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郑加麟,男,汉族,曾在徐州医学院,南京医科大学上海第二医科大学学习过。 [1]

现为同济大学医学院院长 。 [2]



国 籍 ---- 中国

职 业 ---- 现为同济大学医学院院长



1982年9月----1987年7月 徐州医学院 临床医学 学士

1987年9月----1990年7月 徐州医学院和南京医科大学 神经药理学 硕士

1990年9月----1992年10月 上海第二医科大学 神经药理学 博士生





















美国国立卫生研究院 (nih) zrg1 ndbg 专家组成员



2004年随美国内布拉斯加州长mike johanns商务代表团访问中国(翻译和助手)

2005年至今xpharm杂志(elsevier science出版社)副主编


2005年3月获05年美国内布拉斯加大学医学中心joseph p. gilmore杰出科研奖

2007年随美国内布拉斯加州长dave heineman商务代表团访问中国(翻译和助手)

2007年1月至今美国国立卫生研究院 (nih)"神经氧化代谢和凋亡研究"专家组常任成员


2008年7月至今美国内布拉斯加大学医学中心病理学、微生物学、药理学和实验神经科学教授 (终身教授)




1.whitney, n., peng, h., erdmann, n., tian, t, monaghan, d. and zheng, j. (2008). calcium-permeable ampa receptors containing q/r-unedited glur2 directs human neural progenitor cells differentiation to neurons. faseb j. (in press) (pmid: 18383342).

2.tian, c., erdmann, n., zhao, j., cao, z., peng, h. and zheng, j. (2008). hiv-infected macrophages mediate neuronal apoptosis through mitochondrial glutaminase. j. neurochem. 105: 994-1005 (pmid: 18088378)

3.peng, h. and whitney, n., wu, y, tian, t, dou, h, zhou, y and zheng, j. (2008). hiv-1-infected and/or immune-activated macrophage-secreted tnf-a affects human fetal cortical neural progenitor cell proliferation and differentiation. glia. 56 (8): 903-16 (pmid: 18403631).

4.cui, m., huang, y., zhao, y. and zheng, j. (2008). foxo3a transcription factor mediates cell death in hiv-1 infected macrophages. j. immunology. 180:898-906. (pmid: 18178829)

5.erdmann n, zhao j, lopez a, herek s, curthoys n, hexum t, tsukamoto t, ferraris d, zheng j. (2007). glutamate production by hiv-1 infected human macrophage is blocked by the inhibition of glutaminase. j. neurochem. 102:539-49. (pmid: 17596215)

6.huang, y., erdmann, n., peng, h., herek, s., davis, j., luo, x. t. ikezu, and j. zheng (2006). trail-mediated apoptosis in hiv-1-infected macrophages is dependent on the inhibition of akt-1 phosphorylation. j. immunology 177: 2304-2313. (pmid: 16887991)

7.zheng, j., zhuang, w., yan, n., kou, g., peng, h., mcnally, c., erichsen, d., cheloha, a., herek, s., shi, c. and shi, y. (2004). classification of hiv-1 mediated neuronal dendritic and synaptic damage using multiple criteria linear programming. neuroinformatics 2 (3): 303-26. (pmid: 15365193)

8.zheng, j., ghorpade, a., thylin, m.r., cotter, r. l., niemann, d., epstein, l., swartz, j. m., shepard, r. b., liu, x., nukuna, a., gendelman, h.e. (1999). lymphotropic virions affect chemokine receptor-mediated neural apoptosis: implications for hiv-1-associated dementia. j. virol. 73 (10): 8256-8267. (pmid: 10482576)

9.zheng, j., thylin, m. r., ghorpade, a., xiong, h., persidsky, y., cotter, r., niemann, d., che, m., zeng, y., gelbard, h.a., shepard, r. b., swartz, j. m., gendelman, h. e. (1999). intracellular cxcr4 signaling, neuronal apoptosis, and the neuropathogenic mechanisms for hiv-1-associated dementia. j. neuroimmunol. 98:185-200, (pmid: 10430052)

10.zheng, j., zhang p., hexum, t.d. (1997). neuropeptide y inhibits chromaffin cell nicotinic receptor stimulated tyrosine hydroxylase activity through a receptor linked g-protein mediated process. mol. pharmacol. 52: 1027-1033, (pmid: 9415712)


1.zheng, j., huang, y., tang, k., cui, m., niemann, d., lopez, a., morgello, s. and chen, s. (2008). hiv-1-infected and/or immune-activated macrophages regulate astrocyte cxcl8 production through il-1beta and tnf-alpha: involvement of mitogen-activated protein kinase and protein kinase r. journal of neuroimmunology (in press).

2.peng h, kolb r, kennedy j and zheng j. (2007). differential expression of cxcl12 and cxcr4 during human fetal neural progenitor cell differentiation. j. neuroimmunol pharm 2: 251-258. (pmid: 18040858)

3.zheng, j. and che, s-d. neuroimmune pharmacology expanding in asia pacific rim. j. neuroimmunol pharm. 2(3):233-5. 2007

4.haorah, j., knipe, b., gorantla, s., zheng, j., and persidsky, y. (2007). alcohol-induced blood-brain barrier dysfunction is mediated via inositol 1, 4, 5-triphosphate receptor (ip3r)-gated intracellular calcium release. j. neurochem. 100:324-36. (pmid: 17241155).

5.erdmann, n. b., whitney, n. p., zheng, j. (2006). potentiation of excitotoxicity in hiv-1 associated dementia and the significance of glutaminase. clinical neuroscience res. 6: 315-328. (pmid: 18059978)

6.peng, h., erdmann, n., whitney, n., dou, h., gorantla, s., gendelman, h.e., ghorpade, a. and zheng, j. (2006). hiv-1-infected and/or immune activated macrophages regulate astrocyte sdf-1 production through il-1b. glia; 54:619-29. (pmid: 16944452)

7.yi, h., zhen, y., jiang, l., zheng, j. and zhao, y (2006). the phenotypic characterization of naturally occurring regulatory cd4+cd25+ t cells. cellular & molecular immunology 3: 189-195. (pmid: 16893499)

8.peng, h., huang, y., duan, z., erdmann, n., xu, d., herek, s., and zheng, j. (2005). cellular iap1 regulates trail-induced apoptosis in human fetal cortical neural progenitor cells. j. neurosci. res. 82: 295-305. (pmid: 16180223)

9.huang, y., erdmann, n., zhao, j. and zheng, j. (2005). the signaling and apoptotic effects of tnf-related apoptosis-inducing ligand in hiv-1 associated dementia. neurotoxicity research 8: 135-148. (pmid: 16260391)

10.huang, y., erdmann, n., peng, h., zhao, y. and zheng, j. (2005). the role of tnf-related apoptosis-inducing ligand in neurodegenerative diseases. cellular and molecular immunology 2:113-122. (pmid: 16191417)

11.kaul, m., zheng, j., okamoto, s., gendelman, he and lipton, sa (2005). hiv-1 infection and aids: consequences for the central nervous system. cell death and differentiation. 12 suppl 1:878-92. (pmid: 15832177)

12.deshpande, m., zheng, j., borgmann, k., persidsky, r., wu, l., schellpeper, c. and ghorpade, a. (2005). role of activated astrocytes in neuronal damage: potential links to hiv-1-associated dementia. neurotoxicity research 7 (3): 183-192. (pmid: 15897153)

13.peng, h., huang, y., rose, j., erichsen, d., herek, s., fujii, n., tamamura, h. and zheng, j. (2004). stromal cell-derived factor 1 mediated cxcr4 signaling in rat and human cortical neural progenitor cells. journal of neuroscience research 76: 35-50. (pmid: 15048928)

14.ryan, l., peng, h., erichsen, d., persidsky, y., zhou, y., gendelman, h.e. and zheng, j. (2004). links between tumor necrosis factor related apoptosis inducing ligand mediated human neuronal apoptosis and hiv-1 associated dementia. j. neuroimmunol. 148 (1-2): 127-139. (pmid: 14975593)

15.ryan, l., brester, m., bohac, d., morgello, s. and zheng, j. (2004). upregulation of soluble tnf receptor two in plasma of hiv seropositive individuals who use opiates. aids research and human retroviruses. 20 (1): 41-45. (pmid: 15000697)

16.zhao, j., lopez, a. l., erichsen, d., herek, s., cotter, r. l., curthoys, n. p. and zheng, j. (2004). mitochondrial glutaminase enhances extracellular glutamate production in hiv-1 infected macrophages: linkage to hiv-1 associated dementia. journal of neurochemistry 88: 169-180. (pmid: 14675161)

17.ikezu, t., luo, x., weber, g. a., zhao, j., mccabe, l., buescher, j.l., ghorpade, a., zheng, j. and xiong, h. (2003). amyloid precursor protein-processing products affect mononuclear phagocyte activation: pathways for sapp and ab mediated neurotoxicity. j. neurochem. 85: 925-34. (pmid: 12716424)

18.erichsen, d., lopez, a.l., peng, h., niemann, d., williams, c., bauer, m., morgello, s., cotter, r.l., ryan, l.a., ghorpade, a., gendelman, h.e. and zheng, j. (2003). neuronal injury induced fractalkine production: relevance to hiv-1 associated dementia. j. neuroimmunol. 138: 144-155. (pmid: 12742664)

19.luo, x., weber, g., zheng, j., gendelman, h.e. and ikezu, t. (2003). c1q-calreticulin induced oxidative neurotoxicity: relevance for the neuropathogenesis of alzheimer's disease. j. neuroimmunol. 135: 62-71. (pmid: 12576225)

20.xiong, h., boyle, j., winkeibauer, m., gorantla, s., zheng, j., ghorpade, a., persidsky, y., carlson, k.a. and gendelman, h.e. (2003). inhibition of long-term potentiation by interleukin-8: implication for hiv-1-associated dementia. j. neurosci. res. 71: 600-607. (pmid: 12548717)

21.zheng, j., zhou, g., hexum, t. d. (2000). neuropeptide y secretion from bovine chromaffin cells inhibits cyclic amp accumulation. life sci. 67: 617-625. (pmid: 12659167)

22.cotter, r.l., williams, c., ryan, l., lopez, a., peng, h., and zheng, j. (2002). fractalkine and brain inflammation: implications for hiv-1-associated dementia. j. neurovirology. 8: 585-98. (pmid: 12476352)

23. ryan, l., cotter, r.l., zink, w.e., gendelman, h.e., zheng, j. (2002). macrophage, chemokines and neuronal injury in hiv-1 associated dementia. mol. cell. biol. 48 (2): 137-150. (pmid: 11995633)

24.ryan, l., zheng, j., brester, m., bohac, d., hahn, f., anderson, j., ratanasuwan, w., gendelman, h.e., swindells, s. (2001). plasma soluble cd14 and tnf-a receptor two levels correlate with cognitive dysfunction during hiv-1 infection. j. infec. dis. 184(6): 699-706. (pmid: 11517430)

25.zheng, j., thylin, m.r., persidsky, y., williams, c. e., cotter, r.l., zink, w., ryan, l., ghorpade, a., lewis, k., gendelman, h.e. (2001). hiv-1 infected immune competent mononuclear phagocytes influence the pathways to neuronal demise. neuro. res. 3(5): 461-484. (pmid: 14715459)

26.zheng, j., thylin, m.r., cotter, r. l., lopez, a. l., ghorpade, a., persidsky, y., xiong, h., leisman, g.b., che, m., gendelman, h.e. (2001). hiv-1 infected and immune competent mononuclear phagocytes induce quantitative alterations in neuronal dendritic arbor: relevance for hiv-1-associated dementia. neuro. res. 3(5): 443-459. (pmid: 14715458)

27. jiang, z.-g., piggee, c., heyes, m.p., murphy, c., quearry, b., bauer, m., zheng, j., gendelman, h.e., markey, s.p. (2001). glutamate is a mediator of neurotoxicity in secretions of activated hiv-1-infected macrophages. j neuroimmunol. 117: 97-107. (pmid: 11431009)

28. cotter, r., zheng, j.*, che, m., niemann, d., liu, y., he, j., thomas, e., gendelman, h.e. (2001). regulation of hiv-1 infection, b-chemokines production and ccr5 expression in cd40l-stimulated macrophages: immune control of viral entry. j. virol. 75:4308-4320. (*corresponding author) (pmid: 11287580)

29.zhang, p., zheng, j., bradley, m. e., hexum, t.d. (2001). atp stimulated cyclic amp formation in bovine chromaffin cells is enhanced by neuropeptide y. (evolution and pleiotropic function of npy and related peptides). peptides 22: 439-444. (pmid: 11287099)

30.persidsky, y., limoges, j., rasmussen, j., zheng, j., gearing, a., gendelman, h. e. (2001). reduction in glial immunity and neuropathology by a platelet activating factor antogonist and a matrix metalloproteinase and tnfa inhibitor in scid mice with hiv-1 encephalitis. j. neuroimmunol. 114: 57-68. (pmid: 11240016)

31.yeh, m. w., kaul, m., zheng, j., nottet, h.s.l.m., thylin, m.r., gendelman, h.e., lipton, s.a. (2000). cytokine-stimulated but not hiv-infected human monocytes-derived macrophages produce neurotoxic levels of l-cysteine. j. immunol. 164: 4265-4270. (pmid: 10754324)

32.zhang, p., zheng, j., vorce, r. l., hexum, t. d. (2000). identification of an npy-y1 receptor subtype in bovine chromaffin cells. regul. pept. 87: 9-13. (pmid: 10710282)

33.wang, j., wang, l., zheng, j., anderson, j.l., toews, m.l. (2000). identification of distinct carboxyl-terminal domains mediating internalization and down-regulation of the hamster alpha-1b adrenergic receptors. mol. pharmacol. 57: 687-694. (pmid: 10727513)

34.xiong, h., zeng, yong-chun, lewis, t., zheng, j., persidsky, y., gendelman, h.e. (2000). hiv-1 infected mononuclear phagocyte secretory products affect neuronal physiology leading to cellular demise: relevance for hiv-1-associated dementia. j. neurovirol. 6 (suppl 1): s14-s23. (pmid: 10871761)

35.persidsky, y., zheng, j., miller, d., gendelman, h.e. (2000). mononuclear phagocytes mediate blood-brain barrier compromise and neuronal injury during hiv-1 associated dementia. j. leuk. biol. 68: 412-421. (pmid: 10985259)

36.cotter, r., burke, w., potter, j., zheng, j., gendelman, h. e. (1999). new insights into the neurodegenerative process of alzheimer's disease: role of microglia-associated inflammation and neurotoxicity. j. leuk. biol. 65: 416-427.

37.zink, w. e., zheng, j., persidsky, y., poluektova, l., gendelman, h.e. (1999). the neuropathogenesis of hiv-1 infection. fems immunol. med. micro. 22: 233-241.

38. zhang, p., zheng j., hexum, t.d. (1999). bibp 3226 inhibition of nicotinic receptor mediated chromaffin cell secretion. euro. j. pharmacol. 362: 121-125. (pmid: 9874161)

39.xiong, h., zeng, y. c., zheng, j., thylin, m. gendelman, h.e. (1999). soluble hiv-1 infected macrophage secretory products mediate blockade of long-term potentiation: a mechanism for cognitive dysfunction in hiv-1-associated dementia. j. neurovirology 5: 519-528. (pmid: 10568889)

40.xiong, h., zheng, j., thylin, m.r., gendelman, h.e. (1999). unraveling the mechanisms for neurotoxicity in hiv-1 associated dementia: inhibition of neuronal synaptic transmission by macrophage secretory products. aids res. hum. retrov. 15: 57-63. (pmid: 10024053)

41.swindells, s., zheng, j., gendelman, h.e. (1999). hiv-1 associated dementia: new insights into therapeutics and disease pathogenesis interventions. aids patient care and stds 13(3): 153-163. (pmid: 10375263)

42.xin, s., zheng, j., bian, c., qin, w. (1999). effects of l-tetrahydropalmatine on decreasing blood pressure and improving coronary artery circulation. chinese j. of modern applied pharmacy. 16 (2): 8-10.

43.gendelman, h.e., zheng, j., coulter, c.l., ghorpade, a., che, m., thylin, m.r., rubocki, r., persidsky, y., hahn, f., reinhard, j., swindells, s. (1998). suppression of inflammatory neurotoxins by highly active antiretroviral therapy in human immunodeficiency virus-associated dementia. j. infec. dis. 178: 1000-1007, (pmid: 9806027)

44.zheng, j., gendelman, h.e. (1997). the hiv-1 associated dementia complex: a metabolic encephalopathy fueled by viral replication in mononuclear phagocytes. curr. opin. neurol. 10: 319-325, (pmid: 9266156)

45.wang, j., zheng, j., anderson, j.l., toews, m.l. (1997). a mutation in the hamster alpha-1b adrenergic receptor that differentiates two steps in the pathway of receptor internalization. mol. pharmacol. 52: 306-313, (pmid: 9271354)

46. zheng, j., zhang, p., toews, m., hexum, t.d. (1997). neuropeptide y enhance atp-induced formation of inositol phosphates in chromaffin cells. biochem. biophys. res. comm. 239: 287-290, (pmid: 9345312)

47.yao, b., ge, xq, zheng, j., qin, w., bian, c.f. (1996). effects of m1 and m2 receptor agonists and blockers on dog respiration. acta pharmacologic sinica (zhongguo yao li xue bao) 17(3): 267-70, (pmid: 9812755)

48.zheng, j., morrisett, r.a., zhu, j., hexum, t.d. (1995). neuropeptide y (18-36) modulates chromaffin cell catecholamine secretion by blocking the nicotinic receptor ion channel. j. pharmacol expt'l. ther. 274(2): 891-897, (pmid: 7543575)

49. ge, xq, zheng, j., qin, w., bian, c.f. (1995). inhibitory effect and mechanism of scopolamine on respiration. acta physiologica sinica 47(4): 397-402, (pmid: 7481883)

50.hexum, t.d., zheng, j., zhu, j. (1994). modulation of chromaffin cell secretion by neuropeptide y. j pharmacol exp ther. 271: 61-66, (pmid: 7965758)

51.yao, b., zheng, j., qin, w., bian, c.f. (1994). inhibitory effect of 6 beta-acetoxy nortropane on respiration. yao-hsueh-hsueh-pao 29(7): 497-501, (pmid: 7976358)

52.zheng, j., bian, c.f., and yu, a.y. (1992). muscarinic receptor subtypes in respiratory center and their functions. acta pharmacologic sinica (zhongguo yao li xue bao) 13(4): 349-354, (pmid: 1456058)

53. mu, y., chen, y., chu, y., zheng, j., zhang, m. (1992). radioimmunoassay of gastric mucosal pges in portal hypertensive rats with cirrhosis. acata acad. med. xuzhou 12(4): 299-303.

54.zheng, j., bian, c.f. (1990). effect of 6b-an on respiration, eeg and heart rate in rabbit. acta acad. med. xuzhou 11: 12-15.

55.zheng, j., bian, c.f. (1990). effect of af-dx 116 on respiration, eeg and heart rate in rat. acta acad. med. xuzhou 11: 39-42.

56.zheng, j., yu, a.y., bian, c.f. (1990). characterization of muscarinic receptor subtypes in the rat brain stem. acta acad. med. xuzhou 11: 5-10.

57.zheng, j., bian, c.f., ge, x.c. and yu, a.y. (1990). relationship between muscarinic receptor subtypes and the changes in eeg in rabbits. acta acad. med. xuzhou 10: 281-285.

58.bian, c.f., zheng, j., yi, x.x. and hong, x.m. (1990). effects of anticholinergic drugs on respiratory center. asia pacific j. pharmacal 5 (suppl): 12.参加编著的书籍 1.cotter, r., zheng, j., gendelman, h.e. (1998). the role of mononuclear phagocytes in neurodegenerative disorders: lessons from multiple sclerosis, alzheimer's disease and hiv-1 associated dementia. in: advances in neurodegenerative disorders vol.2, alzheimer's and aging, edited by j marwah and h teitelbaum, prominent press, scottsdale, az. 203-241.

2.carlson, k. a., cotter, r.l., williams, c.e., branecki, c.e., zheng, j., gendelman, h.e. (2002). the role of mononuclear phagocytes in the pathogenesis of alzheimer's disease. in: the macrophage 2nd ed., edited by b burke and c lewis, oxford medical publications, oxford.

3.anderson, e., ryan, l., xiong, h., swindells, s., zheng, j., and gendelman, h.e. (2004). neural immunity and human immunodeficiency virus-1-associated dementia. page 547-559. in blood-spinal cord and brain barriers in health and disease, eds by h. s. sharma and j. westman, elsevier science, usa.

4.zheng, j., peng, h., rose, j. and herek, s. (2005). neurogenesis and its links to brain development, developmental therapeutics and the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative disorders including hiv-1 associated dementia. in the neurology of aids, second edition, eds by gendelman, h.e., grant, i., lipton, s.a., everall, i., and swindells, s. page 239-253, oxford university press, oxford.

5.gendelman, h.e., anderson, e., melendez, l., and zheng, j. (2006) chemokines and their receptors and the neuropathogenesis of hiv-1 infection. in in vivo models of hiv disease and control. eds. h. friedman, s. specter and m. bendinelli, springer, new york.

6.erdmann, n., huang, y. and zheng, j. (2007). the relevance of chemokines and cytokines to the pathogenesis of hiv-1 associated dementia. in the neuro-aids, eds by paul shapshak and alireza minagar, nova science publisher, inc., hauppauge, ny. (in press)

7.peng, h., whitney, n.p., tang, k., toews, m. and zheng, j. (2008) stem cells and neurogenesis and its links to brain development and pathogenesis of neurodegenerative disorders. in the neuroimmue pharmacology. eds by tsney ikezu and howard e. gendelman, page 151-182, springer publisher, inc, ny.

8.huang, y., erdmann, n., hexum, t. and zheng, j. (2008). the relevance of chemokines, cytokines and growth factors to the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative disorders. in the neuroimmue pharmacology. eds by tsney ikezu and howard e. gendelman, page 183-205, springer publisher, inc, ny.


美国神经科学协会, 美国微生物协会, 国际神经化学协会,国际神经病毒协会, 美国免疫协会, 国际神经毒性协会, 国际神经免疫药理学协会, 国际神经免疫协会


国家级与社会研究项目(美国) 1. p20 rr15635-01 (cobre)

principle investigator & center director: wood, c

dates: 9/01/05 to 04/30/10 (year 6-10)


"cxcr4, neurogenesis and hiv-1 associated dementia"



2 leader: 郑加麟2. 1 r01 ns 41858-01

principle investigator: 郑加麟

dates: 06/01/05-04/30/10 (year 5-9)


"trail and glutaminase: neurotoxic link in hiv dementia "


3. 1 r01 ns 61642

principle investigator: 郑加麟

dates: 07/01/08-06/30/13 (year 1-5)

nih/ninds(美国国立卫生研究院, /ninds)

"sdf-1 and neurogenesis in hiv-1 associated dementia"

4. po1ns 43985-01 (ppg)

principle investigator: gendelman, h.e.

dates: 05/15/03-04/30/13 (year 5-10)


"neuronal chemokines and macrophage activation"


role: project 1 leader: 郑加麟

5. 1r21mh083525-01

principle investigator: 郑加麟

dates: 4/1/08-3/31/10


"hiv-1 clade diversity and macrophage mediated neurotoxicity in hiv-1 dementia"

6. guilford pharmaceuticals r& d grant

principle investigator: 郑加麟

dates: 8/15/04-9/14/08

guilford pharmaceuticals

title: "the effect of glutaminase inhibitors in hiv infection of macrophages"

7. 1ro1 ns41862-01

principle investigator: xiong, h.

dates: 06/01/05-03/30/10


"macrophages, neuronal k+ channels and hiv-1 dementia"


role: co-investigator: 郑加麟

8. ro1 aa015913-01a

principle investigator: persidsky, y.

dates: 10/1/05-9/30/10


"ppar-g mediated neuroprotection against hiv-1 and alcohol cns injury"


role: co- investigator: 郑加麟


1. p20 rr15635-01 (cobre)

principle investigator & center director: wood, c

dates: 10/01/00 to 08/30/05 (year 1-5)


"cellular mechanisms for hiv-1 induced neuronal injury"

role: project 1 leader: 郑加麟2. 1 r01 ns 41858-01

principle investigator: zheng, j.

dates: 06/01/01-05/31/05 (year 1-4)


"macrophage activation, chemokines, and hiv dementia"

role: principle investigator: 郑加麟

3. t32ns07488

principle investigator: gendelman, h.e.

dates: 7/1/02-6/30/07


"training program in neurovirology"

role: co-principle investigator: 郑加麟


  1. 郑加麟 ,同济大学网
  2. 医学院院长郑加麟 ,同济大学新闻网