
That' s What Friends (杜德伟演唱歌曲)查看源代码讨论查看历史

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That' s What Friends是中国香港歌手杜德伟演唱歌曲。[1]


  • 杜德伟(Alex To),中国香港流行乐男歌手、音乐人、演员。1962年2月10日出生于中国香港,具有中国、西班牙菲律宾血统,毕业于多伦多科技学院商业设计科。
  • 1977年和1978年连续两年参加了TVB(香港无线电视台)主办的第一和第二届"业余歌唱大赛"并获得亚军。
  • 1977年,入围第八届金曲奖海外杰出华人男歌手。
  • 1985年,从加拿大留学归来,后进入演艺圈,签约华星唱片。
  • 1986年3月,推出第一张粤语大碟《只想留下》,这首歌曲被香港媒体称之为"Yellow Soul" 。
  • 2001年3月,主演了由林超贤执导的警匪片《重装警察》,在影片中饰演飞虎队成员。
  • 2004年,发行专辑《脱掉》后,他逐渐淡出乐坛。
  • 2007年,主演影片《一石二鸟3》。
  • 2012年11月11日与李晓冰举办婚宴。
  • 2013年8月推出国语专辑《好样》。
  • 2014年至2015年,在香港红馆、澳门、加拿大多伦多、马来西亚等地举行多场“极杜世界巡回演唱会”。
  • 2016年10月2日,儿子在香港顺利出生,正式升级当爸爸。
  • 2017年8月9日,获得2017华语金曲奖颁发的“亚洲劲爆歌手”奖。


  • 1969年,杜德伟进入香港圣保罗书院St. Paul's College接受教育,并在此学习直至高中毕业。
  • 1977年,高中一年级的杜德伟与同学组建了Sidewalk 乐队,杜德伟担任主唱和主音吉他。
  • 1977年和1978年连续两年参加了TVB(香港无线电视台)主办的第一和第二届"业余歌唱大赛"并获得亚军。
  • 1978年,杜德伟在参加比赛时,与周华健相识。
  • 1980年,18岁的杜德伟远赴加拿大求学,由于父亲经商失败,家道中落,他开始了半工半读、自力更生的生活,凭借虚构的所谓"中国功夫",与黑人朋友共同组建舞团,四处参加表演。
  • 1985年,杜德伟学成返港,供职于一家知名企业担任Art Director,负责与美术和视觉相关的设计工作。





I took her out, it was a Friday night

I wore cologne to get the feeling right

We started makin' out and she took off my pants

But then, I turned on the TV

And that's about the time she walked away from me

Nobody likes you when you're 23

And are still more amused by TV shows

What the hell is ADD, my friends say I should act my age

What's my age again?

What's my age again?

Then later on, on the drive home

I called her mom from a pay phone

I said I was the cops and your husband's in jail

This state looks down on sodomy

And that's about the time that bitch hung up on me

Nobody likes you when you're 23

And are still more amused by prank phone calls

What the hell is call ID, my friends say I should act my age

What's my age again?

What's my age again?

And that's about the time she walked away from me

Nobody likes you when you're 23

And you still act like you're in freshman year

What the hell is wrong with me, my friends say I should act my age

What's my age again?

That's about the time that she broke up with me (what's my age again?)

No one should take themselves so seriously

With many years ahead to fall in line

Why would you wish that on me, I'll never wanna act my age

What's my age again?

What's my age again?

What's my age again...
