

事實揭露 揭密真相
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2011-2021年 華北電力大學(北京) 電氣工程 本碩博

2019-2020年 美國德雷塞爾大學 訪問學者


2021年7月-至今 北京交通大學 電氣工程學院 師資博士後


1. 國家自然基金青年項目,「電力電子開關用高頻級聯式無線供能系統建模及調控方法」,2022.10. – 至今,主持;

2. 國家自然基金面上項目,「混合式高壓直流斷路器大電流分斷的雜散參數作用機制」,2019.1 – 至今 , 參與;

2. 橫向項目,「城軌列車高效能變流系統設計及參數辨識」,2021.11-至今,主持;

3. 縱向項目, 「動車組直流輔助供電系統技術研究」,2021.11-至今,主持;

4. 縱向項目, 「基於新材料新器件新結構的下一代輕量化高效節能牽引傳動關鍵技術研究」,2021.6 – 至今 , 參與;



  • Z. Dongye, Y. Wang, S. Zhao, H. Zhang and F. Lu, "A π-type Compensated Ferrite-Free Domino IPT System for DC Circuit Breakers," IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 37, no. 6, pp. 7518-7527, Jun. 2022.
  • Z. Dongye, L. Qi, K. Liu, X. Wei and X. Cui, "Coupled Inductance Model of Full-Bridge Modules in Hybrid High Voltage Direct Current Circuit Breakers," IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 67, no. 12, pp. 10315-10324, Dec. 2020.
  • Z. Dongye, L. Qi, X. Cui, P. Qiu and F. Lu, "A New Approach to Model Reverse Recovery Process of a Thyristor for HVDC Circuit Breaker Testing," IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 36, no. 2, pp. 1591-1601, Feb. 2021.
  • Z. Dongye, Y. Wang, R. Kheirollahi, H. Zhang, S. Zheng, C. Zhu and F. Lu, "An S-CLC Compensated Load-Independent Inductive Power Relay System with Constant Voltage Outputs," IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 36, no. 5, pp. 5157-5168, May 2021.
  • Z. Dongye, L. Qi, B. Jing, X. Wei and X. Cui, "A Model of the Current Interruption Circuit for Hybrid High Voltage DC Circuit Breakers to Achieve Precise Current Experiments," CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems.
  • Z. Dongye, L. Qi, X. Cui, and F. Lu, "Overvoltage Estimation by Stray Inductances During Turn-Off of a 500 kV/25 kA DC Circuit Breaker," IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics.
  • K. Liu, Z. Dongye, L. Qi, X., Wei, and X. Cui, "Scalable Submodules Layout Design for Hybrid HVDC Circuit Breaker: Low Inductance, Symmetric and Compact," IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics.
  • Y. Wang, Z. Dongye, R. Kheirollahi, H. Zhang, S. Zheng, and F. Lu, "Review of Load-Independent Constant-Current and Constant-Voltage Topologies for Domino-Type Multiple-Load Inductive Power Relay System," IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Industrial Electronics.
  • S. Zhao, Z. Dongye, Y. Wang, X. Zan, H. Zhang, S. Zheng, X. Lu, Al-Thaddeus Avestruz, Fei Lu, "A 4kV/120A SiC Solid-State DC Circuit Breaker Powered by a Load-independent IPT System," IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications.
  • Z. Dongye et al., "A Novel Model of Thyristor in Reverse Recovery Process for Current Interruption Test of HVDC Circuit Breakers," 2020 IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference & Expo (ITEC), Chicago, IL, USA, 2020, pp. 858-862.
  • Z. Dongye et al., "A 4kV/100A SiC MOSFETs-based solid state DC circuit breaker with low stray inductances and powered by a load-independent wireless power transfer system," 2020 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), Detroit, MI, USA, 2020, pp. 1279-1283.
  • Z. Dongye et al., "A Load-independent Domino IPT System with π-type Compensation Network," 2021 IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC), Phoenix, AZ, USA, 2021.
  • Yao Wang, Z. Dongye, H. Zhang and F. Lu., " A Double-sided Z-Impedance Compensated Inductive Power Transfer System," 2021 IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC), Phoenix, AZ, USA, 2021.
  • R. Kheirollahi, Z. Dongye, H. Zhang and F. Lu., "Developing ZCS Soft Switching in Solid-State Circuit Breakers Based on SiC MOSFETs," 2021 IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC), Phoenix, AZ, USA, 2021.
  • 李盈, 崔翔, 張升, 張曉青, 劉遠, 東野忠昊, 齊磊. 直流斷路器供能系統內共模-差模干擾的產生機理分析與抑制[J]. 中國電機工程學報, 2020, 40(05): 1722-1731.
  • 趙錫正, 魏曉光, 齊磊, 喻湄霽, 周萬迪, 東野忠昊. 直流斷路器半導體組件關斷暫態雜散電感研究[J]. 中國電機工程學報, 2019, 39(19): 5732-5740+5901.


1. 齊磊,東野忠昊. 具有保護功能的直流斷路器半導體組件關斷能力測試迴路(授權)

2. 齊磊,劉珂鑫,東野忠昊 一種用於IGBT全橋對稱低感模塊(授權)

3. 齊磊,劉珂鑫,東野忠昊. 一種用於斷路器的二極管橋低感模塊(授權)

4. 齊磊,東野忠昊. 一種高壓直流斷路器半導體組件保護電路(授權)

5. 齊磊,李鴻達,東野忠昊. 一種大電流關斷特性測試方法(授權)

6. 齊磊,崔翔,李盈,東野忠昊. 一種提取級聯型隔離變壓器寄生電容的方法(授權)

7. 齊磊,劉晨,崔翔,東野忠昊. 高頻變壓器電壓、電流傳輸比的精細化設計方法(授權)[1]
