communications( ISCC 2018),June 25-28, Natal, Brazil
¨ Beini Zhou, Hui Li and Li Xu; An Authentication Scheme Using Identity-based Encryption & Blockchain,2018 IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC)
¨ Kejiao Li,Hui Li, Hanxu Hou, Kedan Li and Yongle Chen, “Proof of Vote: A High-performance Consensus Protocol Based on Vote Mechanism & Consortium Blockchain”, The 19th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC 2017), December 18-20, 2017.
¨ Xiangui Wang, Kedan Li,Hui Li,“ConsortiumDNS: A Distributed Domain Name Service Based on Consortium Chain. The 19th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC 2017), December 18-20, 2017.
¨ Fuxing Chen,Hui Li,Weiyang Liu, Shuo-yen Li, “LB-MSNC: A Load-balanced Multicast Switching Fabric with Network Coding”,IEEE ICC 2015 8-12,June,Landon;
¨ K. Pan, W. Liu,H. Liand S.-Y. R. Li, “Towards Minimizing the Within-Packet Redundancy in Wireless Network Coding,” Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 2015.
¨ Huayu Zhang,Hui Li, Bing Zhu and Jun Chen, "Fast Repair for Single Failure in Erasure coded Distributed Storage Systems" (Short paper), IEEE Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS'14), Nara, Japan, Oct. 2014.
¨ Hanxu Hou,Kenneth W. Shum, M.Chen andHui Li,“ New MDS Array Code Correcting Multiple Disk Failures”,IEEE GlobeCom 2014, Dec.8-12.
¨ Wei Wang, Peng XU,Hui LI, A Secure Synchronized Reading System over Time-Critical Online Contests, IEEE ICC 2014; 10-14 June 2014, Sydney
¨ Bing Zhu, Kenneth W. Shum,Hui Liand S.-Y. Robert Li, "On Low Repair Complexity Storage Codes via Group Divisible Designs," IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC'14), Madeira, Portugal, Jun. 2014.
¨Weiyang Liu, Yandong Wen,Hui Liand Bing Zhu, "Dictionary Construction for Sparse Representation Classification: A Novel Cluster-based Approach," 19th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC'14), Madeira, Portugal, Jun. 2014.
¨ Hanxu Hou, Kenneth W. Shum, Minghua Chen andHui Li,“BASIC Regenerating Code: Binary Addition and Shift for Exact Repair”,IEEE ISIT 2013.
¨ Hanxu Hou,Hui Li, Kenneth W Shum,"General Self-repairing Codes for Distributed Storage Systems", IEEE ICC 2013
1. 国家重大科技基础设施——未来网络北大实验室(CENI-PKUSZ)主任
2. 深圳市信息论与未来网络体系重点实验室主任
3. 拟态技术与产业创新同盟(工信部主管,网络安全专业)副理事长
4. IEEE区块链技术深圳专委会主席
5. 中国计算机学会(CCF)区块链专委会成员
6. 广东省大数据标准专委会教育组组长
7. 广东省计算机学会大数据专委会副主任
8. 广东省云计算行业协会副会长
9. 广东省粤教云计划总体组专家
10. 深圳市融合网络播控技术工程实验室主任
1. 在国际上首先提出突破IP单一标识瓶颈的多边共管多标识网络体系MIN,并在北京、广东、香港、澳门四地12个IDC的商用网络上展开了大规模部署验证和功能测试并验证成功。2019年,项目“MIN:多边共管的多标识网络体系及其在运营商网络上的原型实现”入选第6届乌镇世界互联网大会领先技术成果。
2. 2021年,经过全军装备大数据建设应用专业组综合评定,基于MIN的高安全专网及拟态分布式存储系统入选首届“装备大数据论坛”优秀成果展示(全国仅24个单位)。
3. 2020年,MIN成为国家工业互联网创新发展工程——基于新型网络标识技术的根服务系统项目的技术路线,帮助主管部门全程完成标书指南准备,并联合国家数字程控工程技术、之江实验室、紫金山实验室等23家单位共同参与投标申报。
4. 提出多边共管主权互联网的概念并进行系统研发,国际上第一本多边共管主权互联网专著《多边共管的主权互联网法理依据及其架构体系和原型导论》于2020年8月由清华出版社出版,其英文版《Co-governed Sovereignty Network: Legal Basis and Its Prototype & Applications with MIN Architecture》于2021年7月由德国Springer出版。
5. 在区块链共识算法及应用的研究国际领先,在国际首先提出了用于联盟链的投票共识算法(Proof of Vote)及基于信任的共识算法(Consensus of Trust),系统地解决了超大规模高通量联盟链的CAP三难困境,已授权的2项美国专利是中国最早在美国获批的区块链相关专利,及5项相关回国专利。代表性专著《区块链的共识算法原理及应用——以多标识网络体系管理系统为例》由科学出版社于2019年12月出版。
6. 在分布式大数据云存储的理论研究及系统研发方面国际领先,成果被IEEE Spectrum《科技纵览》系列跟踪报道。提出的基于G(2)域的RS纠删码达到理论上最优,是目前业内最优的编码。提出的基于G(2)域的再生码(RGC)BMBR/BMSR是计算复杂度最优的RGC,使得RGC达到实用的程度,已经获美国专利授权专利3项,并收录成为维基百科和百度百科的学科词条。
7. 最早把随机过程鞅的理论应用到网络抗攻击量化安全分析模型中,实现动态量化统一分析,获得美国专利1项
8. 提出自适应的网络编码理论与网络传输控制结合的协议NC-TCP,获得美国专利授权。
9. 提出结合非欧几何的支持天地一体化的双曲路由模型和算法,获得中国专利授权。 ==
获奖情况 1. 2019年,“MIN:多边共管的多标识网络体系及其在运营商网络上的原型实现”(MIN: Co-Governing Multi-Identifier Network Architecture and Its Prototype on Operator's Network)入选第6届乌镇世界互联网大会领先科技成果。
2. 2018年,项目“强一致电信级分布式数据库关键技术及应用”获深圳市科技进步二等奖,第2个人排名。
3. 《科学中国人》2017年度人物奖获得者。
1. 《人民日报》的网络媒体人民周刊2022.01.07日以”探路网络世界共同体走多边共管主权独立之道”(https://www.peopleweekly.cn/html/2022/kexue_0107/107344.html?bsh_bid=5667532498)。
2. 中国科协的《科学中国人》微信公众号2019-4-12,“李挥:推动互联网多边共管共治的‘中国主张’”,,https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/exDzX9X-hxutxI9HKXCzXw
3. 2019-07-03,“多模态网络标识域名生成管理解析系统”,广东省新一代通信与网络创新研究院,http://www.gdcni.cn/projectDetails?id=20;
4. 2019-06-04,“主权网建设学术研讨会在北京召开”,中央台朝闻天下频道,http://www.zwtxxnews.com/html/finance/20190604/4660550797688948071.shtml
5. 2017-10-15,“永葆激情力攀网络空间科技高峰——记北京大学信息工程学院教授李挥”,中国科协科学中国人,https://www.cnki.com.cn/Article/CJFDTotal-KXZG201728021.htm
6. 2019-04-01,“中国信通院推动粤港澳互联互通网络基础设施建设多方联合开展多边共治标识解析体系研究”,深圳之窗,https://city.shenchuang.com/city/20190401/1487839.shtml
7. 2019-07-05,“CNNIC召开前沿技术与自主创新论坛”,中央网信办,http://www.cnnic.cn/gywm/xwzx/rdxw/20172017_7056/201907/t20190705_70743.htm
8. 2019-07-22,“‘新型标识体系’专题研讨会在中国信通院举办”,中国信息通信研究院,https://www.163.com/dy/article/EKN3UOSC05149RFA.html;
9. 微信公众号讲义君 在 “计算机科学讲义2021.7.29新书介绍中推荐了《Co-governed Sovereignty Network》Springer出版一书。
1. 1981.09-1986.07,清华大学信息工程学院,工学学士
2. 1986.09-1989.06,清华大学信息工程学院,工学硕士
3. 1997.01-2000.05,香港中文大学信息工程系,博士
● 博士期间师从网络编码理论发明人、香农第三代传人李硕彦教授(https://www.ie.cuhk.edu.hk/people/bobli.shtml),博士论文“On the Complexity of Concentrators and Multi-stage Interconnection Networks in Switching Systems”获香港中文大学年度最佳工程博士论文提名奖。
1. 2003.12至今,北京大学深圳研究生院信息工程学院,教授、博导
2. 2002.05-2003.11,深圳清华大学研究院深圳市EDA及网络重点实验室,主任
3. 2000.05-2002.04,美国TeraPower Limited,通信集成电路设计主管、高级设计师
4. 1993.05-1996.12,深圳大学,讲师
5. 1989.07-1993.04,中国软件总公司,研发工程师、项目经理
主题报告 1. 粤通院首届大湾区共管共治网络技术论坛及联合实验室成立2019-03-22
2. 国家广电总局主权网学术研讨会北京2019-06-01
3. The 1st Inter. Conf. on Math in IT成都2019-06-18
4. 中央网信办CNNIC首届中国互联网基础资源大会特邀报告CNIRC北京2019-06-30
5. 深圳市委大湾区办副主任赵志英2019-07-11
6. 深圳市委大湾区办及深圳网信办2019-08-01
7. 工科发总装四部委“新型标识研讨会”中国信通院2019-07-16
8. 陈肇雄副部长汇报2020-04-15
9. 多边共管的多标识网络体系及其在国防1601主权网广电示范网原型系统2019-07-28
10. 国防大学网络1601重大专项办公室2019-07-29
11. 解放军联合参谋部通信管理局2019-07-30
12. 中兴通讯技术期刊第24届年会烟台2019-08-18
13. 广东省金融高新区区块链与数字经济论坛2019-08-26
14. 清华大学深圳研究生院2019-09-05
15. 科技部高新司网络空间安全科技创新座谈会鹏城实验室2019-09-06
16. CCF区块链专委会2019年技术年会/区块链与安全论坛成都2019-10
17. 雄安新区网络安全论坛2019-12-18
1. 国家重点研发计划(National Keystone R&D Program of China)网络空间安全重点专项,“网络空间拟态防御技术机制研究(2016YFB0800100)”项目“拟态防御基础理论研究”(2016YFB0800101),子课题负责人
2. 国家重点研发计划(National Keystone R&D Program of China)网络空间安全重点专项,“新形势下网络基础设施防护技术(2017YFB0803200)”中的“先进防御设备与系统研制(2017YFB0803204)”子课题负责人
3. 国家重大科技基础设施——未来网络试验设施北大实验室,发改高技[2016]2533号,[2018]775号,深发改[2019]261号,国家发改投资[2020]386号;2016.12-。
4. 国家自然基金,“基于组合设计的高效分布式存储编码研究”,No.6167100,负责人,2017.1-2020.12
5. 广东省大数据计算与存储融合的关键技术研发,GD2016B030305005
6. 深圳市基础研究项目,多标识网络标识生成互译转发及管理算法研究,JCYJ20190808155607340
7. 深圳市基础研究项目“基于组合设计的纠删码技术研究”,JCYJ20170306092030521负责人
8. 网络空间拟态防御基础理论研究,国家自然基金团队项目NSFC,61521003,(邬江兴院士主导)参与
1. 科技部973项目“可重构信息通信基础网络体系研究”的课题“可重构基础网络的寻址及路由交换” (973 Program No.2012CB315904);National Basic Research Program of China;负责人
2. 深圳市科创委“深圳市信息论与未来网络体系重点实验室”,主任,深科技创新[2016]86号ZDSYS201603311739428;负责人
3. 深圳市融合网络播控关键技术工程实验室,深圳市SDN未来网络工程实验室
4. 深圳市基础研究课题, JCYJ20150331100723974,JCYJ20140417144423192
5. SDN交换机项目JSGG20170824095858416
6. 国家自然基金项目,“基于分配格的超大规模线速组播路由交换结构研究”, 61179028,2012.1-2015.12
7. 科技部863计划信息领域“最少缓存电路交换式超大规模路由交换结构”,(2007年项目编号:2007AA01Z218,项目负责人,主申请单位)
8. 科技部863计划信息领域课题“一种基于多下一跳路由动态均衡路由交换机制研究”(2008AA01Z214,项目副组长)30200108094
9. “国家自然科学基金委员会的资助项目”多级互连网络的自路由模型和布局优化及在宽带交换系统中的应用"。(2005年项目批准号:60572042,项目负责人)
10. 国家科技部863计划,“802.11b链路层控制IP核关键技术研究与实现”,No. 2002AA1Z1380。(项目副组长)
11. 深圳市基础研究项目,基于二元纠删码的分布式存储系统研究, JCYJ20150331100723974;负责人
12. 深圳市优博讯股份有限公司,深圳市中博科创信息技术有限公司,委托课题,分布式存储BRS纠删码技术研究
13. 深圳重大产业技术攻关(ZD200904300093A),“下一代全IP移动宽带分组关键技术研发及产业化”
14. 深圳市基础研究项目,“基于身份的未来网络体系结构研究”,JCYJ20140417144423192,负责人
15. 深圳市基础研究项目,高性能分布式存储编码理论研究,SZ JCYJ20130331144502026
16. 深圳基础研究重点,“最短流下载完成课题时间网络传输控制协议及其路由结构研究”, JC201005260234A
17. 广东省自然基金,基于网络编码的高性能分布式存储编码理论研究,S2013020012822
18. 广东省自然基金“最短流下载完成时间网络传输控制协议。” 2009-2011;(No.9150 6420 1000 031)
19. 国家自然科学基金"基于网络编码理论的分布式路由与交换结构研究"。( NSFC 60872010,项目负责人);深圳基础研究,“融合网络大规模交互式视频线速组播的路由交换结构”, JC201104210120A
1. ZTE COMMUNICATIONS March 2020 Vol. 18 No. 1 (Issue 69),Domain Name and Identifier of Internet: Architecture & Systems,客座主编
2. 1st-9rd International Workshop on Distributed Storage and Blockchain Technologies for Big Data at the IEEE International Conference on Big Data, 2013-2021, Co-Chair
3. 2016.6月到8月初受深圳市科创委委托,主笔完成了10万字《网络空间科技国家实验室建设方案》草案报告并到广东省科技厅报告交流,上报科技部,为《网络空间科学与技术广东省实验室》在深圳的设立作出贡献
4. 2013--2016作为主笔为深圳市科创委和发给委完成深圳市《国家重大科技基础设施未来网络试验设施项目建议书》编制,共11万多字。代表深圳市参加了2015-16年国家发改委相关会议答辩
5. 深圳市科创委委托软课题《2017年深圳市网络通信产业报告》负责人
6. 2015年11月17日,由中国云计算技术与产业联盟、中国大数据专家委员会、中国电子学会云计算专家委员会联合主办“2015中国云计算大数据安全”“分布式存储编码及系统进展”的主题报告
7. IEEE 2013-2018 Inter. Conf. on BigData,分布式存储系统及编码Workshop主席
8. TridentCom 2014 Kenotes Speech,可重构网络Workshop主席
9. IEEE 2013 Inter. Conf. on BigData,分布式存储系统及编码Workshop主席
10. TPC,IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC)-2014 Fall,14-17 September, 2014, Vancouver, Canada
11. ICEBE 2014, International Conference on e-Business Engineering, Vice Chair
12. The Second ASE International Conference on Big Data Science and Computing,BigDataScience, Stanford, CA, USA, May 27- 31, 2014,Workshop Co-Chair.
13. 2012年全国通信理论和信号处理学术年会主题报告人“分布式存储编码进展”
14. 2013年广东省云计算应用协会成立大会主题报告
15. 科技部863计划重大项目新一代高可信网络会议答辩面评专家
16. 国家工业与信息部电子基金广电网络重点招标项目会议答辩面评专家
17. 国家自然科学基金委评审专家
18. 国家保密局深圳市网络与信息安全委员会专家
19. 国家中小企业创业基金评审专家
20. 国家集成电路设计产业化基地(深圳)专家组成员
21. IEEE NetCod2011国际会议Member of TPC专家组成员
22. 2009年美国ADI公司中国全国大学生嵌入式比赛评委
23. 2009年入选深圳市高层次人才“地方领军”人才
1. 杨昕,李挥,邬江兴,伊鹏,融合广义随机Petri网的二维拟态安全评估模型,中国科学:信息科学, 2020.07;https://doi.org/10.1360/SSI-2019-0224;
2. 韦国华,李挥,白永杰,李更新,邢凯轩,天地一体化内生安全多标识网络体系;《天地一体化信息网络》,第一卷第二期,2020,12月。P66-73
3. 于海洋,李挥,杨盺,马化军; “On Distributed Object Storage Architecture Based on Mimic Defense”; China Communications,2021.Aug;
4. Wenjun Li, Tong Yang, Ori Rottenstreich, Xianfeng Li, Gaogang Xie, Hui Li, Balajee Vamanan, Dagang Li and Huiping Lin, “Tuple Space Assisted Packet Classification with High Performance on Both Search and Update,” IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 2020. (Volume: 38, Issue: 7, July 2020),Page(s): 1555 – 1569,(CCF A类期刊; SCI JCR Q1, IF: 9.302)
5. Sai LV,Hui LI,Jiangxing WU,“Routing Strategy of Integrated Satellite-Terrestrial Network Based on Hyperbolic Geometry”,2020 IEEE Access; Volume: 8,Page(s): 113003 – 113010,Date of Publication: 22 May 2020
6. Hui Li,Jiangxing Wu,Xin Yang,Han Wang,Julong Lan etc; “MIN: Co-Governing Multi-Identifier Network Architecture and Its Prototype on Operator’s Network”;Publisher: IEEE ACCESS Vol.8, Feb.2020; Page(s): 36569 – 36581;
7. 李挥,邬江兴,邢凯轩,伊鹏,陈世胜,梁伟,魏进武,李卫,朱伏生,田开颜,朱江,陆以勤,徐恪,宋佳兴,刘怡俊,董永吉,韩永祥,侯韩旭,马军锋,徐睿,阙建明,杨伟豪,缪伟豪,郑泽峰,孙涛,韦国华,綦九华,刘吉,白永杰,宁崇辉,王菡,张昕淳,胡嘉伟,黄健森,吕赛,刘馨蔚,李更新, “多边共管的多模态网络标识域名生成管理解析原型系统多边共管的多模态网络标识域名生成管理解析原型系统”;中国科学:信息科学; 2019,v. 49, (9), p. 1186-1204:
8. WenjunLi,DagangLi,XinweiLi,TingHuang,XianfengLi,WenxiaLe,HuiLi;A power-saving pre-classifier for TCAM-based IP lookup,Volume 164,9 December,2019,Computer Networks;
9. XING Kaixuan1 , LI Hui1 , YIN Feng1 , MA Huajun1 , HOU Hanxu2 , XU Huanle2 , Yunghsiang S. HAN2 , LIU Ji1 , and SUN Tao3,Prototype of Multi-Identifier System Based on Voting Consensus ZTE COMMUNICATIONS March 2020 Vol. 18 No. 1 (Issue 69);
10. WANG Yunmin1,2 , LI Hui1,2 , XING Kaixuan1 , HOU Hanxu3 , Yunghsiang S. HAN3 , LIU Ji1 , and SUN Tao,Identifier Management of Industrial Internet Based on Multi-Identifier Network Architecture Consensus ZTE COMMUNICATIONS March 2020 Vol. 18 No. 1 (Issue 69);
11. Bing Zhu, Kenneth W. Shum, Hui Li, and Weiping Wang, "On the Optimal Reconstruction Degree of Fractional Repetition Codes," IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), Paris, France, Jul. 2019.
12. Wenjun Li, Xianfeng Li, Hui Li and Gaogang Xie, “CutSplit: A Decision-Tree Combining Cutting and Splitting for Scalable Packet Classification,” IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), 2018,May,Honolulu,USA.
13. Xianfeng Li, Jie Chen, Fan Deng and Hui Li,Profit-Driven Adaptive Moving Targets Search with UAV Swarms;http://www.mdpi.com/journal/sensors
14. Jiawei Hu, Hui Li,A Composite Structure for Fast Name Prefix Lookup,Frontiers in ICT,Specialty Section:Big Data Networks;Aug.2019.
15. Xianfeng Li, Jie Chen,Fan Deng, Hui Li,Profit-driven Adaptive Moving Targets Search with UAV Swarms;https://www.mdpi.com/journal/sensors,accept JCR Q2
16. 杨昕,李挥,邬江兴,A Generalized Stochastic Petri Net based model for Cyber Mimic Defense (DASFAA 2019 CCF B会),在投会议:
17. Bing Zhu, Kenneth W. Shum, and Hui Li, "On the Duality and File Size Hierarchy of Fractional Repetition Codes," Accepted for publication in The Computer Journal, Aug. 2018. (SCI, CCF推荐B类学术期刊)
18. Hanxu Hou,Yunghsiang S. Han, Kenneth W. Shum , and Hui Li,“A Unified Form of EVENODD and RDP Codes and Their Efficient Decoding”,IEEE Trans.on Communications, 2018.Nov.
19. Beini Zhou, Hui Li and Li Xu;An Authentication Scheme Using Identity-based Encryption & Blockchain,2018 IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC)
20. Xin Yang,Hui Li,Han Wang,“NPM: An Anti-attacking Analysis Model of the MTD System Based on Martingale Theory”,IEEE symposium on Computers and Communications( ISCC 2018),June 25-28, Natal, Brazil (CCF C类)
21. Hui Li, Yibo Cheng, Yinghui Li, Xiaochang Ma, Delong Li. "Health Assessment System Based on Big Data Analysis of Meridian Electrical Potential". 2018 3rd International Conference on Biomedical Signal and Image Processing. Seoul, South Korea.
22. Wenjun Li, Xianfeng Li and Hui Li, “MEET-IP: Memory and Energy Efficient TCAM-based IP Lookup,” In International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN), 2017.
23. Huanyu Zhang,Hui Li,S.Y. Robert Li,Repair Tree: Fast Repair for Single Failure in Erasure-coded Distributed Storage Systems;IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, VOL. 28, NO. 6, pp 1728—1739, June 2017, (SCI,国际顶级通信期刊)
24. Fuxing Chen, Hui Li, Xuesong Tan, Shuo-yen R. Li , “Multicast Switching Fabric Based on Network Coding and Algebraic Switching Theory”, IEEE Transactions on Communications, VOL. 64, NO. 7, JULY 2016,p2999-2011. (SCI,国际顶级通信期刊)
25. Hanxu Hou,Kenneth W. Shum,Minghua Chen,Huili,“BASIC Codes Low-Complexity Regenerating Codes for Distributed Storage Systems,IEEE Transactions on Information Theory. VOL. 62, NO. 6, JUNE 2016, pp3053-3069 (SCI,国际顶级信息论期刊)
26. Huanyu Zhang,Hui Li,Bing Zhu, Xin Yang, S.Y. Robert Li,Minimum Storage Regenerating Codes for Scalable Distributed Storage,IEEE ACCESS,issue1,vol.5, pp.7149-7155, May 2017 (SCI,二区)
27. Bing Zhu, Hui Li, and S.-Y. Robert Li, "General Fractional Repetition Codes from Combinatorial Designs," IEEE Access, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 26251-26256, Dec. 2017. (SCI: 0004188 81100016, IF: 3.244)
28. Bing Zhu and Hui Li, "Exploring Node Repair Locality in Fractional Repetition Codes," IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 20, no. 12, pp. 2350-2353, Dec. 2016. (SCI: 000391282800004, IF: 1.988)
29. Bing Zhu and Hui Li, "Adaptive Fractional Repetition Codes for Dynamic Storage Systems," IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 19, no. 12, pp. 2078-2081, Dec. 2015. (SCI: 000366613300 007, IF: 1.291)
30. Bing Zhu, Hui Li, Kenneth W. Shum, and S.-Y. Robert Li, "HFR Code: A Flexible Replication Scheme for Cloud Storage Systems," IET Communications, vol. 9, no. 17, pp. 2095-2100, Nov. 2015. (SCI: 000364974200005, IF: 0.624)
31. Kejiao Li, Hui Li, Hanxu Hou, Kedan Li and Yongle Chen, “Proof of Vote: A High-performance Consensus Protocol Based on Vote Mechanism & Consortium Blockchain”, The 19th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC 2017), December 18-20, 2017.(CCF C类)
32. Xiangui Wang, Kedan Li, Hui li,“ConsortiumDNS: A Distributed Domain Name Service Based on Consortium Chain. The 19th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC 2017), December 18-20, 2017.(CCF C类)
33. Rui Xu, Hui Li, Huayu Zhang; “Reliable Content Delivery in Lossy Named Data Networks Based on Network Coding” 18th International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing (ICA3PP),2018.(regular paper, CCF C,已接收).
34. 李挥,徐睿,等; “融合区块链的新型网络体系顶级域名注册及管理方法” (软件学报,二审中, 小修);
35. Zhang H, Li H, Shum K W, et al. Concurrent regenerating codes[J]. IET Communications, 2017, 11(3): 362-369. (SCI,IF=0.742, CCF C类期刊)
36. Li Xu, Hui Li, Jiawei Hu, Huayu Zhang and Yunmin Wang, An Autonomous System based Security Mechanism For Network Coding Applications In CCN, Proc. MSPN'2017, June28, 2017, Paris, France;
37. Taiji Chen, Hui Li, ”The Improved Multi-Attribute Caching: An Efficient Cache strategy in CCN,”ICCSN, 2017 , Vol. 2, pp.1007-1011 ;(已接收)
38. Jinchen An, Hui Li, Taiji Chen,”A Service Path Construction Algorithm in Service-Oriented Network Based on Improved Ant Colony Optimization,” ICCSN, 2017 , Vol. 1, pp. 622-628;(已接收)
39. Yongle Chen,Hui Li, Kejiao Li, “An improved P2P File System Scheme based on IPFS and Blockchain” , The 5th International Workshop on Distributed Storage Systems and Coding for Big Data.
40. HaoPeng Li, Hui Li “A Scheduling Strategy Based On Multh-Queues of Cassandra” 5th International Workshop on Distributed Storage Systems and Coding for Big Data 2017 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (IEEE BigData 2017, Dec, Boston. USA),2017:2664-2669.
41. X. Li, H. Li, Z. Huang, B. Zhu, and J. Cai, “EStore: An Effective Optimized Data Placement Structure for Hive,” IEEE International Conference on Big Data (IEEE BigData 2016), 4th International Workshop on Distributed Storage Systems and Coding for Big Data, Washington D.C., USA, 5-8 Dec, 2016. pp. 2996-3001.
42. Z. Huang, H. Li, X. Li, W. He, “SS-Dedup: A High Throughput Stateful Data Routing Algorithm for Cluster Deduplicarion System”, IEEE International Conference on Big Data (IEEE BigData 2016), 4th International Workshop on Distributed Storage Systems and Coding for Big Data, Washington D.C., USA, 5-8 Dec, 2016. pp. 2991-2995.
43. Bing Zhu, Xin Li, Hui Li, and Kenneth W. Shum, "Replicated Convolutional Codes: A Design Framework for Repair-Efficient Distributed Storage Codes," 54th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing (Allerton'16), Monticello, IL, USA, Sep. 2016. (EI: 20171203454136)
44. Hanxu Hou,Kenneth W. Shum,Hui Li;“On the MDS Condition of Blaum-Bruck-Vardy Codes with Large Number Parity Columns”,IEEE Communications Letters, vol.20, no.4, p644-647,april 2016; (SCI,国际顶级通信期刊) ;
45. 李挥,朱兵;“FRC码:存储修复两相宜”,IEEE Spectrume中文版《科技纵缆》Vol.6, Issue4, 2018.4;(国际顶级电子科普期刊,邀稿)
46. 李挥,候韩旭,祁小玉,“RGC码:流量容量两相宜”,IEEE Spectrume中文版《科技纵缆》Vol.5, Issue10, 2017.10;(国际顶级电子科普期刊,邀稿)
47. 李挥,候韩旭,祁小玉,“RS码:繁简两相宜”,IEEE Spectrume中文版《科技纵缆》Vol.4, Issue5, P.64-65,2016.5;(国际顶级电子科普期刊,邀稿)
48. Sun J, Li H, Xu L, et al. Content Consistency Strategy for data storage in Content-Centric Networking[C]// Computers and Communication. IEEE, 2016:69-73.
49. Sun J, Li H, An J, et al. An efficient transmission scheme for data aggregation in wireless sensor networks[C]//Computers and Communication (ISCC). IEEE, 2016:64-68.
50. Xu L, Li H, Sun J, et al. QoS Oriented Embedding for Network Virtualization[C]//Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing, 14th Intl Conf on Pervasive Intelligence and Computing, 2nd Intl Conf on Big Data Intelligence and Computing and Cyber Science and Technology Congress. IEEE, 2016:660-665.
51. Xiaoyu Qi, Hui Li, Hanxu Hou. Thrive code: An MDS Coding Scheme with Better Performance [C]//ICCC, 2016 IEEE International Conference on Computer and Communications. IEEE, 2016:2762-2766.
52. 朱兵,李挥,基于可分组设计的部分重复码研究,《通信学报》,2015.2月
53. Bing Zhu, Kenneth K. Shum, Hui Li,Heterogeneity-Aware Codes with Uncoded Repair for Distributed Storage Systems,IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 19, No6,P901-904,June,2015. (SCI,国际顶级通信期刊)
54. Bing Zhu, Kenneth K. Shum, Hui Li and Hanxu Hou, "General Fractional Repetition Codes for Distributed Storage Systems," IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 18, no. 4, pp. 660-663, Apr. 2014. (SCI,国际顶级通信期刊)
55. Fuxing Chen; Hui Li;Weiyang Liu;;Shuo-yen Li;“LB-MSNC: A Load- balanced Multicast Switching Fabric with Network Coding”,IEEE ICC 2015 8-12,June,Landon;(国际顶级通信会议)
56. K. Pan, W. Liu, H. Li and S.-Y. R. Li, “Towards Minimizing the Within-Packet Redundancy in Wireless Network Coding,” Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 2015.
57. Hanxu Hou,Kenneth W. Shum, M.Chen and Hui Li,“ New MDS Array Code Correcting Multiple Disk Failures”,IEEE GlobeCom 2014, Dec.8-12. (国际顶级通信会议)
58. Kenneth W. Shum,Hanxu Hou,M.Chen and Hui Li, Regenerating Codes over a Binary Cyclic Code, IEEE ISIT 2014, June.29-July 4. (国际顶级信息论会议)
59. F.X. Chen, W.Y. Liu,Hui LI, DongCheng WU,“The Wire-speed Multicast Switch Fabric Based on Distributive Lattice”,IEICE Transactions on Communication.,(SCI).
60. W. Y. Liu, H. Li, F. X. Chen and K. Pan.Optimization-based Atomic Capability Routing Model for Flexiatiosble Architecture of Reconfigurable Infrastructure. AI Tridentcom 2014.
61. Q. Zhan, H. Li, L. Ma and S. J. Lv.Research of Switching Mechanism and Module for Wide Sense Circuit Based on Algebraic Theory of Routing. EAI Tridentcom 2014.
62. F. X. Chen, W. Y. Liu, H. Li et al. Semi-Centralized Name Routing Mechanism for Reconfigurable Network. EAI Tridentcom 2014.
63. K. Pan, H. Li, W. Y. Liu et al. Prologue: Unified Polymorphic Routing towards Flexible Architecture of Reconfigurable Infrastructure. EAI Tridentcom 2014.
64. Wei Wang, Peng XU, Hui LI, A Secure Synchronized Reading System over Time-Critical Online Contests, IEEE ICC 2014; 10-14 June 2014, Sydney (国际顶级通信会议)
65. Bing Zhu,Hui LI etc., Replication-based Distributed Storage Systems with Variable Repetition Degrees, National Conference on Communications 2014.
66. K. Pan, H. Li, W. Liu, Z. Zhu and B. Zhu, “On the Optimal Routing for Reconfigurable Network Architecture,” in Proceedings of EAI International Conference on Communications and Networking in China ( Chinacom), Maoming, China, Aug. 14-16 2014.
67. K. Pan, W. Liu and H. Li, “On the Knapsack-Based Resource Allocation for Reconfigurable Network Architecture,” in Proceedings of EAI International Conference on Communications and Networking in China ( Chinacom), Maoming, China, Aug. 14-16 2014.
68. Tai Zhou, Hui Li, Bing Zhu, Yumeng Zhang, Hanxu Hou, and Jun Chen, "STORE: Data Recovery with Approximate Minimum Network Bandwidth and Disk I/O in Distributed Storage Systems", the Second Workshop on Distributed Storage Systems and Coding for Big Data, IEEE BigData'14, Washington DC, USA, Oct. 27-30, 2014. (国际顶级大数据会议)
69. 尘福兴,李挥,崔凯等. "基于布尔集线器的线速多播自路由交换结构." 通信学报 35.7 (2014): 129-139.
70. Bing Zhu, Hui Li, Jun Chen, Hanxu Hou and Tai Zhou, "Research on Fractional Repetition Codes Based on Group Divisible Designs" (in Chinese), accepted for publication in Journal on Communications.
71. Bing Zhu, Kenneth W. Shum, Hui Li and S.-Y. Robert Li, "On Low Repair Complexity Storage Codes via Group Divisible Designs," IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC'14), Madeira, Portugal, Jun. 2014.
72. Huayu Zhang, Hui Li, Bing Zhu and Jun Chen, "Fast Repair for Single Failure in Erasure coded Distributed Storage Systems" (Short paper), IEEE Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS'14), Nara, Japan, Oct. 2014.
73. Weiyang Liu, Yandong Wen, Hui Li and Bing Zhu, "Dictionary Construction for Sparse Representation Classification: A Novel Cluster-based Approach," 19th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC'14), Madeira, Portugal, Jun. 2014.
74. Jun Chen, Hui Li, Hanxu Hou, Bing Zhu, Tai Zhou, Lijia Lu, and Yumeng Zhang, "A New Zigzag MDS Code with Optimal Encoding and Efficient Decoding," the Second Workshop on Distributed Storage Systems and Coding for Big Data, IEEE BigData'14, Washington DC, USA, Oct. 2014.
75. Bing Zhu, Hui Li, and Kenneth W. Shum, "Repair Efficient Storage Codes via Combinatorial Configurations," IEEE International Conference on Big Data (IEEE BigData'14), Washington DC, USA, Oct. 2014.
1. Hui Li, Kai Pan, and Shuo-Yen Robert Li Chapter 4《Toward a Loss-Free Packet Transmission via Network Coding》in book《Network Coding at Different Layers In Wireless Networks》, Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016
2. 李挥,林良敏,黄佳庆,“融合网络编码理论的组播交换结构”,《网络编码理论与技术》,国防工业出版社2009年8月,pp36-59
3. 黄佳庆,李挥,“网络编码理论研究进展”,《网络编码理论与技术》,国防工业出版社2009年8月,pp10-35
4. S.-Y. R. Li,Hui Li, "Layout complexity of bit-permuting exchange in multi-stage interconnection networks,” "Switching Networks: Recent Advances" Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, pp.259-276, 2001
美国发明专利(已授权) 1.Hui Li, J.X WU, Xin YANG, P.Yin, BobLI, "Anti-attacking modelling for CMD systems based on GSPN and Martingale theory", U.S. patent application No. 10,440,048B1,2019.10.8(基于GSPN和鞅理论网络空间拟态防御的安全性建模量化方法)
2.Hui Li, JiangxingWU,Kejiao Li, Shisheng CHEN,Yunyong ZHANG,Yongle Chen, Jiawei Cai, Peng Yi, Zhihao Huang, Beini Zhou, XinLi, and Jiayang Zhang, "Determining Consensus in a Decentralized Domain Name System", U.S. patent application No. 10382388 B2,2019.8.13(一种去中心化域名系统的确定性共识方法)
3.Hui Li, Xiangui Wang, Zhili Lin, Jiangxing, Wu Xueming Si, Kedan Li, Xin Yang, Han Wang, "System and Methods for Managing Top-level Donain Names Using consortium Blockchain", U.S. patent application No. 10178069B2, 2019.1.8(基于联盟链的顶级域名管理系统和方法)
4.Hui Li, Hanxu Hou, Bin Zhu, "The construction of MBR (minimum bandwidth regenerating) codes and a method to repair the storage nodes", U.S. patent application No. 9722637 B2, 2017.8.1(一种基于二进制最小带宽再生码的编码、数据重构及修复方法)
5.Hui Li, Hanxu Hou, Bin Zhu, "Method for encoding MSR (minimum-storage regenerating) codes and repairing storage nodes", U.S. patent application No. 9647698 B2, 2017.5.9(一种基于二进制最小存储再生码的编码、数据重构及修复方法)
6.Hui Li, XianxiaHuang, hanxu Hou, "A Data Storage Method, Device and Distributed Network Storage", U.S. patent application No. 9,961,142 B2, 2018.5.1(一种存储数据的方法、装置及分布式网络存储系统)
7.Hui Li, SiCong Song, "A self-adaptive network control transmission method and system based on TCP", U.S. patent application No. 9553956 B2, 2017.1.24(一种基于TCP协议的自适应网络控制传输方法和系统)
8.Hui Li, Wei He, Shuo-yen Robert Li, "A Load-Balancing Structure for Packet Switches and Its Constructing Method", U.S. patent application No. 8902887B2, 2014.12.2(一种负载均衡分组交换结构及其构建方法)
1. 李挥,马化军,“一直基于区块链的域名解析系统”,No.2017800021298,2020.4.2
2. 李挥,黄健生,王菡,“一种基于并行投票的共识算法”,No.202010801993.8;(ssc,ssp)
3. 一种基于联盟链的顶级域名管理方法及系统;CN201780002711.4;CN108124502B 授权日2021.1.5;李挥;王贤桂;林志力;邬江兴;斯雪明;李恪聃;杨昕;王菡;
4. 李挥李科浇陈永乐蔡家威黄志浩周贝妮李鑫张纪杨:“一种用于去中心化域名系统的共识方法”,国际申请号:PCT/CN2017/084431国际申请日:中国授权号201780003410.3;2020.12.04
5. 李挥,白永杰,一种天地一体化信息网络的路由方法;授权号CN202010638117.8,授权日2020.9.28
6. 李挥,吕赛,一种基于双曲几何的天空地统一路由方法,授权号2020102672865;授权日2020.9.28
7. 李挥,侯韩旭,冯俊秋,张华宇,朱兵,韩元波,多信源动态网络编码的方法及装置,专利号:ZL201280075605.6,申请日:2012.09.24,授权公开(公告)号: CN104704760B,授权公开日:2018.01.05;
8. 一种多层级区块链系统之间索引与链拓扑结构的维护方法(ZL201780003416.0);授权日,20200124;北大深圳,赛思鹏;李挥;李昊鹏;马化军;王菡;李恪聃;杨昕CN201780003416;
9. 李挥、尘福兴、陈文生,“ 一种基于内容的路由方法和系统” 2019.3.11通知授权 申请号:2014800375212;
10. 李挥,朱兵,侯韩旭,陈畅民,周敬邦,范曦东,一种通用射影自修复码的编码、数据重构和修复方法,专利号:ZL201380063753.0,申请日:2013.01.04,授权公开(公告)号: CN104838626B,授权公开日:2017.12.01;
11. 李挥,侯韩旭,朱兵,一种最小存储再生码的编码和存储节点修复方法,专利号:ZL201380001960.3,申请日:2013.02.26,授权公开(公告)号: CN103688514B,授权公开日:2017.07.11;
12. 李挥,黄显霞,侯韩旭,基于同态的自修复码的编码、解码和数据修复方法及其存储系统,专利号:ZL201280032802.X,申请日:2012.04.27,授权公开(公告)号: CN103650462B,授权公开日:2016.12.14;
13. 李挥,侯韩旭,朱兵,一种最小带宽再生码的编码和存储节点修复方法,专利号:ZL201380001964.1,申请日:2013.03.26,授权公开(公告)号: CN103688515B,授权公开日:2016.10.05;
14. 李挥,缪伟豪,黄显霞,鲁跃,傅峰春,王茂亮,网络存储中抗拜占庭失效的数据重构、失效数据恢复方法及装置,专利号:ZL201280032806.8,申请日:2012.06.11,授权公开(公告)号: CN103703446B,授权公开日:2016.08.17;
15. 李挥,李亦宁,陈畅民,周敬邦,张华宇,冯俊秋,张宇蒙,侯韩旭,郭涵,安辉耀,一种IP组播数据的分层分发方法、系统,专利号:ZL201280001859.3,申请日:2012.02.22,授权公开(公告)号: CN103493445B,授权公开日:2015.12.02;
16. 李挥,黄显霞,侯韩旭,周泰,朱兵,陈畅民,周敬邦,一种存储数据的方法、装置及分布式网络存储系统,专利号:ZL201210011386.7,申请日:2012.01.13,授权公开(公告)号: CN102624866B,授权公开日:2014.08.20;
17. 分布式心跳服务器架构及其进程处理方法,申请号:CN200810241599.2,申请日:2008.12.23,公开(公告)号:CN101764836A,公开(公告)日:2010.06.30,申请(专利权)人:北京大学深圳研究生院,发明人:雷凯;李晓明;杨国东;王艳敏;李挥;授权日期:20130807;
18. 李挥,潘凯,樊旭东,张华宇,陈畅民,周敬邦,基于TCP协议的自适应网络传输控制方法和系统,专利号:ZL201110258254.X,申请日:2011.09.02,授权公开(公告)号: CN102291226B,授权公开日:2013.07.03;
19. 李挥,田欢,陈曦,倪继利,王升杨,王智韬,李烽,马建设,赵骞,安辉耀,胡淑花,一种基于开源处理器与开源操作系统的SoC开发方法,专利号:ZL200710075658.9,申请日:2007.08.13,授权公开(公告)号: CN101369226B,授权公开日:2012.06.27;
20. 孙丛豪,李挥,张志军,何伟,王智韬,张政操,陈慕羿,一种用于数字摄像的自适应坏点去除方法,专利号:ZL200610060367.8,申请日:2006.04.17,授权公开(公告)号: CN101060643B,授权公开日:2011.12.28;
21. 王继山,黄慧娟,李挥,马建设,胡小民,张政操,陈慕羿,一种H.264标准的帧内预测模式选择方法,专利号:ZL200610060913.8,申请日:2006.06.06,授权公开(公告)号: CN101087427B,授权公开日:2011.04.06;
22. 高金路,马建设,李挥,齐国生,张磊,秦利琴,袁海波,陈慕羿,光盘偏心的测量方法,专利号:ZL200610060442.0,申请日:2006.04.20,授权公开(公告)号: CN101059971B,授权公开日:2010.12.01;
23. 李挥,王继山,陈慕羿,张志军,马建设,胡海军,高金路,林茫茫,去块滤波器,专利号:ZL200610060613.X,申请日:2006.05.18,授权公开(公告)号: CN101076124B,授权公开日:2010.09.08;
24. 胡海军,李挥,张政操,余丽波,李玉龙,刘思荣,马建设,韩小明,高金路,互阻放大器,专利号:ZL200610061686.0,申请日:2006.07.12,授权公开(公告)号: CN100559705C,授权公开日:2009.11.11;
25. 分布式心跳服务器架构及其进程处理方法,申请号:CN200810241599.2,申请日:2008.12.23,公开(公告)号:CN101764836A,公开(公告)日:2010.06.30,申请(专利权)人:北京大学深圳研究生院,发明人:雷凯;李晓明;杨国东;王艳敏;李挥;授权日期:20130807;
1. 一种基于多标识网络体系的高安全移动办公网2020108012553, 李挥,韦国华(fsssc,szssp)
2. 一种基于多纠删码的拟态对象存储系统,2020113737863,李挥,马化军,国宏宇(fsssc,szssp)
3. 一种用于代数交换引擎数据包分组重组的解码方法,申请号:CN201510562750.申请日:2015.09.07,公开号:CN105187159A,公开:20151223,实质审查生效
4. 一种网络编码包头的压缩方法,2011102582376,申请日:2011.09.02,开(公告)号:CN102291202A,公开:20111221,实质审查生效:20120208,潘凯,李挥,刘吉,安辉耀,李大刚;
5. 一种整数频偏估计的方法和装置,No.201010146532.8;
6. 一种照明用LED数字电源管理控制电路,No.2010010182708.5;
7. 网络电视播放方法及系统No.200910106713.5;
8. 一种负载均衡分组交换结构及其构建方法,No.200810217261.3,申请日:2008.11.04,公开号:CN101404616A,公开:20090408,实质审查生效:20090603,李挥,何伟,李硕彦,黄佳庆,陈建,潘凯,张书鑫,伊鹏,汪斌强;
9. 基于自路由集线器的电路式分组交换方法,No.200810141999.6
10. 一种负载均衡电路式分组交换结构及其构建方法,No.2008106867.5,申请日:2008.10.17,公告号:CN101388847A,公开:20090318,实质审查生效:20090513,李挥,王秉睿,安辉耀,雷凯,伊鹏,汪斌强;
11. 自路由交换集线器及其方法,No.200610062452. 8
12. 可大规模并行访问的一站式缓冲存储分组交换结构及方法,No.200610062453.2
13. 自路由集线器以分治网络级连的交换结构,No.200610062454.7;
14. 回声消除器,回声消除方法及双端通话检测系统,No.200610061678.6
15. 回声消除器及回声消除方法申请号:200610060031.1
16. 用于蓝光波段激光的光存储整形结构及方法,申请号:200610021437.9
17. 搜索构架和检索方法,200810241856.2;
18. 基于Berkeley DB的数据库存储系统及方法200810241555.X;
19. 一种H.264标准的帧内模式选择方法 ZL 200610060913. 8
20. 一种激光读取头准直光路结构,ZL200610061767.0
21. 一种光学读取方法和系统,ZL200610061768.5
22. 激光读取头信号拾取光路结构,ZL 200610061769.X,
23. 公开号:CN109243606A公开(公告)日:2019.01.18; 申请号:CN201811313691
发明名称:一种基于人体经络穴位生物电信号测量数据的分析系统{Analysis system based on human body meridian acupoint bioelectric signal measurement data} {李德隆;李挥;马晓昌;李英辉;张宝利}
24. 发明名称:一种人体经络穴位生物电信号测量数据的分析方法公开(公告)号:CN107961003A 公开(公告)日:2018.04.27;申请号:CN201711137991;发明名称:{Analysis method for biological electric signal measurement data of human body meridian points}
1. 一种基于坐标映射的多模标识网络寻址方法及系统,国际申请号:PCT/CN2019/075668,国际申请日:2019.02.21,申请人:北京大学深圳研究生院、国家数字交换系统工程技术研究中心,发明人:李挥胡嘉伟邬江兴伊鹏朱伏生李文军安辉耀李胜飞陈世胜唐宏张云勇魏进武陈孟尝朱强,;
2. 一种联盟链共识下满足分区容忍性的拓扑构造方法及系统,国际申请号:PCT/CN2019/075547,国际申请日:2019.02.20,申请人:北京大学深圳研究生院、佛山赛思禅科技有限公司、深圳赛思鹏科技发展有限公司,发明人:李挥,王菡,邬江兴,伊鹏,陆平,安辉耀,黄健森;
3. 一种支持多模标识网络寻址渐进去IP的方法、系统及存储介质,国际申请号:PCT/CN2019/073507,国际申请日:2019.01.28,申请人:北京大学深圳研究生院、国家数字交换系统工程技术研究中心、中国电信股份有限公司深圳分公司、中国联合网络通信有限公司研究院,发明人:李挥邬江兴张昕淳兰巨龙徐恪陈世胜魏进武伊鹏陆以勤马军锋李胜飞蒲敏谦张云勇陈孟尝朱江刘文印韩永祥侯韩旭 胡嘉伟李文军杨昕王菡 邢凯轩;
4. 一种以内容中心网络为隧道传输IP数据分组的方法及系统,国际申请号:PCT/CN2018/120686,国际申请日:2018.12.12,申请人:北京大学深圳研究生院、国家数字交换系统工程技术研究中心,发明人:李挥徐睿邬江兴伊鹏朱伏生李胜飞陈世胜唐宏张云勇魏进武陈孟尝朱强王博辉邢凯轩阙建明李文军;
5. 基于联盟链投票共识算法产生及管理多模网络标识的方法及系统,国际申请号:PCT/CN2018/119723,国际申请日:2018.12.07,申请人:北京大学深圳研究生院、国家数字交换系统工程技术研究中心,发明人:李挥,张昕淳,邬江兴,伊鹏,朱伏生,安辉耀,李文军,谢经宇;
6. 一种用于多模标识网络隐私保护与身份管理的方法及系统,国际申请号:PCT/CN2018/119724,国际申请日:2018.12.07,申请人:北京大学深圳研究生院、国家数字交换系统工程技术研究中心,发明人:李挥,王菡,邬江兴,朱伏生,伊鹏,安辉耀,张昕淳,王子贤;
7. 基于GSPN和鞅理论网络空间拟态防御的安全性建模量化方法,国际申请号:PCT/CN2018/113980,国际申请日:2018.11.05,申请人:北京大学深圳研究生院、国家数字交换系统工程技术研究中心,发明人:李挥,杨昕,邬江兴,伊鹏;
8. 一种融合区块链技术拟态存储防篡改日志的方法及系统,国际申请号:PCT/CN2018/109007,国际申请日:2018-09-30,申请人:北京大学深圳研究生院国家数字交换系统工程技术研究中心、璞光股份有限公司,发明人:李挥黄健森王贤桂李科浇马化军侯韩旭;
9. 一种基于投票的共识方法,国际申请号:PCT/CN2018/090453 国际申请日:2018.06.08,李挥李科浇黄健森,朱伏生,马军锋,伊鹏,候韩旭,李恪聃,王贤桂,张昕淳;
10. 一种基于信任关系的区块链共识方法,国际申请号:PCT/CN2017/088355 国际申请日:2018.05.25,李挥王贤桂王菡马军锋伊鹏李恪聃黄健森李科浇;
11. 一种基于等长度和等密度切割的网络数据包分类的方法,国际申请号:PCT/CN2017/081453,国际申请日:2018.03.30,李挥李文军李险峰邢凯轩苏强;
12. 一种基于联盟链的顶级域名管理方法及系统,国际申请号:PCT/CN2017/079098国际申请日:2017.03.31,美国申请号No: 15/921319(已经授权)中国申请号201780002711.4李挥、王贤桂、林志力、邬江兴、斯雪明、李恪聃、杨昕、王菡Hui
13. 一种基于区块链的域名解析系统,国际申请号:PCT/CN2017/081060 国际申请日:2017.04.19,美国申请号15768833中国申请号201780002129 .8李挥、马化军、李昊鹏、黄志浩、杨昕、李恪聃、王菡
14. 一种多层级区块链系统之间索引与链拓扑结构的维护方法,国际申请号:PCT/CN2017/084432 国际申请日:2017.05.16,美国申请号:15997726中国申请号201780003416.0李挥,李昊鹏,马化军,王菡,李恪聃,杨昕
15. 一种用于去中心化域名系统的共识方法,国际申请号:PCT/CN2017/084431 国际申请日:2017.05.16,美国申请号No.15997710中国申请号201780003410.3李挥李科浇陈永乐蔡家威黄志浩周贝妮李鑫张纪杨
16. 基于t-设计的部分重复码的编码结构以及构造方法,国际申请号:PCT/CN2017/084430 国际申请日:2017.05.16,朱兵,李挥,王菡,杨昕
17. 一种能修复多个节点失效的MDS纠删码,国际申请号:PCT/CN2015/071114 国际申请日:2015.1.20,李挥,候韩旭,等
18. 一种基于网络的扁平路由的实现方法,国际申请号:PCT/CN2014/093962 国际申请日:2014.12.16,李挥,朱鸷璞,于超琪,潘凯
19. 一种基于内容的路由方法和系统,国际申请号:PCT/CN2014/093966 国际申请日: 2014.12.16,李挥,尘福兴,陈文生;
20. 一种适用于广义模型的死锁检测方法,国际申请号:PCT/CN2014/093968 国际申请日: 2014.12.16,李挥,陶智,汪允敏
21. 部分复制码的构建方法、装置及其数据修复的方法,申请号:PCT/CN2014/078539国际申请日:李挥,朱兵,侯韩旭,2014.05.27
22. 一种用于分布式存储系统的数据缓存方法及装置,国际申请号 PCT/CN2014/078656李挥,郭涵,国际申请日:2014.05.28
23. 一种基于UDP协议的网络编码及传输方法,PCT/CN2013/087789,李挥,谭学磊,秦立都,于超琪,潘凯,申请日期:2013.11.25
24. 一种基于二进制最小带宽再生码的编码、数据重构及修复方法,PCT/CN2013/073180,李挥,侯韩旭,朱兵,申请日期:2013.3.26
25. 一种基于二进制最小存储再生码的编码、数据重构及修复方法, PCT/CN2013/071872,李挥,侯韩旭,朱兵,申请日期:2013.3.26
26. 一种基于通用射影自修复码的构造、数据重构及修复方法, PCT/CN2013/070001,李挥,朱兵,侯韩旭,陈畅民,周敬邦,范曦东,申请日期:2013.4.1
27. 基本自路由单元及其半清器、排序单元、网络集线器和组播交换网络构建方法,PCT/CN2012/085793,李挥,尘福兴,朱鸷璞,崔凯,申请日期:2012.12.4;
28. 一种射影自修复码的编码、数据重构及修复方法,PCT/CN2012/083174,申请日:2012.10.19,李挥,侯韩旭,叶顺鸿,聂文;
29. 多信源动态网络编码的方法及装置,PCT/CN2012/081820申请日:2012.9.24,李挥,侯韩旭,韩元波;
30. 一种可精确再生的分布式存储码的构建方法及装置,PCT/CN2012/078100,申请日:2012.7.12
31. “网络存储中抗拜占庭失效的数据重构、失效数据恢复方法及装置“,李挥,缪伟豪,黄显霞,申请号:PCT/CN2012/076694申请日:2012.6.11
32. “一种IP组播数据分层分发的方法,系统”,李挥,李亦宁,PCT/CN2012/071482, 2012.2.22;
33. “分布式存储数据的污染恢复方法及装置”,李挥黄显霞侯韩旭PCT/CN2012/072007, 2012.3.6
34. “一种存储数据的方法、装置及分布式网络存储系统”,李挥黄显霞侯韩旭周泰朱兵陈畅民周敬邦,PCT/CN2012/071177, 2012.2.15
35. 一种基于TCP协议的自适应网络控制传输方法和系统,PCT/CN2011/077329李挥,宋思聪,潘凯,李硕彦,樊旭东,李锐源;(2011.07.19),
36. 编码方法及设备,解码方法及设备,编解码系统,PCT/CN2011/073922; (潘凯,李挥,侯韩旭,安辉耀,周艳,王爽,赵书江);
37. 一种负载均衡分组交换结构及其构建方法,PCT/CN2009/074739;
38. 支持视频质量分级的路由器构造方法,PCT/CN2009/074738;
39. 最小缓存复杂度的负载均衡分组交换结构及其构建方法PCT/CN2009/074737;
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