



來自 攜程旅行 的圖片

本名 布拉克普耳的海洋生命中心

國家 英國

所在地區: 英格蘭 / England

地理位置: 英格蘭西北部

/ North West England

布拉克普耳(黑池) / Blackpool

布拉克普耳的海洋生命中心 (英語:BLACKPOOL SEA LIFE CENTRE)是布萊克普爾的最佳景點之一。 [1]



布萊克普爾海洋生物中心裡著名的Golden Mile是布萊克普爾的最佳景點之一 。這裡有超過50種來自世界各地的海洋生物,包括珊瑚礁和巨大的鯊魚和淺水魚等。英國沿海水域為代表的一系列海洋生物令人回味,包括射線和角鯊,在給它們餵食的時候,它們將它們的頭游出水面。

The first SEA LIFE centre opened its doors on the banks of picturesque Loch Creran in Scotland in 1979. Back then, most dealt exclusively with tropical fish, invariably housed in small oblong tanks either side of gloomy, oblong rooms, like a tropical fish shop.

As the SEA LIFE network spread its tentacles across Europe the company behind the enterprise concentrated initially on opening a window to our native seas, providing a dramatic glimpse of a watery world which exceeded the wildest imaginings of most visitors. SEA LIFE's senior marine biologist Rob Hicks explained that the Sea Life centre's provide views on a world hitherto seen only by experianced scuba divers. Even fishermen who are aware of the huge range of creatures could only guess at what the habitat really looks like. Sealife displays aim to reproduce these natural surroundings as faithfully as possible. The environments range from the tidal rock pools, beds of eel grass, dark rocky caves, the icy deep to the sandy shallows.

To keep all the creatures healthy and comfortable hi tech filtration systems keep the water in tip top condition. Theses filtration systems are carefully maintained and monitored throught the whole year. It is now possible to purchase discount vouchers for admission to the Sea Life Centre and other Blackpool Attractions at a reduced rate.
