韩辉,男, 西南石油大学教授。
1. 陆相页岩有机孔隙差异发育机理及效应研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2020.1-2023.12;
2. 基于有机质类型的陆相烃源岩有机孔隙成因研究,国家自然科学青年科学基金项目,2016.1-2018.12;
3. 上扬子地球五峰-龙马溪组与牛蹄塘组海相页岩有机孔隙差异发育的控制因素研究,油气资源与探测国家重点实验室开放课题,2016.6-2018.5;
4. 页岩优质储层主控因素及优质储层分布规律分析测试,中国石油勘探与开发研究院,2020.5-2021.6;
5. 川东北地区二叠系-侏罗系主要页岩层系生烃评价和页岩气有利区优选,中国石油勘探与开发研究院,2020.12-2021.12;
1. Han, H., Cao, Y., Chen, S. J., Lu, J. G., Huang, C. X., Zhu, H. H., Zhan, P., Gao, Y. Influence of particle size on gas-adsorption experiments of shales: An example from a Longmaxi Shale sample from the Sichuan Basin, China, Fuel, 2016, 186: 750-757.
2. Han, H., Pang, P., Li, Z. L., Shi, P. T., Guo, C., Liu, Y., Chen, S. J., Lu, J. G., Gao, Y.. Controls of organic and inorganic composition on pore structure of lacustrine shales of Chang 7 member from Triassic Yanchang Formation in the Ordos Basin, China, Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2019, 100: 270-284.
3. Han, H., Guo, C., Zhong, N. N., Pang, P., Chen, S. J., Lu, J. G., Gao, Y. Pore structure evolution of lacustrine shales containing Type I organic matter from the Upper Cretaceous Qingshankou Formation, Songliao Basin, China: A study of artificial samples from hydrous pyrolysis experiments, Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2019, 104: 375-388.
4. Han, H., Zhong, N. N., Ma, Y., Huang, C. X., Wang, Q., Chen, S. J., Lu, J. G. Gas storage and controlling factors in an over-mature marine shale: A case study of the Lower Cambrian Lujiaping shale in the Dabashan arc-like thrust–fold belt, southwestern China, Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2016, 33: 839-853.
5. 韩辉,李大华,马勇,程礼军,齐琳,王琪,钟宁宁. 四川盆地东北地区下寒武统海相页岩气成因:来自气体组分和碳同位素组成的启示,石油学报,2013,34(3):453-459.
全部成果见:(20) Hui Han (researchgate.net)[1]