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Brian Crain

Itsy Bitsy Spider (歌曲)

歌曲名:Itsy Bitsy Spider 歌手:Brian Crain 所属专辑:《Solo Piano Lullabies》

发行时间:2021-02-19 [1]  


Itsy Bitsy Spider, waiting on the wall

You Better watch out or she will have you caught

It is a constant strain, constant pain watching you deny

That her plans to catch you, stars when you tell lies

No matter how obvious you seem like you're blind

Can't you feel problems that creep up from behind

Baby, you are not a boy there are things that you should see

The strings she's tied you must cut loose, it's up to you not me,

It's up to you not me

Itsy, bitsy spider climbing on the wall

Better watch your step on in her web you'll fall

Spin you round in circles in a net of doubt

Baby if you're stuck I'm done with you

Cause I won't get you out

The way she's got you worked out she can't have no rest

You must wake up she's crawling in our nest

You're hands are tied we are stuck in a web of lies

I think it's time that we said our goodbyes

Baby, you act like a boy there are things I know you'll see

The strings we tied I cut you loose you're not a man to me,

you're not a man to me

Itsy, bitsy spider climbing on the wall

Better watch your step on in her web you'll fall

Spin you round in circles in a net of doubt

Baby if you're stuck I'm done with you

Cause I won't get you out

Itsy Bitsy Spider climbing all over my wall, I'm telling you

Everyday a new mess, cause you are so spineless

Denying when you can, she's trying to steel my man

Baby don't you know that it in the end

If she managed to convince you I'd rather be her best friend

Itsy, bitsy spider climbing on the wall

Better watch your step on in her web you’ll fall

Spin you round in circles in a net of doubt

Baby if you’re stuck I’m done with you

Cause I won’t get you out

Itsy, bitsy spider climbing on the wall

Better watch your step on in her web you’ll fall

Spin you round in circles in a net of doubt

Baby if you’re stuck I’m done with you

Cause I won’t get you out


Brian Crain出生在加利福尼亚好莱坞,10岁开始学钢琴,但不久就对钢琴练习产生厌倦。

19岁时,为了完成第一部采用旋转磁头数码录音的好莱坞全本电影,他建立了一个录音工作室。在这个期间,Brian Crain偶尔会坐到被遗忘很久的钢琴前,他会即兴演奏一段,正象他以前用口哨即兴演奏一样,直到这些音符听起来很好听为止。不知不觉中,他就这样自学了钢琴

现在,Brian Crain已经售出了数十万张唱片。

有人在形容听到Brian Crain演奏的钢琴曲子后有这样的感觉:“就好像漫天轻柔雪花在舞蹈,它们来自天堂,纯洁无瑕的笼罩着周围的世界。”而听他的音乐给我有种冲动想喝杯咖啡,放下所有的事,静静的在音乐的抚慰下旋转和跳跃……。


英文儿歌《Itsy bitsy spider》


  1. Itsy Bitsy Spider ,九酷音乐