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(1) 主持,国家自然科学基金青年项目(72101027),考虑概率性竞争失效行为的物联网系统可靠性分析,在研

(2) 参与,国家自然科学基金面上项目(51975105),混合不确定性下基于自适应代理模型的结构可靠性分析与优化设计方法研究,在研

(3) 参与,国家自然科学基金面上项目(51875087),结构概率确信可靠性评估、重要性分析及优化设计理论研究,在研


(1) Best Paper Award in The second International Conference on Reliability Systems Engineering (ICRSE 2017) , 排名:第一作者

(2) First Place winner of the Thomas L. Fagan, Jr. RAMS Student Paper Award in The 61st Annual Reliability & Maintainability Symposium (RAMS 2015) ,排名:第一作者



[1] Y. Wang, L. Xing*, G. Levitin and N. Huang, Probabilistic competing failure analysis in phased-mission systems, Reliability Engineering & System Safety , vol. 176, pp. 37-51, 2018. (SCI, 中科院大类工程技术一区, AJG3)

[2] Y. Wang, L. Xing*, H. Wang and D. W. Coit, System reliability modeling considering correlated probabilistic competing failures, IEEE Transactions on Reliability , vol. 67, no. 2, pp. 416-431, 2018. (SCI, 中科院大类计算机科学二区)

[3] Y. Wang, L. Xing* and H. Wang, Reliability of systems subject to competing failure propagation and probabilistic failure isolation, International Journal of Systems Science: Operations & Logistics , vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 241-259, 2017. (ESCI)

[4] Y. Wang, L. Xing*, H. Wang and G. Levitin, Combinatorial analysis of body sensor networks subject to probabilistic competing failures, Reliability Engineering & System Safety , vol. 142, pp. 388-398, 2015. (SCI, 中科院大类工程技术一区, AJG3)

[5] Y. Wang, H. Wang* and C. Wang, Graph-based authentication design for color-depth-based 3D video transmission over wireless networks, IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management , vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 245-254, 2013. (SCI, 中科院大类计算机科学二区)

[6] L. Xing*, G. Zhao and Y. Wang, Reliability modeling of correlated competitions and dependent components with random failure propagation time, Quality and Reliability Engineering International , vol. 36, no. 3, pp. 947-964, 2020. (SCI, 中科院大类工程技术三区, AJG2)

[7] R. Ma, L. Xing* and Y. Wang, Performance analysis of Reed-Solomon codes for effective use in survivable wireless sensor networks, International Journal of Mathematical, Engineering and Management Sciences , vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 13-28, 2020. (ESCI)


[1] Y. Wang, L. Xing and L. Mandava, Competing failure analysis in sequence-dependent systems, The 65th Annual Reliability & Maintainability Symposium (RAMS 2019) , Orlando, Florida, USA, January 2019. (EI)

[2] Y. Wang, L. Xing and L. Mandava, Probabilistic competing failure analysis in multi-state wireless sensor networks, The 64th Annual Reliability & Maintainability Symposium (RAMS 2018) , Reno, NV, USA, January 2018. (EI)

[3] Y. Wang and L. Xing, Reliability of wireless sensor networks subject to phase-dependent probabilistic competing failures, The Second International Conference on Reliability Systems Engineering (ICRSE 2017) , Huairou, Beijing, China, July 2017. (EI)

[4] Y. Wang, L. Xing and H. Wang, Reliability modeling of relay-assisted wireless body area networks, The 62nd Annual Reliability & Maintainability Symposium (RAMS 2016) , Tucson, AZ, USA, January 2016. (EI)

[5] Y. Wang, L. Xing, H. Wang and G. Levitin, “Probabilistic competing failure analysis in body sensor networks,” The 61st Annual Reliability & Maintainability Symposium (RAMS 2015) , Palm Harbor, FL, USA, January 2015. (EI)


