1992-1997年: 云南天文台恒星物理专业,理学博士。
1984-1987年: 云南大学物理系高能天体物理专业,理学硕士。
1980-1984年: 云南大学物理系理论物理专业,理学学士。
2006年-至今: 北京师范大学天文系,教授,博导。
2002-2006年: 中国科学院知识创新二期工程,首席研究员,博导。
2000-2002年: 中国科学院知识创新一期工程,研究员,博导。
1995-2000年: 云南天文台副研究员
1987-1994年: 云南天文台助理研究员
2010年7月-8月: 美国Yale大学天文系工作访问1个月。
2009年5月-7月: 美国Yale大学天文系工作访问3个月。
2006年5月-7月: 美国Yale大学天文系工作访问3个月。
2005年4月-9月: 美国Yale大学天文系工作访问半年。
1999—2000年: 丹麦Aarhus大学理论天体物理研究中心访问学者。
1. 2004年“云南省科学技术奖励”自然科学类二等奖 毕少兰(排名唯一)
2. 2003年第三届云南省青年科技奖 毕少兰(排名唯一)
1. 北师大自主科研基金重大项目:Kepler卫星视场中疏散星团的演化和星震学研究,2014-2017(50万)
2. 国家自然科学基金重点项目:日震学和太阳与极类太阳恒星的演化,
3. 国家自然科学基金重点项目:有磁场、转动的二维恒星模型研究,
4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目: G-K型太阳和类太阳恒星的磁活动及星震学研究, 2008年-2010年 (43万)
5. 中国科学院“西部之光”人才支持计划:2005年-2008年 (25万)
6. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:有磁场和转动的太阳和类太阳模型及其日震学限制,2004年-2007年(36万)
7. 云南省自然科学基金面上项目:太阳对流理论及其日震学研究,
2003年-2005年 (6万)
8. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:太阳内部的物理过程和日震学研究,
9. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:非绝热过程对太阳P模振动的影响,
- Ge,Z.S,; Bi,S.L., Li,T.D., Liu,K., Tian,Z.J., Yang,W.M., Liu,Z.E., Yu,J.,“Asteroseismic analysis of two alpha-enhanced stars KIC 7976303 and KIC 8694723”, 2015, MNRAS, 447, 680
- Tian,Z.J., Bi,S.L., Yang,W.M.. Chen,Y.Q.. Liu,Z.E.. Liu,K.. Li,T.D.. Ge,Z.S.. Yu,J., “Asteroseismic analysis of solar-like star KIC 6225718: constraints on stellar parameters and core overshooting”, 2014, MNRAS, 445, 2999
- Liu,Kang, Bi,Shao-Lan, Li,Tan-Da, Liu,Zhi-E., Tian,Zhi-Jia, Ge,Zhi-Shuai,“Precise determination of fundamental parameters of six exoplanet host stars and their planets”, 2014, RAA, 14, 1447
- Liu,Zhi-E., Bi,Shao-Lan, Yang,Wu-Ming, Li,Tan-Da, Liu,Kang, Tian,Zhi-Jia, Ge,Zhi-Shuai, Yu,Jie,“Exploring the sources of p-mode frequency shifts in the CoRoT target HD 49933”, 2014, RAA, 14, 683
- Zhang,Yi-qi, Du,Pu, Hu,Chen, Wang,Jian-min, Bi,Shao-lan, Ai,Yan-li, “A Study of Optical Light Variations of LINERs in SDSS”, 2014, ChA&A, 38, 127
- Liu,K., Bi,S.L., Li,T.D., Tian,Z.J., Ge,Z.S., “Fundamental stellar parameters of three Kepler stars accurately constrained by lithium abundance and rotation”, 2014, A&A, 563, 23
- Li,T.D., Bi, S. L., Yang, W. M., Liu, K., Tian, Z. J., Ge, Z. S., “Effects of Magnetic Fields on Lithium Evolution in F and G Stars”, 2014, ApJ, 781, 62
- Liu, Zhie, Yang, Wuming, Bi, Shaolan, Tian, Zhijia, Liu, Kang, Ge, Zhishuai, Yu, Jie, Li, Tanda, Tan, Xiaoyan, He, Xin, “Asteroseismic Analysis of the CoRoT Target HD 49933”, 2014, ApJ, 780, 152
- Yang, Wuming, Bi, Shaolan, Meng, Xiangcun, Liu, Zhie, “The Effects of Rotation on the Main-sequence Turnoff of Intermediate-age Massive Star Clusters”, 2013, ApJ, 777, 112
- Yang, Wuming, Bi, Shaolan, Meng, Xiangcun, Liu, Zhie,“Evolution of rotational velocities of A-type stars”,2013,ApJ,765,L36
- Liu, K., Bi, S. L., “Fundamental properties and seismological analysis of three Kepler stars”,2013,IAU Symposium,294,203
- Li, T. D., Bi, S. L., “Effect of magnetic fields on Lithium depletion of solar-type stars”,2013,IAU Symposium,294,201
- Yang,Wu-Ming, Bi, Shao-Lan, Meng, Xiang-Cun, “Grids of rotating stellar models with masses between 1.0 and 3.0 Msolar”,2013,RAA, 13, 579
- Zhang, Y. Q., Du, P., Hu, C., Wang, J. M., Bi, S. L., Ai, Y. L., “A Study of Optical Light Variations of LINERs in SDSS”, 2013, AcASn, 54, 427
- Li, T. D., Bi, S. L.; Liu, K., Tian, Z. J., Shuai, G. Z., “Stellar parameters and seismological analysis of the star 18 Scorpii”,2012,A&A,546, 83
- Yang,Wuming, Meng, Xiangcun, Bi, Shaolan, Tian, Zhijia, Liu, Kang, Li, Tanda, Li, Zhongmu, “Characteristics of solar-like oscillations of secondary red clump stars”,2012,MNRAS,422,1552
- Li, T. D., Bi, S. L., Chen, Y. Q., Liu, K., Tian, Z. J., Ge, Z. S., “Lithium Abundance as a Predictor of Mass and Age in Solar-analog Stars”,2012,ApJ,746,143
- Yang, Wuming, Li, Zhongmu, Meng, Xiangcun, Bi, Shaolan, “Characteristics of solar-like oscillations of clusters simulated by stellar population synthesis”,2011,MNRAS,414,1769
- Bi, S. L., Li, T. D., Li, L. H., Yang, W. M., “Solar Models with Revised Abundance” 2011,ApJ,731,42
- Yang, Wuming, Meng, Xiangcun, Bi, Shaolan, Tian, Zhijia, Li, Tanda, Liu, Kang, “The contributions of interactive binary stars to double main-sequence turnoffs and dual red clump of intermediate-age star clusters”,2011,ApJ,731,37
- Bi, Shao-Lan, Li, Ling-Huai, Tang, Yan-Ke, Gai, Ning, “Asteroseismic study of the red giant in Ophiuchi”,2010, RAA, 10, 1265
- Gai, N., Bi, S. L., Tang, Y. K., “Asteroseismic study of helium and heavy element diffusion in solar-type stars”,2009, A&A, 508, 849
- Li, Linghuai, Sofia, Sabatino; Ventura, Paolo; Penza, Valentina; Bi, Shaolan, Basu, Sarbani, Demarque, Pierre, “Two-Dimensional Stellar Evolution Code Including Arbitrary Magnetic Fields. II. Precision Improvement and Inclusion of Turbulence and Rotation”,2009,ApJS,182,584
- Gai, N., Bi, S. L., Tang, Y. K., “Asteroseismic Tests of Heavy Element Diffusion in Low- Mass Stars”,2009,GONG 2008/SOHO 21 ASP Conference Series, Vol. 416, p.415
- Yang, Wu-Ming, Bi, Shao-Lan, “Rotation Profiles of Solar-like Stars with Magnetic Fields”, 2008, ChJAA, 8, 677
- Tang, Y. K., Bi, S. L., Gai, N., “A new asteroseismic diagram of solar-like stars”, 2008, A&A, 492, 49
- Tang, Y. K., Bi, S. L., Gai, N., “Seismic analysis of 70 Ophiuchi A: A new quantity proposed”, 2008, New Astronomy, 13, 541
- Tang, Y. K., Bi, S. L., Gai, N., “Asteroseismic study of solar-like stars: A method of estimating stellar age", 2008, IAU Symposium, 252, 115
- Bi, S. L., Gai, N., “Solar-like oscillations in red giant gamma Ophiuchi”, 2008, IAU Symposium, 252, 243
- Gai, Ning, Bi, Shao-Lan, Tang, Yan-Ke, “Modeling epsilon Eri and Asteroseismic Tests of Element Diffusion”, 2008, ChJAA, 8, 591
- Tang, Yan-Ke, Bi, Shao-Lan, Gai, Ning, Xu, Hua-Yin, “Asteroseismic Analysis of alpha Cen B: Preliminary Tests of Effects of Rotation and Interior Magnetic Field in the Solar-like Star”, 2008, ChJAA, 8, 421
- Bi, S.-L., Basu, Sarbani, Li, L.-H., “Seismological Analysis of the Stars gamma Serpentis and iota Leonis: Stellar Parameters and Evolution”, 2008, ApJ, 673, 1093
- Bi, Shaolan, Yang, Wuming, “Solar Model Including Magnetic Fields and Rotation”, 2007, AIPC, 948, 309
- Yang, W. M., Bi, S. L., “The frequency separations of stellar p-modes”, 2007, A&A, 472, 571
- Song, Han-Feng, Huang, Run-Qian, Bi, Shao-Lan, “A Model for Contact Binary Systems”, 2007, ChJAA, 7, 539
- Huang, Run-Qian, Song, Han-Feng, Bi, Shao-Lan, “On the Physical Processes in Contact Binary Systems”, 2007, ChJAA, 7, 235
- Yang, W. M.; Bi, S. L., “Solar Models with Revised Abundances and Opacities”, 2007, ApJ, 658, 67
- Yang, W. M.; Bi, S. L., “Angular momentum transport and element mixing in the stellar interior. I. Application to the rotating Sun”, 2006, A&A, 449, 1161
- Bi, S. L., “Helioseismic tests of solar models including magnetic fields”, 2006, COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 36, 3647
- Bi, S.L. & Yan, X. Y., “Solar low-l p-mode damping by MHD turbulence”, 2005, A&A, 431, 1089
- Bi, S.L. & Liao, Y., “Corrections to solar thermal structure when a turbulent magnetic field is included”, 2004, CJAA, 4, 490
- Song, H. F. & Bi, S.L., “Angular Momentum Evolution in Solar Convection Zone”, 2004, Proceedings of the SOHO 14 / GONG Workshop 14,635
- Bi, S.L., Liao, Y. & Wang, J. X., “Influence of turbulent magnetic fields on mode frequencies”, 2003, A&A, 397, 1069
- Bi, S.L., “Influence of MHD Turbulence on Solar P-Mode Oscillations”, 2003, IAUJD, 12E,53
- Bi, S.L., Xu, H.Y., “Turbulence and Solar p-Mode Oscillations”, 2002, ApSS, 197, 967
- Ni, Wei-Tou, Zhu, Jin, Wu, Xiang-Ping, Chu, Guey-Bo, Yang, Bin, Gao, Jian, Guan, Min, Tang, Chien-Jen, Chou, Yi, Chang, Chung-Hao, Bi, Shaolan, et al., “Mini-ASTROD”, 2002, International Journal of Modern Physics D., 11, 1035
- Bi, S.L., Mauro, M. P., Christensen-Dalsgaard, J., “Non-ideal effects on the solar equation of state”, 2001, in "Helio- and Asteroseismology at the Dawn of the Millennium" (Eds. A. Wilson), ESA SP-464, ESA, Publication Division, Noordwiik, The Netherlands
- Bi, S.L., Mauro, M.P., Christensen-Dalsgaard, J., “An improved equation of state under solar interior conditions”, 2000, A&A, 364, 157
- Bi, S.L., Mauro, M.P., Christensen-Dalsgaard, J., “Coulomb corrections to the equation of state for a weakly- coupled plasma”, 2000, A&A, 364, 879
- Bi, S.L., Xu, H.Y., “The influence of turbulence on the solar p-mode oscillations”, 2000, A&A, 357, 330
- Li, Rufeng, Bi, Shaolan, Dun, Jinping, “Observation and research on the twisting characteristics of flare loop system”, 1999, Publications of the Yunnan Observatory, Suppl.1999, 437
- Bi, Shaolan, “Theory of solar p-mode oscillations”, 1999, Publications of the Yunnan Observatory, 1, 62
- Li, Rufeng, Bi, Shaolan, Dun, Jinping, “Observation and Research on the Twisting Characteristics of Flare Loop System”, 1999, Observational Astrophysics in Asia and its Future, 4, 437
- Bi, S.L., Li, R.F., “Excitation of the solar p-modes by turbulent stress”, 1998, A&A, 335, 673
- Bi, Shao-lan, Li, Ru-feng, “Excitation of solar p-modes”, 1998, ChA&A, 22, 205
- Bi, Shaolan, Li, Rufeng., “Excitation of the solar p-modes”, 1998, AcApS, 18, 68
- Bi, Shaolan, Li, Rufeng., “Nonadiabatic effects on the solar p-mode oscillations”, 1997, AcApS, 17, 297
- Bi, Shao-lan, Li, Ru-feng, “Non-adiabatic effects in the solar p-mode oscillations”, 1997, ChA&A, 21, 474
- Bi, S.L., Li, R.F., “Asymptotic analysis of linear non-adiabatic non-radial oscillation of the solar p-modes”, 1997, A&A, 335, 673
- Bi, Shao-lan, Li, Ru-feng, “A numerical method of adiabatic nonradial solar oscillation”, 1996, ChA&A, 20, 382
- Bi, Shaolan, Li, Rufeng.,“The numerical method of adiabatic nonradial solar oscillations”, 1996, AcApS, 16, 213
- Bi, Shao-lan, “On the loss of angular momentum in cataclysmic binaries”, 1994, ChA&A, 18, 354
- Bi, S. L., “The Evolution and Angular Momentum Loss of Cataclysmic Binaries”, 1994, AcApS, 14, 151
- Bi, Shaolan, “The angular momentum loss of low-mass close binary systems” 1993, Ap&SS, 206, 179
- Bi, Shaolan, “Radio, opticial, X-ray, and gamma-ray radiation of the Crab pulsar, PSR 0531+21”, 1990, Publications of the Beijing Astronomical Observatory, 16, 14
- 毕少兰,10000个科学难题 天文学卷,2010,18
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