钢和泰 |
钢和泰(Alexander von Staël-Holstein,1877年-1937年),波罗的海德国人,俄国男爵,汉学家、梵语学者。后寓居中国燕京,任教于北京大学,著名学者陈寅恪与胡适都曾跟从钢和泰学习梵文。
1918年至1929年期间曾任教北京大学,寓居东交民巷,精通梵文、藏文,能熟练运用梵文、藏文和汉文研究《大宝积经》。1923年胡适翻译钢氏著《音译梵书与中国古音》一文,发表在《国学季刊》。1926年出版《大宝积经大迦叶品梵藏汉六种合刊》,引起国际印度学界的瞩目。陈寅恪在清华大学任教时,每逢星期六的上午,要进城到东郊民巷与钢和泰学习梵文。[1]陈寅恪称其:“学问不博,然而甚精”。1928年,前往剑桥大学,同年,被聘为哈佛中国语言文学访问讲师。1929年9月就任中亚语文学教授(Professor of Central Asian Philology),同年返回北平。与奥尔嘉·冯·格瑞夫结婚。1936年夏曾访问日本,因健康恶化返回北平。
- Путевые впечатления из Индии. СПб., 1904.
- The Kāçyapaparivarta: a Mahāyānasūtra of the Ratnakūṭa class, edited in the original Sanskrit, in Tibetan and in Chinese, Shanghai: Shangwu Yinshuguan, 1926
- On a Tibetan text translated into Sanskrit under Ch’ien Lung (XIII cent.) and into Chinese under Tao Kuang (XIX cent.), Bulletin of the National Library of Peiping, 1932
- On two Tibetan pictures representing some of the spiritual ancestors of the Dalai Lama and of the Panchen Lama, Bulletin of the National Library of Peiping, 1932
- A commentary to the Kāçcyapaparivarta, edited in Tibetan and in Chinese, Peking: published jointly by the National Library and the National Tsinghau University, 1933
- On a Peking edition of the Tibetan kanjur which seems to be unknown in the West, Peking: Lazarist Press, 1934
- On two recent reconstructions of a Sanskrit hymn transliterated with Chinese characters in the X century A.D, Peking: Lazarist Press, 1934
- Two Lamaistic pantheons, edited with introduction and indexes by Walter Eugene Clark from materials collected by the late Baron A. von Staël-Holstein, Harvard-Yenching Institute monograph series 3 and 4, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1937
- 王启龙:《钢和泰学术年谱简编》,中华书局,2008年2月1日
- Elisseeff, Serge. Staël-Holstein's Contribution to Asiatic Studies. Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies . 1938, 3 (1): 1–8. JSTOR 2717970.