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中文名: 董汉松

国 籍: 中国

民 族: 汉

出生日期: 1960年4月

毕业院校: 山东农业大学、南京农业大学

职 业: 山东农业大学教授

主要成就: 国家杰出青年基金

出生地: 山东省莒南县

信 仰: 共产主义



1978年10月至1982年7月,山东农业大学植物保护系,本科/学士; 1982年9月至1985年7月,南京农业大学植物保护系,研究生/硕士; 1985年9月至1988年4月,南京农业大学植物保护学院,研究生/博士。


1988年4月至1996年12月,山东农业大学植物保护学院,助理研究员(1988年4月至1993年8月),副研究员(1993年9-12月),研究员、教授(1994年2月到1996年12月); 1997年2月到1998年2月,美国康乃尔大学(Ithaca, NY)植物病理学系访问学者(Visiting Scholar); 1998年3月到2000年7月,2000年8月至2001年2月,2002年8至9月,2008年8月,2010年11月至2011年6月,康乃尔大学植物病理学系客座教授(Visiting Professor); 2000年7月-2017年12月,南京农业大学植物保护学院,教授,博士研究生导师。  2017年12月至今,山东农业大学植保学院,教授。  


植物生长与防卫信号传导 分子植物病理学


近五年主持国家杰出青年基金、转基因生物新品种培育重大专项、自然科学基金项目以及教育部博士点基金重点项目,参加973与公益性行业科技项目。 南京农业大学第三届师德先进个人(2012) 政府特殊津贴(国务院授, 2002) 教育部跨世纪优秀人才(教育部选, 2002) 江苏省“青蓝工程”培养对象(江苏省教育厅选, 2000) 第五届中国青年科技奖(中共中央组织部、国家人事部、中国科协授, 1996) 国家教委科技进步二等奖(植物诱导抗性研究,1996,排名1/6) 国家科委科技进步一等奖(烟草病害调查研究,1996,排名4/9) 山东省新长征突击手(共青团山东省委授, 1993) 山东省优秀青年教师(中共山东省高教工委授, 1992) 第二届山东省青年科技奖(山东省科协授, 1992) 山东省省优秀青年知识分子(山东省人民政府所属四个部门授, 1992)  




一、论著(*通讯作者)  2014 Ji HT, Zhu YY, Tian S, Xu MY, Tian YM, Li L, Wang H, Hu L, Ge J, Wen WG, and Dong HS*. 2014. Downregulation of leaf flavin content induces early flowering and photoperiod gene expression in Arabidopsis. BMC Plant Biology 14: 237. Xu MY, Zhou T, Zhao YY, Xu H, Dong HS, and Zhang CL*. 2014. Transgenic expression of a functional fragment of harpin Protein Hpa1 in wheat represses English grain aphid infestation. Journal of Integrative Agriculture (in press). Zhao YY, Li C, Ge J, Xu MY, Zhu Q, Wu TQ, Guo A, and Dong HS*. 2014. Recessive mutation identifies auxin-repressed protein ARP1 that regulates growth and disease resistance in tobacco. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 27(7): 638-654. Li XJ, Wang XB, Wang DF, Tian S, Dong HS, and Zhang CL*. 2014. Transgenic expression of an active fragment of the harpin protein Hpa1 in wheat reduces Fusarium head blight. Acta Phytophylacica Sinica 41(1): 26-34. Fu MQ, Xu MY, Zhou T, Wang DF, Tian S, Han LP, Dong HS, and Zhang CL*. 2014. Transgenic expression of a functional fragment of harpin protein Hpa1 in wheat induces the phloem-based defense to English grain aphid. Journal of Experimental Botany 65(6):1439-1453. Zhao YY,Wang DF, Wu TQ, Guo A, Dong HS, and Zhang CL*. 2014. Transgenic expression of rice riboflavin synthase gene in tobacco enhances the plant growth and resistance to tobacco mosaic virus. Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology 36(1): 100-109. Li XJ, Zhao YY, You ZZ, Dong HS, Zhang CL* 2014. Harpin Hpa1 needs nitroxyl terminus to promote vegetative growth and leaf photosynthesis in Arabidopsis. Journal of Biosciences 39: 127-137. Li XJ, Han B,Xu MY,Han LP, Zhao YY, Liu ZL, Dong HS*, and Zhang CL*. 2014.Plant growth enhancement and associated physiological responses are coregulated by ethylene and gibberellin following treatment with harpin protein Hpa1. Planta 239: 831-846. Wang DF, Wang YJ,Fu MQ, Mu SY,Han B, Ji HT,Cai HS,Dong HS, and Zhang CL*. 2014. Transgenic expression of the functional fragment Hpa110-42 of the harpin protein Hpa1 imparts enhanced resistance to powdery mildew in wheat. Plant Disease 98: 448-455. 2013 Zhu Q, Li BY, Mu SY, Han B, Cui RZ, Xu MY, Yu ZZ, and Dong HS*. 2013. TTG2-regulated development is related to expression of putative AUXIN RESPONSE FACTOR genes in tobacco. BMC Genomics 14: 806. 韩冰, 朱茜, 葛军, 徐曼宇, 董汉松*. 2013. 烟草TTG2蛋白质对NPR1介导的抗病防卫反应与ARF8影响的生长发育进行交叉调控的机制. 植物生理学报 Plant Physiol J 49 (12): 1291-1300. 尤真真, 高蓉, 田珊, 董汉松*. 2013. 植物水通道蛋白结构与功能及其识别与转导水稻黄单胞菌Hpa1信号的机制. 植物病理学报 43(2): 232-248. Zou BH, Jia ZH, Tian SM, Wang XM, Gou ZH, Lü BB, and Dong HS*. 2013.AtMYB44 positively modulates disease resistance to Pseudomonas syringae through the salicylic acid signalling pathway in Arabidopsis. Functional Plant Biology 40: 304–313. Lü BB, Li XJ, Su WW, Li L, Gao R, Zhu Q, Tian SM, Fu MQ, Yu HL, Tang XM, Zhang CL*, and Dong HS. 2013. AtMYB44 regulates resistance to the green peach aphid and diamondback moth by activating EIN2-affected defenses in Arabidopsis. Plant Biology 15: 841-850 Deng BL and Dong HS*. 2013. Ectopic expression of riboflavin-binding protein gene TsRfBP paradoxically enhances both plant growth and drought tolerance in transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation 32: 170-181. 2012 Li BY, Gao R, Cui RZ, Lü BB, Li XJ, Zhao YY, You ZZ, Tian SM, and Dong HS*. 2012. Tobacco TTG2 quells resistance to pathogens by sequestering NPR1 from nuclear localization. Journal of Cell Science 125: 4913-4922. Liu PQ, Sun F, Gao R, and Dong HS*. 2012. RAP2.6L overexpression delays waterlogging induced premature senescence by increasing stomatal closure more than antioxidant enzyme activity. Plant Molecular Biology 79: 609-622. Sang SL, Li XJ, Gao R, You ZZ, Lü BB, Liu PQ, and Dong HS*. 2012. Apoplastic and cytoplasmic location of harpin protein Hpa1Xoo plays different roles in H2O2 generation and pathogen resistance in Arabidopsis. Plant Molecular Biology 79: 375-391. Deng B and Dong H*. 2012. Antioxidant response to drought, cold and nutrient stress in two ploidy levels of tobacco plants: low resource requirement confers polytolerance in polyploids? Plant Growth Regulation 66: 37–47. 张春玲, 付茂强, 徐衡, 董汉松*. 2012. 拟南芥韧皮部防卫反应转录调控与小麦抗蚜虫机制. 南京农业大学学报 35(5): 113-124. 董汉松. 2012. 植病研究法. 中国农业出版社. 2011 Cai HS, Tian S, and Dong HS*. 2011. Large scale in silico identification of MYB family genes in wheat expressed sequence tags. Molecular Biotechnology 52: 184-192. 吕贝贝, 孙伟伟, 李亮, 董汉松*. 2011. 植物核质转运与抗病防卫反应信号传导交叉调控. 南京农业大学学报 34: 129-137. Cai HS, Tian S, Liu CL, and Dong HS*. 2011. Identification of a MYB3R gene involved in drought, salt and cold stress in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Gene 485: 146-152. Hhi HJ, Cui RZ, Hu BS, Wang XM, Zhang SP, Liu RX, and Dong HS*. 2011. Overexpression of transcription factor AtMYB44 facilitates Botrytis infection in Arabidopsis. Physiology and Molecular Plant Pathology 76: 90-95. Deng BL, Deng S, Sun F, Zhang SJ, and Dong HS*. 2011. Down-regulation of free riboflavin content induces hydrogen peroxide and a pathogen defense in Arabidopsis. Molecular Plant Biology 77: 185-201. Zhang CL, Shi HJ, Chen L, Wang XM, Lü BB, Zhang SP, Liang Y, Liu RX, Qian J, Sun WW, You ZZ, and Dong HS*. 2011. Harpin-induced expression and transgenic overexpression of the phloem protein gene AtPP2-A1 in Arabidopsis repress phloem feeding of the green peach aphid Myzus persicae. BMC Plant Biology 11:11. Lü BB, Sun WW, Zhang SP, Zhang CL, Qian J, Wang XM, Gao R, and Dong HS*. 2011. HrpNEa-induced deterrent effect on phloem feeding of the green peach aphid Myzus persicae requires AtGSL5 and AtMYB44 genes in Arabidopsis thaliana. Journal of Biosciences 36: 127-137. 2010 Sun LJ, Ren HY, Liu RX, Li BY, Wu TQ, Sun F, Liu HM, Wang XM, and Dong HS*. 2010. An h-type thioredoxin functions in tobacco defense responses to two species of viruses and an abiotic oxidative stress. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 23: 1470-1485. Liu RX, Chen L, Jia ZH, Lü BB, and Dong HS*. 2010. Transcription factor AtMYB44 regulates induced expression of the ETHYLENE INSENSITIVE2 gene in Arabidopsis responding to a harpin protein. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 24: 377-389. Liu RX, Lü BB, Wang XM, Zhang CL, Zhang SP, Qian J, Chen L, Shi HJ, and Dong HS*. 2010. Thirty-seven transcription factor genes differentially respond to a harpin protein and affect resistance to the green peach aphid in Arabidopsis. Journal of Biosciences 35: 435-450. Sun LJ, Qu SP,Liu XM, Jia ZH, and Dong HS*. 2010. The application of HrpNEa protein to roots alleviates severity of soft rot in Chinese cabbage. Plant Disease 94: 1141-1147. Sun F, Liu PQ, Xu J, and Dong HS*. 2010. Mutation in RAP2.6L, a transactivator of the ERF transcription factor family, enhances Arabidopsis resistance to Pseudomonas syringae. Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology 74: 295-302. Jia ZH, Zou BH, Wang XM, Qiu J, Guo ZH, Song SS, and Dong HS*. 2010. Quercetin-induced H2O2 mediates the pathogen resistance against Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000 in Arabidopsis thaliana. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 396: 522-527. Wu TQ, Guo A, Zhao YY, Wang XM, Wang Y, Zhao D, Li XJ, Ren HY, and Dong HS*. 2010. Ectopic expression of the rice lumazine synthase gene contributes to defense responses in transgenic tobacco. Phytopathology 100:573-581. 2009-1995 Wang YP, Liu RX, Chen L, Wang YC, Liang YC, Wu XJ, Li BY, Wu XJ, Liang Y, Wang XM, Zhang CL, Wang QX, Hong XY, and Dong HS*. 2009. Nicotiana tabacum TTG1 contributes to ParA1-induced signalling and cell death in leaf trichomes. Journal of Cell Science 15: 2673−2685. Chen L, Qian J, Qu SP, Long JY, Yin Q, Zhang CL, Wu XJ, Sun F, Wu TQ, Beer SV, and Dong HS*. 2008. Identification of specific fragments of HpaGXooc, a harpin protein from Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola, that induce disease resistance and enhanced growth in rice. Phytopathology 98: 781-791. Chen L, Long JY, Zhang SS, Qu SP, Yin Q, Qian J, Wu XJ, Sun F, Wu TQ, Cheng ZQ, Beer SV, and Dong HS*. 2008. A fragment of the Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola harpin HpaGXooc reduces disease and increases yield of rice in extensive grower plantings. Phytopathology 98: 792-802. Ren XY, Zhang CL, Bao ZL, Chen L, Wu XJ, and Dong HS*. 2008. Root growth of Arabidopsis thaliana is regulated by ethylene and abscisic acid signaling interaction in response to HrpNEa, a bacterial protein of harpin group. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter 31: 617-627. Zhang SJ, Yang X, Sun MW, Sun F, Deng S, and Dong HS*. 2008. Riboflavin-induced priming for pathogen defense in Arabidopsis thaliana. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 51: 167-174. Zhang CL, Qian J, Bao ZL, Hong XY, and Dong H*. 2007. Abscisic acid mediates Arabidopsis drought tolerance induced by HrpNEa in the absence of ethylene signaling. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter 25: 98-114. Wu XJ, Wu TQ, Long JY, Yin Q, Zhang Y, Chen L, Liang Y, Liu RX, Gao TC, and Dong HS*. 2007. Productivity and biochemical properties of green tea in response to a bacterial type-III effector protein and its variants. Journal of Biosciences 32: 1119-1132. Liu FQ, Liu HX, Jia Q, Guo XJ, Zhang SJ, Wu X, Song F, and Dong HS*. 2006. The internal glycine-rich motif and cysteine suppress several effects of the HpaGXooc protein in plants. Phytopathology 96: 1052-1059. Ren HY, Gu GY, Long JY, Yin Q, Wu TQ, Song T, Zhang SP, Chen ZY, Dong HS*. 2006. Combinative effects of a bacterial type-III effector and a biocontrol bacterium on rice growth and disease resistance. J Biosci 31: 617-627. Ren HY, Song T, Wu TQ, Sun LJ, Liu Y, Yang FF, Chen ZY, Dong HS*. 2006. Effects of a biocontrol bacterium on transgenic rice plants expressing a bacterial type-III effector. Annals of Microbiology 56: 281-287. Dong HP, Yu HQ, Bao ZL, Guo XJ, Peng JL, Yao Z, Chen GY, Qu SP, Dong HS*. 2005. The ABI2-dependent abscissic acid signalling controls HrpN-induced drought tolerance in Arabidopsis. Planta 221: 317-327. Dong HP, Peng JL, Bao ZL, Meng XD, Bonasera JM, Beer SV, and Dong HS*. 2004. Downstream divergence of the ethylene signaling pathway for harpin-stimulated Arabidopsis growth and insect defense. Plant Physiol 136: 3628-3638. Peng JL, Bao ZL, Ren HY, Wang JS, and Dong HS*. 2004. Expression of harpinXoo in transgenic tobacco induces pathogen defense in the absence of hypersensitive response. Phytopathology 94: 1048-1055. Peng JL, Bao ZL, Li P, Chen GY, Wang JS, and Dong HS*. 2004. HarpinXoo and its functional domains activate pathogen-inducible plant promoters in Arabidopsis. Acta Bot Sinica 46: 1083-1090. Peng JL, Dong H*, Dong HP, Delaney TP, Bonasera JM, and Beer SV. 2003. Harpin-elicited hypersensitive cell death and pathogen resistance require the NDR1 and EDS1 genes. Physiol Mol Plant Pathol 62: 317-326. Dong HS and Beer SV. 2000. Riboflavin induces disease resistance by activating a novel signal transduction pathway in plants. Phytopathology 90: 801-811. Dong HS, Delaney TP, Bauer DW, and Beer SV*. 1999. Harpin induces disease resistance in Arabidopsis through the systemic acquired resistance pathway mediated by salicylic acid and the NIM1 gene. Plant J 20: 207-215. Kim JF, Bauer DW, Bogdanove, AJ, Dong HS, Beer SV*, and Wei ZM. 1999. Secreted enigmatic proteins of Erwinia amylovora. Acata Horticultura 489: 371-375. Dong H, Bauer DW, Delaney TP, and Beer SV*. 1997. Effects of harpin on Arabidopsis thaliana. Phytopathology 87: S34-S35. Xu WL, Dong HS, Pan J, Jiang WL. 1997. Molecular basis of transfer of induced resistance in plants. Journal of Tsinghua Science and Technology 2(3): 463-465. 谢联辉, 周雪平, 康振生, 董汉松, 胡方平. 2006. 普通植物病理学. 科学出版社. 刘爱新, 李多川, 董汉松, 王金生. 2006. HarpinXoo诱发烟草过敏反应早期H2O2变化及有关基因表达. 植物病理学报 36: 163-168. 董宏平, 彭建令, 余晓江, 赵静, 王颖, 董汉松*. 2004. 植物抗病性信号传导调控基因的克隆与表达检测方法的研究. 南京农业大学学报 27(4): 30-34. 董宏平, 彭建令, 董汉松*. 2004. Harpin促进烟草和番茄生长、诱导抗虫信号通路研究. 高技术通讯 12(4): 29-32. 梁元存, 刘爱新, 董汉松, 王金生, 张天宇. 2004. 寄生疫霉parA1基因的克隆及在大肠杆菌中的表达. 微生物学报 44(2): 202-205. 梁元存, 刘爱新, 董汉松. 2004. Elicitins与植物的抗病性. 微生物学通报 31(2): 134-137. 彭建令, 包志龙, 董汉松*. 2003. 受细菌诱导的植物启动子的克隆及在转基因烟草中的活性. 南京农业大学学报 26(3): 36-40. 商明清, 梁元存, 刘爱新, 董汉松*. 2003. 烟草赤星病菌糖蛋白激发子诱导烟草抗病防卫反应. 南京农业大学学报 26(1): 20-23. 彭建令, 赵静, 潘小玫, 赵建方, 董汉松, 王金生, 刘伯新, 刘广玉, 程云吉. 2002. 核黄素启动植物生长信号通路的初步研究. 南京农业大学学报 25(4): 33-36. 梁元存, 潘军, 刘爱新, 董汉松, 徐文联. 2000. 抗赤星病烟草的防卫基因的表达与基因组DNA结构的变化. 中国烟草科学 21(4): 1-5. 梁元存, 商明清, 刘爱新, 董汉松. 2000. 病菌激发子诱导烟草抗赤星病的研究. 山东农业大学学报(自然科学版) 31(1): 8-10. 刘爱新, 董汉松, 梁元存, 李华, 张博. 1999. 烟草几丁质酶和β-1,3-葡聚糖酶的抑菌作用. 微生物学通报 26(1): 15-17. 赵立平, 董汉松, 徐文联等. 1999. 产harpin的成团泛菌工程菌的构建. 植物病理学报 29(2): 142-146. 梁元存, 刘爱新, 董汉松, 刘广玉. 1998. 烟草抗赤星病诱导剂SRS2的田间应用. 植物保护学报 25(3): 235-239. 董汉松, 徐文联, 赵立平. 1997. 植物抗病防卫基因及其顺式元件在真菌病害防治中的应用. 高技术通讯 6(4): 49-51. 赵立平, 梁元存, 刘爱新, 董汉松等. 1997. 表达harpin基因的大肠杆菌DH5α (pCPP430) 诱导植物抗病性研究. 高技术通讯 7(9): 1-4. 董汉松. 1996. 植物抗病防卫基因表达调控与诱导抗性遗传的机制. 植物病理学报 26(4): 289-293. 董汉松, 刘爱新. 1995. 接触识别导误与烟草抗赤星病诱导的关系. 微生物学报 35(3): 166-172. 董汉松, 王金生, 方中达. 1995. 细菌凝集素和菌体脂多糖在大白菜软腐欧氏杆菌-寄主接触识别中的作用. 植物病理学报 25(1): 51-56. 董汉松. 1995. 植物诱导抗病性—原理和研究. 科学出版社. 二、专利 董汉松, 李宝燕, 蔡洪生, 崔润芝, 徐衡. 一种烟草表皮毛发育相关蛋白基因NtTTG2及其重组表达载体和应用. 专利号: ZL 2011 1 0264672.X; 授权公告日: 2013年4月10日. 董汉松, 刘昌来, 王颖, 龙菊英, 陈蕾, 钱君, 邹保红, 蔡洪生, 李小杰. 水稻细条斑病菌HpaGxooc基因片段hpaG28-126的应用; 专利号: ZL 2010 1 0528319.3; 授权公告日: 2012年3月14日.


  1. 董汉松 , 南京农业大学植物保护学院 2016-12-12