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1994.09-1998.07武汉冶金科技大学 采矿工程学士学位

1998.09-2001.07武汉理工大学 采矿工程硕士学位


2006.04-200804 中南大学矿业工程博士后科研流动站

2004.09-至2022.03 中南大学资源与安全工程学院,副教授、教授

2022.04-至今 福州大学紫金地质与矿业学院,教授

2011.09-2012.09澳大利亚西澳大学访问学者Pro. Ma Guowei















[1]Dongjie Yang, Jianhua Hu, Yaguang Qin. Hydro-mechanical coupling of granite with micro-defects: Insights into underground energy storage[J]. Alexandria Engineering Journal, 2022,61(9):7213-7220

[2]Shao-wei MA, Jian-hua HU, Ya-guang QIN, Qi-fan REN, Dong-jie YANG. Bearing mechanism and thickness optimization of ore roof in bauxite stope[J].Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2022,32(1):285−295.

[3]Dongjie Yang, Jianhua Hu, Tan Zhou, Xiaotian Ding. Cross-Scale Characteristics of Damage Evolution in Granite under High-Confining Pressure Cyclic Loading[J]. International Journal of Geomechanics, 2022, 22(2): 04021286

[4]Jianhua Hu, Tan Zhou, Shaowei Ma, DongjieYang, MengmengGuo, Pengli Huang. Rock mass classifcation prediction model using heuristic algorithms and support vector machines: a case study of Chambishi copper mine[J]. Scientific Reports, 2022,12(928)https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-022-05027-y


[6]HU Jian-hua, ZHAO Yang, ZHOU Tan, MA Shao-wei, WANG Xue-liang, ZHAO Lei. Multi-factor influence of cross-sectional airflow distribution in roadway with rough roof[J]. Journal of Central South University,2021,28(7):2067-2078.

[7]赵风文,胡建华,曾平平,王学梁,赵磊.基于正交试验的碱基-磷石膏胶结充填体配比优化[J].中国有色金属学报, 2021,31(4):1096-1105

[8]Yang Dongjie , Hu Jianhua , Wen Guanping , et al. Analysis of fracture deformation field and energy evolution of granite after high confining pressure cyclic load pre-damage[J]. Royal Society Open Science, 2021, 8(6):201966.

[9]Zhao Fengwen , Hu Jianhua , Yang Dongjie , et al. Study on the Relationship between Pore Structure and Uniaxial Compressive Strength of Cemented Paste Backfill by Using Air-Entraining Agent[J]. Advances in Civil Engineering, 2021, 2021(6):1-10.

[10]Collaborative Mining Sequence Optimization for Multiple Stopes under Intensive Mining

[11]Jian-hua HU, Dong-jie YANG. Meso-damage evolution and mechanical characteristics of low-porosity sedimentary rocks under uniaxial compression[J].Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2020,30(4):1071−1077.

[12]Hu Jianhua, Wen Guanping, Lin Qibin, Cao Ping, et.al. Mechanical properties and crack evolution of double-layer composite rock-like specimens with two parallel fissures under uniaxial compression[J]. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics,2020,108:102610.

[13]Hu Jian-hua, Ren Qi-fan, Yang Dong-jie, et.al. Cross -scale characteristics of backfill material using NMR and fractal theory[J].Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2020,30(5):1347-1363.

[14]Hu Jianhua, Zhao Fengwen, Kuang Ye, et.al. Microscopic characteristics of the action of an air entraining agent on cemented paste backfill pores[J].Alexandria Engineering Journal, 2020,59(3):1583-1593.

[15]Hu Jianhua, Zhao FengWen, Kuang Ye, Yang Dongjie, et.al. Microscopic characteristics of the action of an air entraining agent on cemented paste backfill pores[J]. Alexandria Engineering Journal, 2020,59(3):1583-1593.

[16]Qin Yaguang, Hu Jianhua, Yang Dongjie, et.al. Optimization of Transport Performance and Strength of the Filling Slurry in Tailings Reservoir Waste by Adding Air Entraining Agent[J]. MINERALS,2020,10(9): 730

[17]Hu, Jian-hua; Ren, Qi-fan; Ma, Shao-wei; et.al. Macroscopic and microscopic trans-scale characteristics of pore structure of mine grouting materials[J]. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2019,29(5):1067−1081.

[18]Jian Hua Hu,Ye Kuang,Tan Zhou,Fengwen Zhao. Influence of Air Entraining Agent on Strength and Microstructure Properties of Cemented Paste Backfill[J]. IEEE Access, 2019,7:140899- 140907.

[19]Hu Jianhua,Ding Xiaotian,Ren Qifan,et.al. Effect of Incorporating Waste Limestone Powder into Solid Waste Cemented Paste Backfill Material[J]. Applied Sciences Basel, 2019, 9, 2076; doi:10.3390/app9102076

[20]Chun Yang,Jianhua Hu*,Shaowei Ma. Numerical Investigation of Rock Breaking Mechanism With Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Jet by SPH-FEM Approach[J]. IEEE ACCESS, 2019,7:55485 - 55495

[21]HU J, Zhao F, Ren Q, Kuang Y,Zhou T, Luo Z. Microscopic characterization and strength characteristics of cemented backfill under different humidity curing conditions[J]. R. Soc. open sci. 2019,6: 191227.

[22]周坦,胡建华*,匡也.基于模糊RES-多维云模型的岩体质量评判方法与应用[J].中国有色金属学报, 2019, 29(8):1771-1780.

[23]胡建华,蒋权,任启帆,等.充填体孔隙结构与中观参数跨尺度关联特征[J].中国有色金属学报, 2018, 28(10):212-221.(Ei检索)



[1] 2014年教育部技术发明奖二等奖:开采环境再造连续采矿技术及应用(排名第4)

[2] 2018年中关村绿色矿山产业联盟绿色矿山科学技术一等奖:缓倾斜薄矿体采充一体化绿色开采与智能管控集成技术(排名第2)

[3] 2019年中国有色金属协会科技进步二等奖:缓-倾斜破碎矿体空场嗣后充填协同开采关键技术研究(排名第1)

