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创建页面,内容为“{{Infobox person | name = 弗里乔夫·南森<br />Fridtjof Nansen | image = File:南森1.jpg|缩略图|居中|[https://baike.baidu.com/pic/%E5%BC%97%E9%87%8C%E4%…”
{{Infobox person
| name = 弗里乔夫·南森<br />Fridtjof Nansen
| image = [[File:南森1.jpg|缩略图|居中|[https://baike.baidu.com/pic/%E5%BC%97%E9%87%8C%E4%B9%94%E5%A4%AB%C2%B7%E5%8D%97%E6%A3%AE/3726945/0/9345d688d43f879412e86419d31b0ef41bd53af5?fr=lemma&ct=single#aid=0&pic=9345d688d43f879412e86419d31b0ef41bd53af5 原图链接]]]
Fridtjof Nansen LOC 03377u-3.jpg
| image_size =
| alt = Head and shoulders portrait of Fridtjof Nansen, facing half-right. He has close-cropped hair, a wide, fair moustache and is wearing a heavy fur coat.
| birth_date = {{birth date|df=yes|1861|10|10}}
| birth_place = [[挪威]]克里斯蒂安尼亚(现[[奥斯陆]])
| death_date = {{death date and age|df=yes|1930|5|13|1861|10|10}}
| death_place = 挪威[[贝鲁姆]]
| education = [[奥斯陆大学|皇家腓特烈大学]]
| occupation = 科学家、探险家、人道主义者
| spouse = {{nowrap|[[埃娃·萨尔斯]](1907年12月1日逝世)<br/>西格伦·蒙特}}
| children = 三子二女
| parents = 巴尔迪·南森和阿德莱德·南森(旧姓韦德尔-亚尔斯贝格)
| awards = {{nowrap|[[诺贝尔和平奖]] <small>(1922)</small><br/>[[挪威圣奥拉夫勋章]]<br/>({{lang|no|Kongelige Norske St. Olavs Orden}})<br/>[[丹麦国旗勋章]]<br/>({{lang|da|Dannebrogordenen}})<br/>[[法国荣誉军团勳章]]<br/>[[圣斯坦尼斯洛斯勳章]]<br/>({{lang|pl|Order św. Stanisława Biskupa Męczennika}})<br/>[[克拉姆奖章]]<br/>({{lang|en|Cullum Geographical Medal}})<small>(1897)</small>}}
| signature = Fridtjof Nansen (signature).svg
| influences =

'''弗里乔夫·韦德尔-亚尔斯伯格·南森'''({{lang-no|Fridtjof Wedel-Jarlsberg Nansen}},{{bd|1861年|10月10日|1930年|5月13日|Nansen}}),男,[[挪威]][[探险家]]、[[科学家]]、[[人道主义]]者和[[外交|外交家]]。




南森在1861年10月10日出生于[[克里斯蒂安尼亚]](今称[[奥斯陆]],当时隶属于[[瑞典王国]])。父亲[[Baldur Fridtjof Nansen]]是律师。



1895年4月7日抵达 86°13.6′N 后南返。1896年9月9日返抵[[克里斯蒂安尼亚港]],受到众多市民热烈迎接。



== 家庭背景与童年时代 ==
[[File:南森2.jpg|缩略图|左|[https://baike.baidu.com/pic/%E5%BC%97%E9%87%8C%E4%B9%94%E5%A4%AB%C2%B7%E5%8D%97%E6%A3%AE/3726945/0/9345d688d43f879412e86419d31b0ef41bd53af5?fr=lemma&ct=single#aid=0&pic=4e0b3ea4459d2aa89152ee3a 原图链接]弗里乔夫·南森]]

南森的家族发源于[[丹麦]]。[[Hans Nansen]](1598–1667)是[[白海]]早期的探险家,之后定居在[[哥本哈根]],在1654年成为了当地的镇长。他的后代直到十八世纪中期一直居住在哥本哈根,那时Ancher Antoni Nansen已经搬去挪威(当时为[[丹麦-挪威|丹麦-挪威联合王国]])。

他的儿子[[Hans Leierdahl Nansen]] (1764–1821)先后在[[特隆赫姆]]和Jæren担任法官,在1814年挪威从丹麦独立后,他作为在[[挪威议会|挪威国会]]的[[斯塔万格]]代表开始了政治生涯,成为了与瑞典同盟的强大支持者,最后于1821年死于中风。

当时他的儿子,即弗里乔夫·南森的父亲[[Baldur Fridtjof Nansen]]才仅仅四岁。<ref>Brøgger and Rolfsen, pp. 1–7, 10–15</ref>

== 作为学生和冒险者的南森 ==
南森在1880年通过了大学入学考试,并于1881年初在[[奥斯陆大学|克里斯蒂安尼亚大学]]开始学习动物学。<ref>Huntford, pp. 18–19</ref>

== 富勒姆号远征 ==

=== 理论与计划 ===
在1884年,南森阅读了挪威著名[[气象学家]]Henrik Mohn的理论,首先考虑了使用极冰的自然漂移接近北极的可能性。

=== 准备 ===
南森选择了挪威首席制船家Colin Archer来设计和建造一只在远征计划中合适的船。Archer采用最坚固的橡木,运用由贯穿头尾的横梁与背带构成的引发系统,打造出了强度极大的船只。




[[File:南森3.jpg|缩略图|左|[https://baike.baidu.com/tashuo/browse/content?id=632fc520d11ce0e217bfbb17&lemmaId=3726945&fromLemmaModule=list 原图链接]南森护照]]



[[File:南森4.jpg|缩略图|[https://baike.baidu.com/tashuo/browse/content?id=632fc520d11ce0e217bfbb17&lemmaId=3726945&fromLemmaModule=list 原图链接]弗里乔夫·南森]]




一本护照救了45万人!在残酷的世上,有些人性总是让人感到温暖] 1920年代初,俄国内战以及奥斯曼土耳其境内的种族屠杀,使东欧爆发了难民潮。数以百万计的平民流离失所,流往到欧洲各国寻求庇护。即难民持有“南森护照”便可自由出入国联的……</ref>

== 著作 ==
* ''Paa ski over Grønland. En skildring af Den norske Grønlands-ekspedition 1888–89''. Aschehoug, Kristiania 1890. Tr. as [https://archive.org/search.php?query=The%20First%20Crossing%20of%20Greenland ''The First Crossing of Greenland''], 1892.
* ''Eskimoliv''. Aschehoug, Kristiania 1891. Tr. as [https://archive.org/search.php?query=Eskimo%20Life%20creator%3Anansen ''Eskimo Life''], 1893.
* ''Fram over Polhavet. Den norske polarfærd 1893–1896.''. Aschehoug, Kristiania 1897. Tr. as [https://archive.org/search.php?query=Farthest%20North%20creator%3Anansen ''Farthest North''], 1897.
* [https://archive.org/search.php?query=The%20Norwegian%20North%20Polar%20Expedition%2C%201893-1896 ''The Norwegian North Polar Expedition, 1893–1896; Scientific Results''] (6 volumes, 1901).
* ''Norge og foreningen med Sverige''. Jacob Dybwads Forlag, Kristiania 1905. Tr. as [https://archive.org/search.php?query=Norway%20and%20the%20Union%20With%20Sweden%20creator%3Anansen ''Norway and the Union With Sweden''], 1905.
* [https://archive.org/search.php?query=Northern%20Waters%3A%20Captain%20Roald%20Amundsen%27s%20Oceanographic%20Observations%20in%20the%20Arctic%20Seas%20in%201901 ''Northern Waters: Captain Roald Amundsen's Oceanographic Observations in the Arctic Seas in 1901.''] J. Dybwad, 1906.
* ''Nord i tåkeheimen. Utforskningen av jordens nordlige strøk i tidlige tider''. Jacob Dybwads Forlag, Kristiania 1911. Tr. as [https://archive.org/search.php?query=In%20Northern%20Mists%3A%20Arctic%20Exploration%20in%20Early%20Times ''In Northern Mists: Arctic Exploration in Early Times''], 1911.
* ''Gjennem Sibirien''. Jacob Dybwads forlag, Kristiania, 1914. Tr. as [https://archive.org/search.php?query=Through%20Siberia%20the%20Land%20of%20the%20Future%20creator%3Anansen ''Through Siberia the Land of the Future''], 1914.
* ''Frilufts-liv''. Jacob Dybwads Forlag, Kristiania, 1916.
* ''En ferd til Spitsbergen''. Jacob Dybwads Forlag, Kristiania, 1920.
* ''Rusland og freden''. Jacob Dybwads Forlag, Kristiania, 1923.
* ''Blant sel og bjørn. Min første Ishavs-ferd''. Jacob Dybwads Forlag, Kristiania, 1924.
* ''Gjennem Armenia''. Jacob Dybwads Forlag, Oslo, 1927.
* ''Gjennem Kaukasus til Volga''. Jacob Dybwads Forlag, Oslo, 1929. Tr. as [https://archive.org/search.php?query=volga%20creator%3Anansen ''Through The Caucasus To The Volga''], 1931.

* (翻译作品)''Armenia and the Near East.'' Publisher: J.C. & A.L. Fawcett, Inc., New York, 1928. ([http://nansen-tolkien.co.uk/Armenia%20and%20the%20Near%20East.html excerpts]).

<references />

* {{cite book | last = Abrams | first = Irwin | title = The Nobel Peace Prize and the Lauretes: an illustrated biographical history 1901–2001 | url = https://books.google.com/?id=ny77bPwKxaUC&pg=PA104&lpg=PA104&dq=Nansen%27s+place+in+history+Noel-Baker#v=onepage&q=Nansen%27s%20place%20in%20history%20Noel-Baker&f=false | publisher = Watson Publishing International | location = Nantucket MA | year = 2001 | isbn = 0-88135-388-4}}
* {{cite book | authorlink = 罗尔德·阿蒙森 | last = Amundsen | first = Roald | title = The South Pole, Vol. II | publisher = John Murray | location = London | year = 1912}}
* {{cite book | authorlink = Pierre Berton | last = Berton | first = Pierre | title = The Arctic Grail | publisher = Viking Penguin | location = New York | year = 1988 | isbn = 0-670-82491-7}}
* [[Waldemar Christofer Brøgger (geologist)|Brøgger, Waldemar Christofer]] and [[Nordahl Rolfsen|Rolfsen, Nordahl]] (translated by [[William Archer (critic)|William Archer]] (1896)). [https://archive.org/stream/fridtinansen00unkngoog#page/n11/mode/1up ''Fridtiof Nansen 1861–1893'']. New York. Longmans Green & Co.
* {{cite book | last = Fleming | first = Fergus | title = Ninety Degrees North | publisher = Granta Publications | location = London | year = 2002 | isbn = 1-86207-535-2}}
* {{cite book|last1= Gibney|first1= Matthew J.|last2= Harrison|first2= Randall | title = Immigration and Asylum from 1900 to the Present: Volume 1 | url = https://books.google.com/?id=2c6ifbjx2wMC&pg=PA441&lpg=PA441&dq=Nansen+passport#v=onepage&q=Nansen%20passport&f=false | publisher = ABC-CLIO | location = Santa Barbara, California | year = 2005 | isbn = 1-57607-796-9}}
* {{cite book | authorlink = Roland Huntford | last = Huntford | first = Roland | title = Nansen | publisher = Abacus | location = London | year = 2001 | isbn = 0-349-11492-7}} (First published in 1997 by Gerald Duckworth)
* {{cite book | authorlink = Frederick George Jackson | last = Jackson | first = Frederick | title = The Lure of Unknown Lands | publisher = G. Bell and Sons | location = London | year = 1935}}
* {{cite book | last = Nansen | first = Fridtjof (tr. H.M. Gepp) | title = The First Crossing of Greenland | publisher = Longmans, Green | location = London | year = 1890 | url = https://books.google.com/books?id=_qDNF2jSp30C&printsec=frontcover | isbn = 978-1-108-03109-7}}
* {{cite book | last = Nansen | first = Fridtjof | title = Farthest North, Volumes I and II | publisher = Archibald Constable & Co. | location = London | year = 1897 | url = https://books.google.com/books?id=rPjTCP8WfsAC&printsec=frontcover | isbn = 978-1-60239-237-3}} also available on [http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/30197 Project Gutenberg]
*{{ cite book | last = Norland|first= Andreas | year = 1973 | title = Hårde tider: Fedrelandslaget i norsk politikk | publisher = Dreyer |location= Oslo|isbn= 978-8-20901-106-5}} (in Norwegian)
* {{cite book | last = Pollock | first = Frederick | title = The League of Nations | url = https://books.google.com/?id=PSHDms072zgC&printsec=frontcover&dq=League+of+nATIONS#v=onepage&q&f=false | publisher = The Lawbook Exchange Ltd | location = Clark, New Jersey | year = 2003 | isbn = 1-58477-247-6}}
* {{cite book | last = Reynolds | first = E.E. | title = Nansen | publisher = Penguin Books | location = Harmondsworth (UK) | year = 1949}}
* {{cite book | last = Scott | first = J.M. | title = Fridtjof Nansen | publisher = Heron Books | location = Sheridan, Oregon | year = 1971}}
* {{cite book | editor-last = Spitz | editor-first = Susan | title = The American Heritage Science Dictionary | url = https://books.google.com/?id=yKUagx8PB_EC&pg=PA421&lpg=PA421&dq=Nansen+bottle#v=onepage&q=Nansen%20bottle&f=false | publisher = Houghton Mifflin | location = Boston | year = 2005 | isbn = 0-618-45504-3 }}
* {{cite book| last= Whitaker|first= Ewan A.|title= Mapping and Naming the Moon|publisher= Cambridge University Press|location= Cambridge|year= 1999|isbn= 978-0-52162-248-6}}

=== 外部连结 ===
* {{Gutenberg author |id=Nansen,+Fridtjof | name=Fridtjof Nansen}}
* {{Internet Archive author |sname=Fridtjof Nansen}}
* {{Librivox author |id=289}}
* [http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b0074t4k 'The Ice King'] BBC Four documentary presented by Paul Rose, first broadcast 7 June 2007 (retrieved 2 June 2012)
* "[[s:Nansen|Nansen]]", a poem by [[Florence Earle Coates]]

{{s-ttl|title=[[Rector of the University of St Andrews]]|years=1925–1928}}
{{s-aft|after=[[Sir Wilfred Grenfell]]}}
{{succession box
|title=[[List of diplomats from Norway to the United Kingdom|Norwegian Minister to the United Kingdom]]
|after=[[Johannes Irgens]]}}
{{诺贝尔和平奖获得者 (1901年-1925年)}}

{{Authority control}}
{{DEFAULTSORT:Nansen, Fridtjof}}