

Let It Be Me -( 邓丽君)


Let It Be Me



[1] Let It Be Me - 邓丽君 (Teresa Teng)

I bless the day I found you

I want to stay around you

And so I beg you

Let it be me

Don't take this heaven from one

If you must cling to someone

Now and forever

Let it be me

Each time we meet love

I find complete love

Without your sweet love

What would life be

So never leave me lonely

Tell me you love me only

And that you'll always

Let it be me

Each time we meet love

I find complete love

Without your sweet sweet love

What would life be

So never leave me lonely

Tell me you love me only

Now and forever

Let it be me

And that you'll always

Let it be me

And that you'll always

Let it be me


邓丽君(1953年1月29日-1995年5月8日),一代歌后。 祖籍为河北邯郸大名县邓台村,出生于台湾

省云林县褒忠乡田洋村。 邓丽君的声音甜美圆润、温婉动人,其形象温文尔雅、亲切可人, 是80年代华语乐坛和日本乐坛的巨星。 是一位在全球华人社会具有相当大影响力的台湾歌手, 亦是20世纪后半叶最富盛名的华语和日语女歌手。 她与生俱来的完美音色演绎出无数传唱至今、余韵绕梁的歌曲, 聆听她天籁般的歌声是种美妙的享受。 在《新中国最有影响力文化人物》评选当中,邓丽君被选为港台最有影响力的艺人。 [2]


  1. [1] | Let It Be Me 来自于QQ音乐
  2. [2] | 邓丽君 来自于360