

事實揭露 揭密真相
前往: 導覽搜尋

高誌陽,台灣銘傳大學電腦與通訊工程學系專任教師,畢業於元智大學電機工程博士。主要專長Mobile communication systems, Wireless resource management, Wireless multiple access protocol, Digital video/audio broadcasting systems。


論文名稱 作者 期刊名稱 發表日期
LTE Radio Resource Management Based on Plan Fees and Types of Multimedia Chih-Yang Kao, Hui-Chun Chen Journal of Informatics & Electronics 2018.12
Cost-based Radio Resource Management with Multi-Rate Transmission in 4G Mobile Communication System Chih-Yang Kao, Chun-Wei Chen Journal of Computer Science and Educational Technology 2018.12
Training of technology articles reading on Moodle platform Chih-Yang Kao Journal of Computer Science and Educational Technology 2012.05

