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2021/04–至 今,合肥工业大学,土木与水利工程学院,讲师
[1] 国家自然科学基金青年基金,基于边界元法和深度学习的热反演识别多层生物组织形态,NSFC12002181,2021/01-2023/12,主持;
[2] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,基于微分转换边界元法和布谷鸟搜索算法的瞬态传热反问题研究,NSFC11672098,2017/01-2020/12,参与;
[3] 安徽省自然科学基金,几何形状反演问题的精细时域展开边界元法研究, 1608085QA07, 2016/07月-2018/06月,参与;
[1] Data Driven Computing and Machine Learning in Engineering 2019 最佳论文奖,2019
[2] 南方计算力学学术会议(SCCM-11)优秀学术论文奖,2017
[1] Haolong Chen, Kaijie Wang, Zhibo Du, Weiming Liu, Zhanli Liu. Predicting the thermophysical properties of skin tumor based on the surface temperature and deep learning[J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2021,180: 121804.
[2] Haolong Chen, Zhibo Du, Xiang Li, Huanlin Zhou, Zhanli Liu. Identification of pipe inner surface in heat conduction problems by deep learning and effective thermal conductivity transform[J]. Engineering Computations, 2020,37(9): 3505-3523.
[3] Haolong Chen, Bo Yu, Huanlin Zhou, Zeng Meng. Improved Cuckoo Search Algorithm for Solving Inverse Geometry Heat Conduction Problems[J]. Heat Transfer Engineering, 2019: 362-374.
[4] Haolong Chen, Huanlin Zhou. Identification of boundary conditions for non-Fourier heat conduction problems by differential transformation DRBEM and improved cuckoo search algorithm[J]. Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B: Fundamentals, 2018, 74, 818-839.
[5] Haolong Chen, Bo Yu, Huanlin Zhou, Zeng Meng. Identification of Transient Boundary Conditions with Improved Cuckoo Search Algorithm and Polynomial Approximation[J]. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2018, 95: 124-141.
[6] Haolong Chen, Bo Yu, Huanlin Zhou, Zeng Meng. Comparison of CS, CGM and CS-CGM for Prediction of Pipe’s Inner Surface in FGMs[J]. CMC-Computers Materials & Continua, 2017, 53(4): 271-290.
[7] Bo Yu, Huanlin Zhou, Haolong Chen, Yu Tong. Precise time-domain expanding dual reciprocity boundary element method for solving transient heat conduction problems[J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2015, 91: 110-118.
[8] Huanlin Zhou, Yushu Li, Bo Yu, Haolong Chen. Shape identification for inverse geometry heat conduction problems by FEM without iteration[J]. Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications, 2017, 72(8): 628-641.
[9] 陈豪龙,柳占立. 基于数据驱动模型求解热传导反问题[J]. 计算力学学报, 2021, 38(3):272-279.
[10] 陈豪龙, 周焕林, 余波. 瞬态热传导问题的精细积分-双重互易边界元法[J]. 应用力学学报, 2017, 34(5) : 835-841.[1]