Desperado - 齐秦查看源代码讨论查看历史
齐秦 |
中文名:齐秦 外文名:Chyi Chin 别名:齐哥 国籍:中国 民族:汉族 出生地:台湾台中 出生日期:1960年1月12日 职业:歌手 身高:173cm 体重:62kg 毕业院校:世界新专(今世新大学) 音乐作品:《大约在冬季》、《你如何还能这样温》 |
Desperado - 齐秦 (Chyi Chin)
Why don't you come to your senses
You've been out ridin' fences
For so long now
Oh you're a hard one
But I know that you got your reasons
These things that are pleasin' you
Can hurt you somehow
Don't you draw the queen of diamonds
She'll beat you if she's able
You know the queen of hearts
Is always your best bet
Now it seems to me some fine things
Have been laid upon your table
But you only want the ones
That you can't get
Oh you ain't gettin' no younger
Your pain and your hunger
They're drivin' you home
And freedom oh freedom
Well that's just some people talkin'
Your prison is walking through
This world all alone
Don't your feet get cold
In the winter time
The sky won't snow
And the sun won't shine
It's hard to tell the night time
From the day
You're losin' all your highs and lows
Ain't it funny
How the feeling goes away
Why don't you come to your senses
Come down from your fences
Open the gate
It may be rainin' oh
But there's a rainbow above you
You'd better let somebody love you
Let sombody love you
Oh you'd better let somebody love you
Before it's too late
齐秦(Chyi Chin),1960年1月12日出生于台湾省台中市,歌手齐豫的弟弟,中国台湾男歌手、音乐创作人。
1981年发行第一张唱片《又见溜溜的她》 后应征入伍。1985年退役后发表个人第一张创作专辑《狼》。
1987年创作歌曲《大约在冬季》广为传唱 ,并获得第11届十大中文金曲。
1991年首次受邀赴大陆举办“齐秦CHINA TOUR大陆巡回演唱会”。
2001年获得首届音乐风云榜跨越世纪杰出音乐奖 。获得2010年度中国歌曲排行榜华语歌坛杰出成就大奖 。
2013年参加湖南卫视《我是歌手》,在第五期退赛 。
2014年,担任浙江卫视《中国好声音》第三季导师。同年举办“飞行鱼个人巡回演唱会”。 [1]