

事實揭露 揭密真相
前往: 導覽搜尋



1998.4 -- 至今大連理工大學


1999.4 -- 2004.9大連理工大學 環境工程 博士

1995.9 -- 1998.4大連理工大學 環境工程 碩士

1991.9 -- 1995.7大連理工大學 環境工程 學士


(研究課題) 承擔的科研項目:

1. 國家自然科學基金項目20507003:嵌硅TiO2納米管電極的製備及光電催化性能研究 (2006.1-2008.12,負責人)

2. 重大基礎研究(973)項目課題:典型城區與礦區水-土-氣界面污染過程及生態風險(2004.9–2009.9,參加人)

3. 國家863計劃項目:微波誘導催化低溫濕式氧化處理高濃度難降解性有機廢水(2002.10–2005.9,參加人)

4. 國家自然科學基金對外交流與合作項目20640160447:新型高效電極的製備方法及水污染控制中的應用原理(2006.1-2008.12,參加人)

5. 重大基礎研究(973)項目2003CB415006:POPs污染的削減和控制原理(2004.1-2007.12,參加人)

6. 國家863計劃項目2003AA601120子子課題:污水處理技術平台(2004.4–2006.12,參加人)

7. 歐盟科學基金國際合作項目:中國東部水源中多氯有機物調查與環境風險評價 (1998.3-2000.2,參加人)



(1)Xiaoxia Ou, Shuo Chen, Xie Quan*, Huimin Zhao, 2008. Photoinductive activity of humic acid fractions with the presence of Fe(III): The role of aromaticity and oxygen groups involved in fractions. Chemosphere, in press

(2)Hongbin Yu, Shuo Chen, Xie Quan*, Huimin Zhao, Yaobin Zhang, 2008. Fabrication of TiO2–BDD heterojunction and its application as a photocatalyst for simultaneous oxidation of an azo dye and reduction of Cr(VI). Environmental Science and Technology, 2008; 42(10); 3791-3796.

(3)Hong Chen, Shuo Chen, Xie Quan*, Yazhi Zhao, 2008. Importance of environmental black carbon to dissolved petroleum hydrocarbons sorption on soil, Soil Sediment Contamination. in press

(4)Jingxian Wang, Shuo Chen, Xie Quan*, Yazhi Zhao, 2008. Investigation of pentachlorophenol vertical transportation in soil column during its phototransformation on the soil surface, Water, Air, and Soil Pollution. 189: 103-112

(5)Jingxian Wang, Shuo Chen, Xie Quan*, Huimin Zhao, Yazhi Zhao, 2007. Enhanced photodegradation of PNP on soil surface under UV irradiation with TiO2, Soil and Sediment Contamination, 16: 413-421

(6)Jingxian Wang, Shuo Chen, Xie Quan*, Huimin Zhao, Yazhi Zhao, 2006. Enhanced photodegradation of phenolic compounds by adding TiO2 to soil in a rotary reactor, J. Environmental Sciences, 18(6):1107-1112

(7)Longli Bo, Shuo Chen, Xie Quan*, Xitao Liu, Huimin Zhao, 2005. Microwave assisted wet oxidation of p-nitrophenol, Science in China Ser. E, 48(2):220-232

(8)Marion Gfrerer*, Shuo Chen, Ernst P. Lankmayr, Xie Quan, Fenglin Yang, 2004. Comparison of different extraction techniques for the determination of chlorinated pesticides in animal feed, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 378: 1861-1867

(9)Xie Quan*, Shuo Chen, Jing Su, Jingwen Chen, Guohua Chen, 2004. Synergetic degradation of 2,4-D by integrated photo- and electrochemical catalysis on a Pt doped TiO2/Ti Electrode, Separation and Purification Technology, 34:73-79

(10)Shuo Chen, Marion Gfrerer*, Ernst Lankmayr, Xie Quan, Fenglin Yang, 2003. Optimization of accelerated solvent extraction for the determination of chlorinated pesticides from animal feed, Chromatographia, 58(9/10): 631-636


