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1982年兰州大学地质学获学士学位; 1988年美国阿拉巴马(Alabama)大学经济地质学获硕士学位,









出生 (1959-01-01) 1959年1月1日(65歲)
国籍 中国
职业 地质学家


2006年入选美国地质学会Fellow,2008年入选英国地质学会Fellow;曾任国际地球化学学会(Geochemical Society) 常务理事、国际地科联固体地球组成和演化委员会(IGUS-SECE)主席。英国国家自然环境基金委员会评审团专家组成员,兼任《科学通报》执行副主编、《Lithos》、《J. Asian Earth Sci.》、《地学前缘》、《高校地质学报》、《Central European J. Geosciences》等期刊编委。《Lithos》和《Journal of Petrology》专辑编辑。


2002年获得国家自然科学基金海外杰出青年基金,在Nature、Science、Earth Planet. Sci. Lett.、Geochim.Cosmochim. Acta、J. Petrol.、J. Geophys. Res.和Geology等刊物上发表论文120多篇,SCI收录110余篇,SCI被引近4000多次,H-index: 38。如发表在《Journal of Petrology》(49, 633-664,2008)"Global correlations of ocean ridge basalt chemistry with axial depth: A new perspective"一文被选为自1830至今地球科学具有里程碑意义的百篇论文之一 (该百篇论文包括地质学鼻祖莱伊尔的地质学原理、达尔文的进化论、20世纪大陆漂移、板块构造理论等)


(1)国家自然科学基金重点项目: "底部加水弱化导致华北克拉通破坏 "的岩石地球化学验证








在Nature、Science、Earth and Planetary Science Letters、Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta、Journal of Petrology、Journal of Geophysical Research和Geology等刊物上发表论文160多篇,SCI被引6300多次,H-index: 46。取得的研究成果和学术认识得到国内和国际地质科学界的广泛认同。如发表于《Journal of Petrology》的论文-Global correlations of ocean ridge basalt chemistry with axial depth: A new perspective 被选为自1833至今地球科学基石经典百篇论文之一。

1. Niu, Y.L., & R. Batiza, 1991. An empirical method for calculating melt compositions produced beneath mid-ocean ridges: Application for axis and off-axis (seamounts) melting, Journal of Geophysical Research

2. Niu, Y.L., G. Waggoner, J.M. Sinton & J.J. Mahoney, 1996. Mantle source heterogeneity and melting processes beneath seafloor spreading centers: The East Pacific Rise 18° - 19°S, Journal of Geophysical Research

3. Niu, Y.L., 1997. Mantle melting and melt extraction processes beneath ocean ridges: Evidence from abyssal peridotites, Journal of Petrology

4. Niu, Y.L. & R. Hékinian, 1997. Spreading rate dependence of the extent of mantle melting beneath ocean ridges, Natur

5. Niu, Y.L., & R. Batiza, 1997. Trace element evidence from seamounts for recycled oceanic crust in the eastern equatorial Pacific mantle, Earth and Planetary Science Letters

6. Niu, Y.L., M. Regelous, J. I. Wendt, R. Batiza & M. J. O'Hara, 2002. Geochemistry of near-EPR seamounts: Importance of source vs. process and the origin of enriched mantle component, Earth and Planetary Science Letters

7. Niu, Y.L. & M.J. O'Hara, 2003. The origin of ocean island basalts (OIB): A new perspective from petrology, geochemistry and mineral physics considerations, Journal of Geophysical Research

8. Niu, Y.L., M.J. O'Hara & J. A. Pearce, 2003. Initiation of Subduction Zones as a Consequence of Lateral Compositional Buoyancy Contrast within the Lithosphere: A Petrologic Perspective, Journal of Petrology

9. Niu, Y.L., 2004. Bulk-rock major and trace element compositions of abyssal peridotites: Implications for mantle melting melt extraction and post-melting processes beneath ocean ridges, Journal of Petrology

10. Niu, Y.L. & R. Hékinian, 2004. Ridge suction drives plume-ridge interactions (Chapter 9), in Oceanic Hotspots, edited by R. Hékinian & P. Stoffers

11. Niu, Y.L., 2005. Generation and evolution of basaltic magmas: Some basic concepts and a hypothesis for the origin of the Mesozoic-Cenozoic volcanism in eastern China, Geological Journal of China Universities

12. Niu, Y.L., 2008. The origin of alkaline lavas, Science

13. Niu, Y.L. & M.J. O'Hara, 2008. Global correlations of ocean ridge basalt chemistry with axial depth: A new perspective, Journal of Petrology

14. Niu, Y.L. & M.J. O'Hara, 2009. MORB mantle hosts the missing Eu (Sr, Nb, Ta and Ti) in the continental crust: New perspectives on crustal growth, crust-mantle differentiation and chemical structure of oceanic upper mantle, Lithos

15. Niu, Y.L., M. Wilson, E.R. Humphreys & M.J. O'Hara, 2011, The origin of intra-plate ocean island basalts (OIB): The lid effect and its geodynamic implications, Journal of Petrology