

潘毅 (学者)


英语    Pun Ngai

母校    香港大学

性质    讲座教授

研究领域  劳工

潘毅英语:Pun Ngai





潘于1979年由汕头移居香港,其弟弟为资深大律师潘熙。潘于1992年与1994年分别于香港中文大学历史系与香港大学社会科学学院(哲学硕士)毕业。1998年于伦敦大学亚非学院完成人类学哲学博士学位。潘毅主要研究中国劳工、性别及文化政治、全球化及跨境研究等。2005年凭著作《中国制造:全球化工厂下的女工》,获赖特·米尔斯(C. Wright Mills)奖[2],为首位获此奖的亚洲学者[3]




1.Made in China: Women Factory Workers in a Global Workplace is the book winner of the C. Wright Mills Award of 2006.

2.The Chinese version, 《中国女工》获取2007年度香港十大书奖

3.“开创一种抗争的次文体:工厂里一位女工的尖叫、梦魇和叛离”《社会学研究》1999, Vol. 83,九月,页11-22。于 2003年4月被中国社会科学院评选为 《社会学研究》百期优秀论文。



Pun, Ngai (2005) Made in China: Women Factory Workers in a Global Workplace. Durham: Duke University Press. This manuscript has been translated in German, French, Italian, Polish and Chinese.

潘毅 (2008) 《失语年代的光与影》, 香港:进一步出版社。

潘毅 卢晖临 张慧鹏 (2011) 《大工地》,北京:北京大学出版社。

潘毅 陈慧玲 马克·塞尔登 (2015)《苹果背后的生与死:生产线上的富士康工人》,香港:中华书局。

Pun Ngai (2016) Labor in Post-Socialist China. Cambridge: Polity Press ( will be out in February).

Pun Ngai, Jenny Chan and Mark Selden (forthcoming, 2016), Dying for an iPhone: Apple, Foxconn and Lives of the Chinese Workers. New York: Roman and Littlefield. This manuscript has been translated and published into Italian, Spanish and Chinese in 2015.


Pun Ngai, Yan Hairong, Anita Koo & Bun Ku, (2015) Social Economy in China and the World. Routledge.

潘毅 严海蓉 顾静华 古学斌(2014)《社会经济在中国—超过资本主义社会的理论和实践》,北京:社会科学文献。

潘毅 陈凤仪 顾静华 卢燕仪(2013)《不一样的香港社会经济》,香港:商务出版社。

潘毅 卢晖临 郭于华 沈原 (2011) 《富士康辉煌背后的连环跳》,香港:商务出版社。

潘毅 黎婉薇编 (2006) 《失语者的呼声:中国女工口述》,北京:三联书店。Pp1-230.

Ku, Agnes and Pun Ngai (2004) Making Citizenship in Hong Kong: (Post-) Colonial Subject, Community and Global City. London and New York: Routledgecurzon.

Pun, Ngai and Yee Lai-man, eds. (2003) Narrating Hong Kong Culture and Identity (in Chinese). Hong Kong: Oxford University Press, pp.1-595.


Pun, Ngai, and Anita Koo “A ‘World-Class’ (Labor) Camp/us: Foxconn and China’s new generation of labour migrants.” positions (2015): 23(3):411-436.

Jenny Chan, Pun Ngai and Mark Selden, “Interns or Workers? China’s Student Labor Regime”, Asian Studies, 11(1), March 2015, 69-99.

Pun, Ngai, et al. "Worker–intellectual unity: Trans-border sociological intervention in Foxconn." Current Sociology (2014): 62:2: 209-223.

Flecha, Ramon, and Pun Ngai. "The challenge for Mondragon: Searching for the cooperative values in times of internationalization." Organization 21.5 (2014): 666-682.

Jenny Chan, Pun Ngai and Mark Selden (2013), “The Politics of Global Production: Apple, Foxconn and China’s New Working Class.” "New Technology, Work and Employment 28(2): 100-15.

Pun Ngai and Jenny Chan (2013), “The Spatial Politics of Labor in China: Life, Labor, and a New Generation of Migrant Workers”, The South Atlantic Quarterly 112:1, pp.179-190.

Pun Ngai and Jenny Chan ( 2012) “Global Capital, the State and Chinese Workers: The Foxconn Experience”, Modern China. 38(4) 383–410.

  • 2012. Translated in Italian by Ferruccio Gambino and Devi Sacchetto. Pp. 145-74 in Cina, La Società Armoniosa: Sfruttamento e Resistenza Degli Operai Migranti (China, the Harmonious Society: Exploitation and Resistance of Migrant Workers). Sociologia/Attualità Internazionale. Milano: Jaca Book.
  • 2013. Translated in German by Georg Egger, Daniel Fuchs, Thomas Immervoll, Lydia Steinmassl. Pp. 106-29 in Arbeitskämpfe in China: Berichte von der Werkbank der Welt (Labor Disputes in China: Reports of the Workshop of the World). Wien: Promedia Verlag

Pun Ngai (2012), “Gender and Class: Women’s Working Lives in a Dormitory Labor Regime in China”, International Labor and Working-Class History, No. 81, Spring 2012, pp. 178–181.

Pun Ngai and Xu Yi (2011), “Legal Activism or Class Action? The political economy of the “no boss” and “no labour relationship in China’s construction industry”, China Perspectives, No 2011/2. Pp. 9-17.

Pun Ngai and Yuen-Tsang, Woon-ki Angelina (2011), 'The challenges of corporate social responsibility (CSR) multi-stakeholder practices: searching for a new occupational social work model in China', China Journal of Social Work, 4: 1, 57 — 68.

Pun Ngai and Hok Bun Ku (2011) “China at the crossroads: social economy as the new way of development” China Journal of Social Work, 4:3:197-199. Pun Ngai and Lu Huilin ( 2010),“Unfinished Proletarianization: Self, Anger and Class Action of the Second Generation of Peasant-Workers in Reform China”, Modern China, 36(5):493-519.

Pun Ngai and Lu Huilin (2010), “A Culture of Violence: The Labor Subcontracting System and Collective Actions by Construction Workers in Post-Socialist China”, The China Journal. No. 64, pp.143-158.

Pun Ngai and Lu Huilin (2010), “Neoliberalism, Urbanism and the Plight of Construction Workers in China”, Review in World Political Economy. Vol1, No1, pp127-142.

Pun Ngai, Chris Chan and Jenny Chan (2010) “The Role of the State, Labour Policy and Migrant Workers’ Struggles in Globalized China”, Global Labor Journal, Vol.1, Issue 1, pp132-151.

Jenny Chan and Pun Ngai. 2010. “Suicide as Protest for the New Generation of Chinese Migrant Workers.” The Asia-Pacific Journal, Vol. 18, Iss. 37, No. 2.

  • Translated in German by Andrea Ben Lassoued. “Foxconn-Report: Suizid als Protestform junger chinesischer Wanderarbeiterlnnen.” (Suicide as a Form of Protest for Young Chinese Migrant Workers.” Clean IT. 34 pp.

Chris King-chi Chan and Pun Ngai (2009), “The Making of a New Working Class? A Study of Collective Actions of Migrant Workers in South China”, The China Quarterly. Issue 198, June 2009, pp. 287-303.

Pun Ngai (2009),Chinese Migrant Women Workers in a Dormitory Labour System. Asia Insights. No. 1, June, pp9-13.

Leung, Pak Nang and Pun Ngai (2009), “The Radicalization of the New Working Class: The Collective Actions of Migrant Workers in South China”, The Third World Quarterly.

Pun Ngai and Chris King- chi Chan (2008), “The Subsumption of Class Discourse in China”, Boundary 2, Vol 35, No 2, pp. 75-91.

Pun Ngai and Yu Xiaomin (2008), “When Wal-Mart and the Chinese dormitory labour regime meet: a study of three toy factories in China”, China Journal of Social Work, Volume 1, Issue 2 July 2008 , pages 110 – 129.

Pun, Ngai and Smith Chris (2007),“Putting Transnational Labour Process in its Place: Dormitory Labour Regime in Post-Socialist China”, Work, Employment and Society, Vol 21, No 1, pp27-46.

Pun Ngai (2007), “The Dormitory Labor Regime: Sites of Control and Resistance for Women Migrant Workers in South China”, Feminist Economics, Volume 13, Issue 3, 2007, pp 239 – 258

Smith Chris and Pun Ngai (2006), “The dormitory labor regime in China as a site for control and resistance”, International Journal of Human Resource Management 17:8 August, pp1456-1470.

Pun, Ngai (2005), “Global Production and Corporate Business Ethics: Company Codes of Conduct Implementation and its Implication on Labour Rights in China”. China Journal, July, pp.101-113.

Sum, Ngai Ling and Ngai Pun (2005), “Paradoxes of Ethical Transnational Production: Codes of Conduct in a Chinese Workplace”, Competition and Change, Vol. 9, Issue 2, June, pp.181-200.

Pun, Ngai (2004), “Women Workers and precarious employment in Shenzhen Special Economic Zone, China”, Gender and Development, Volume 12 No. 2, July, pp.29-37.

Pun Ngai (2004), “Endengering Chinese Modernities: The Sexual Politics of Dagongmei in a Dormitory Labour Regime,” Asian Studies Review, June 2004, Vol. 28, pp.151-165.

Alvin Y. So and Ngai Pun (2004), “Introduction: Globalization and anti-Globalization of SARS in Chinese Societies”, Asian Perspective, Vol. 28, No. 1, pp. 5-17.

Pun, Ngai (2003), “Subsumption or Consumption?: The Phantom of Consumer Revolution in Globalizing China”, Cultural Anthropology, 18(4), November, pp.469-492.

Pun, Ngai (2002), “Global Capital, Local Gaze and Social Trauma in China”, Public Culture 14(2): 341-347.

Pun Ngai and Lee Kim-ming (2002), “Locating Globalization: The Changing Role of the City-state in Post-handover Hong Kong”, The China Review 2(1): 1-28, Spring.

Pun, Ngai (2000), "Opening a Minor Genre of Resistance in Reform China: Scream, Dream and Transgression in a Workplace", Positions: 8:2, pp.1-24.

Pun, Ngai (1999), "Becoming Dagongmei: the Politics of Identity and Difference in Reform China", The China Journal, No. 42. July, pp1-19.


潘毅 (2015) “ 中国革命再探索:阶级视角的回归”,《开放时代 》, 262期,页114-128。

潘毅 (2014)“社会主义国家发展经济的初衷是什么——煤矿工人话语权及主体性消逝的忧思”,《学术前沿》(人民论坛),1月,页13-22。

潘毅、卢晖临 (2014) “当代中国第二代农民工的身份认同、情感与集体行动”, 《 社会》,第34卷:1-24.

潘毅 许怡 (2012), “垄断资本与中国工人——以富士康工厂体制为例 ”, 《文化纵横》,24月,页48-55。

潘毅,郭于华,卢晖临(2011),“解构富士康”,《中国工人》,2011年 第1期, pp22-24

沈原,程平源,潘毅(2010),“谁的责任?张家界籍建筑风钻工深圳集体罹患尘肺病调查” 《中国工人》,2010年第1期, pp17-22.


潘毅等 (2009) “农民工:未完成的无产阶级化”,《开放时代 》, 6期,页1-20。



潘毅 陈敬慈 (2008) “阶级话语的消逝”,《开放时代 》, 197期,页53-60。


任焰 潘毅 (2007) “跨国劳动过程的空间政治:全球代时代的宿舍劳动体制”,《社会学研究 》, 4月, 页21-33。

任焰 潘毅 (2006) “宿舍劳动体制:劳动控制与抗争的另类空间”,《开放时代 》, 183期,2月, 页124-134。

任焰 潘毅 (2006) “工人主体性的实践:重述中国近代工人阶级的形成”,《开放时代 》, 183期,2月, 页107-123。


潘毅 (2005) “阶级的失语与发声:中国打工妹研究的一种理论视角”,《开放时代 》, 176期,2月, 页95-107。

潘毅 (2005) “全球化工厂体制与“道德理念重构”:跨国公司生产守则与中国劳动关系”,《开放时代 》, 176期,2月, 页108-125。

潘毅 (2005) “阶级的失语与发声:中国打工妹研究的一种理论视角”,精选于《中国社会科学文摘》,总33 期,6月,页14-15。

潘毅 (1999) “开创一种抗争的次文体:工厂里一位女工的尖叫、梦魇和叛离”《社会学研究》Vol. 83,九月,页11-22。


2019/02/20 新工人——阶级分析的回归 (4) - 潘毅
