











2019/12–至 今,合肥工業大學,土木與水利工程學院,副教授


[1] 國家自然科學青年基金項目,柔性結構前饋自適應振動主動控制中時滯和遲滯問題研究51605127,2017/01-2019/12,主持

[2] 合肥工業大學學術新人提升計劃B項目,基於虛擬傳感的柔性結構自適應振動主動控制理論與試驗研究JZ2019HGTB0075,2019/04-2020/12,主持

[3] 機械結構力學及控制國家重點實驗室開放課題,柔性機械臂運動和振動一體化控制關鍵問題研究 PA2021QTXK0025,2021/01-2022/12,主持

[4] 企業委託類項目:智能機器人控制技術的開發與應用,W2021JSKF0137,2021/01-2022/12,主持

[5] 上海宇航系統工程研究所委託項目,自適應噪聲主動控制算法設計,W2020JSFW0176,2019/11-2021/12, 主持


[1] 安徽省五一勞動獎章,2021;

[2] 首屆長三角高校工科基礎力學青年教師講課競賽特等獎,2020;

[3] 合肥工業大學課程思政說課比賽二等獎,2019;

[4] 合肥工業大學青年教師教學基本功比賽一等獎,2018;

[5] 合肥工業大學「中安同濟建設獎教金」,2018。


[1] Pu, Yuxue*, Yao Cheng, Li Xiaobao, Liu, Zhaotao. Adaptive active vibration control for piezoelectric smart structure with online hysteresis identification and compensation, Journal of vibration and control,2020,1077546320980574.

[2] Pu Yuxue*, Chen Lei ,Yao Cheng,Yang Fan. Design of Variable Auxiliary Noise Influence Ratio for Adaptive Active Vibration Control. Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing.2021,40(3):1350-1364.

[3] Pu, Yuxue*, Zhou, Huanlin, Meng, Zeng. Multi-channel adaptive active vibration control of piezoelectric smart plate with online secondary path modelling using PZT patches, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2019, 120: 166-179.

[4] Pu Yuxue*, Shu Penfei. Online secondary path modeling method with auxiliary noise power scheduling strategy for multi-channel adaptive active noise control system , Journal of Low Frequency Noise Vibration and Active Control, 2019, 38(2): 740-752.

[5] Pu Yuxue*, Meng Zeng, Zhou Huanlin. Design and implementation of multichannel adaptive active vibration control with online secondary path modeling using piezoelectric transducers patches , Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, 2019, 41(9): 2496-2506

[6] Pu Yuxue*, Zhang Fang, Jiang Jinhui. A new online secondary path modeling method for adaptive active structure vibration control. Smart Materials and structures 23(6) 065015,2014

[7] Pu Yuxue*, Zhang Fang, Jiang Jinhui. A new online secondary path modeling method based on delay coefficient technique. Journal of vibroengineering,2014 (6)

[8] Meng Zeng, Pu Yuxue, Zhou Huanlin. Adaptive stability transformation method of chaos control for first order reliability method, Engineering With Computers, 2018, 34 (4): 671-683.

[9] Meng Zeng, Pang Yongsheng, Pu Yuxue. New hybrid reliability-based topology optimization method combining fuzzy and probabilistic models for handling epistemic and aleatory uncertainties, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2020, 363: 112886.

[10] Li Xiaobao, Sun Hanlin, Pu Yuxue, Mi Changwen. Extracting grain boundary motion in Cu–Al alloy from atomistic simulations.2020,35(20):2701-2708.

[11] 浦玉學, 舒鵬飛, 蔣祺, 陳衛中.工業機器人時間-能量最優軌跡規劃, 計算機工程與應用, 2019,55(22):86-90.

[12] 浦玉學,張方,姜金輝,等. 基於次級通道在線辨識改進算法的振動主動控制[J].振動測試與診斷, 2016,36(1):28-35.

[13] 浦玉學,張方,姜金輝,等. 一種變步長自適應結構振動主動控制算法[J].振動與衝擊, 2015,34(10):199-205.

[14] 浦玉學,張方,姜金輝,等. 一種基於延遲係數技術的次級通道在線辨識新方法[J].振動與衝擊, 2014,33(23):74-80.

[15] 浦玉學,張方. 多通道FURLS噪聲主動控制算法及仿真[J].國外電子測量技術,2012, 31(6): 36-39.[1]
