I See the Lights ( 张杰 )
Open your misty eyes
Here comes another fight
There's a stormy night
Before the morning arrives
No matter where you go
I will follow you
Keep careful watch of your soul
Smashing through the door
Into another world
Picking up my sword
Nothing I can't conquer
I'll keep carrying on
We have to be strong
Still a long long way to run
Until I see the sun
I see the lights
I hear the triumph
Let's solve the mystery and live a dream
I see the lights
I hear the triumph
Let's write our story
Let's make our fantasy come true
Smashing through the door
Into another world
Picking up my sword
Nothing I can't conquer
I'll keep carrying on
We have to be strong
Still a long long way to run
Until I see the sun
I see the lights
I hear the triumph
Let's solve the mystery and live a dream
I see the lights
I hear the triumph
Let's write our story
Let's make our fantasy come true
I see the lights
I hear the triumph
Let's solve the mystery and live a dream
I see the lights
I hear the triumph
Let's write our story
Let's make our fantasy come true [1]
张杰,1982年12月20日出生于四川成都,中国内地流行男歌手,音乐厂牌“行星文化”创始人,成都文艺志愿者协会副主席8。 2004年参加选秀节目《我型我秀》,以成名曲《北斗星的爱》出道。已发行10张唱片。2008年以来举办过8场爆满的个人演唱会,在各大权威音乐奖项中先后24次获得最受欢迎男歌手称号,2010年在韩国M-net亚洲音乐大赏(MAMA)上获得亚洲之星(Best Asian Artist),影响力触及海外 [2]