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== 成就貢獻 ==
=== 山道年研究 ===
1938年,黄鸣龙与Inhoffen研究发现[[胆甾双烯酮]]用[[醋酸酐]]及微量[[浓硫酸]]处理,发生[[双烯酮-酚移位反应|双烯酮-酚的移位反应]]。<ref>{{cite journal en | language = 德语 | author = H.H.Inhoffen | coauthors = Huang Minlon | title = Übergang von Sterinen in aromatische Verbindungen. III. Mitteilung: Aromatisierung des Δ1, 2; 4, 5-Cholestadienons-3 | url = http://springer.lib.tsinghua.edu.cn/content/j45135m453572750/?p=2aa02ad9085d48fd9d0b7c4e7d168f27&pi=2 | journal = Naturwissenschaften | volume = 26 | issue = | pages = 756 | pmid = | doi = 10.1007/BF01774198 | date = 1938年11月 }}{{dead link|date=2018年2月 |bot=InternetArchiveBot |fix-attempted=yes }}</ref>
于1940年即从事[[山道年]]一类物的立体化学的研究。发现四个变质山道年在酸碱作用下,其相对构型可成圈地互相转变,以及证明变质山道年因三个旋光中心互相邻近所产生的“邻位影响”,各国学者根据黄鸣龙所解决的山道年及其一类物的相对构型,相继推定了它们的绝对构型。这在立体化学上,是个前所未有的发现。<ref>{{cite journal en| language =en |author = Huang Minlon| coauthors = Chien-Pen Lo、Lucy Ju-Yung Chu| title =Studies in the Santonin Series. I. The Two New Desmotropo-santonins and the Two New Desmotropo-santonous Acids | journal = J. Am. Chem. Soc. | url= http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/ja01249a506?prevSearch=%255Bauthor%253A%2BHuang-Minlon%255D&searchHistoryKey= | volume = 65 | issue = | pages = 1780 | pmid = | doi = 10.1021/ja01249a506 |date=1943年9月}}</ref><ref>{{cite journal en| language = en |author = Huang-Minlon | coauthors = | title = Studies in the Santonin Series. IV.1,2,3 The Stereochemistry of Santonin and its Derivatives | journal = J. Am. Chem. Soc. | url= http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/ja01182a050?prevSearch=%255Bauthor%253A%2BHuang-Minlon%255D&searchHistoryKey= | volume = 70 | issue = | pages = 611 | pmid = | doi = 10.1021/ja01182a050 |date=1948年2月}}</ref>