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1991 杭州大学(现浙江大学) 博士

1985 杭州大学(现浙江大学) 硕士

1982 浙江师范大学 学士


2001- 北京大学数学科学学院 教授

1995-2001 北京大学数学科学学院 副教授

1993-1995 北京大学数学系 博士后

1991-1993 复旦大学数学系 博士后


Xiaohuan Mo , Minimal surfaces with constant Kaehler angel in the complex projective spaces , Proc . Amer. Math. Soc. , 121(1994), 569-571

Xiaohuan Mo, Lagrangian harmonic maps into CPn , Scirntia Sinica, 38(1995), 524-532.

Xiaohuan Mo , Horizontally conformal maps and harmonic morphisms. J. Chin. Cont. Math., (1996),

Xiaohuan Mo , Lagrangian harmonic two-spheres in CPn with higher order singularities.Scirntia Sinica, 39(1996), 583-588.

Xiaohuan Mo, On Riemann-Finsler geometry, Chin . Sci . Bull, 43 (1998) ,447-450.

Xiaohuan Mo, Characterization and structure of Finsler spaces with constant flag curvature. Scientia Sinica, 41(1998), 910-917.

S. Gudmundsson and Xiaohuan Mo, Harmonic morphisms as unit normal bundles of minimal surfaces , Manuscripta Mathematica, 100(1999), 323-333.

Xiaohuan Mo , Flag curvature tensor on a closed Finsler surface. Result in Math., 36(1999) , 149-159.

Xiaohuan Mo, New characterizations of Riemannian spaces, Houston Journal of Mathematics 26(2000) 517-526.

Xiaohuan Mo and C. J.C. Negreiros , (1,2)-symplectic structures on flag manifolds, Tohoku Math. J. 52(2000) , 271-282.

Xiaohuan Mo, Finsler spaces with vanishing Riemannian curvature, Romanian journal of pure and applied mathematics 46(2001) , 455-463.

Xiaohuan Mo , Harmonic maps from Finsler manifolds, Illinois Journal of Mathematics, 45(2001), 1331-1345.

Xiaohuan Mo and Zhongmin Shen, Recent developments and some open problems in Finsler geometry, Chin . Sci . Bull , 46 (2001) , 1059-1060.

Xiaohuan Mo and Yuguang Shi, A non-existence theorem of proper harmonic morphisms between hyperbolic spaces , Geom. Dedicata. 93(2002), 89-94.

Xiaohuan Mo, Harmonic morphisms and submanifolds with conformal second fundamental forms, Glasgow Math. J. 45(2003), 143-151.

Xiaohuan Mo, The geometry of conformal foliations and p-harmonic morphisms, accepted for publication in: Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc.137(2003).

Xinyue Chen, Xiaohuan Mo and Zhongmin Shen, On the flag curvature of Finsler metrics of scalar curvature, accepted for publication in: Journal of the London Mathematical Society. (2003).

Xiaohuan Mo and Zhongmin Shen, On negatively curved Finsler manifolds of scalar curvature, accepted for publication in: Canadian Mathematical Bulletin (2003).

Xiaohuan Mo, On the flag curvature of a Finsler space with constant S-curvature, accepted for publication in: Houston Journal of Mathematics (2003).

E. Loubeau and X. Mo, Pseudo horizontally weakly conformal maps from Riemannian manifolds into Kaehler manifolds, accepted for publication in: Contributions to Algebra and Geometry(2003).


2002.1-2004.12 芬斯拉空间的调和映射的存在性和热流 国家自然科学基金

1999.1-2001.12 子流形几何 国家自然科学基金

1996.1-1998.12 子流形几何和调和映射 国家自然科学基金


1999.3-1999.7 黎曼几何 研究生

1998.9-1999.1 高等代数 本科生

1997.9-1998.1 Finsler几何 研究生

1997.9-1998.1 高等数学 本科生

1997.2-1997.7 微分几何 本科生


2002年 教育部提名国家科学技术奖自然科学奖一等奖 (独立) [1]
