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中文学名:Nervilia muratana

S. W. Gale & S. K. Wu

滇南芋兰(diān nán yù lán,学名 Nervilia muratana S. W. Gale & S. K. Wu,是兰科芋兰属植物,Tuber whitish to pale brown, subglobse, 4-9 mm in diam., 3-5-noded. Leaf deep green on both surfaces, 6-sided, ca. 4.5 × 4 cm, papery, glabrous, with 5 main veins, base deeply cordate, apex acute; petiole-like stalk erect, 5-6 cm, green with purple flecks, with 1 or 2 short tubular sheaths near base.,产云南省南部,生于海拔500-1800米的山地林下或路旁或岩壁上覆土中。 [1]


Tuber whitish to pale brown, subglobse, 4-9 mm in diam., 3-5-noded. Leaf deep green on both surfaces, 6-sided, ca. 4.5 × 4 cm, papery, glabrous, with 5 main veins, base deeply cordate, apex acute;

petiole-like stalk erect, 5-6 cm, green with purple flecks, with 1 or 2 short tubular sheaths near base. Inflorescence 6.5-10 cm, 1-flowered; peduncle pale brown with purple flecks, with 2 tubular sheaths;

floral bract narrowly lanceolate, ca. 7 × 1 mm, apex acuminate. Flower nodding, resupinate, opening widely, ca. 50 mm in diam.; pedicel and ovary pale beige-white with sparse maroon flecks, ca. 5.5 mm;

sepals and petals similar, white on both surfaces, tinged greenish brown toward base, and with sparse maroon flecks on outer surfaces. Dorsal sepal narrowly ovate-lanceolate, ca. 28 × 2.8 mm, apex acuminate and slightly reflexed;

lateral sepals linear-lanceolate, ca. 26 × 1.8 mm, margin slightly asymmetric and involute, apex acuminate and slightly reflexed. Petals slightly falcate, linear-lanceolate, ca. 24 × 1.5 mm, apex acuminate;

lip white with irregular pinkish purple blotches on mid-lobe, narrowly obovate, ca. 25 × 9 mm, spurless, 3-lobed near middle; lateral lobes erect and tightly embracing column, not prominent, apices rounded;

mid-lobe ovate-triangular, ca. 12 × 9 mm, apex acute and slightly reflexed; disk with a thickened midvein, lanate between lateral lobes, shortly scabrid-pubescent on veins of mid-lobe.

Column white, ca. 12.5 mm, with a narrow strip of short hairs from near base to midway along its length on ventral surface, apex dilated; pollinia enclosed within clinandrium, ca. 3 mm, attached to a triangular viscidium; stigma shield-shaped; rostellum transversely elliptic, large. Fl. Mar.


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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 25 | Orchidaceae | Nervilia 4. Nervilia muratana S. W. Gale & S. K. Wu, Makinoa, n.s. 7: 81. 2008. 滇南芋兰 dian nan yu lan


● Evergreen forests; 200-500 m. S Yunnan.


  1. 滇南芋兰, 植物智, 2020-01-18