== 歷史 ==
雖然現在這道菜名字跟 [[ 康沃爾 郡]] 關係密切,但其確切起源仍然不明。英語中的「pasty」這個字是由中世紀法文演變而來(O.Fr. ''paste'' from V.Lat ''pasta'' <ref> http://www.etymonline.com/index.php?allowed_in_frame=0&search=pasty&searchmode=none</ref>),意指以鹿肉、鮭魚或其他肉類、蔬菜或乾酪填料的的派,不用容器盛裝烘烤。<ref>Cambridge Dictionaries Online. "Pasty". Retrieved 14 June 2012.</ref>肉餡餅一直以來都沒有在食譜書上缺席。例如:《''Le Viandier''》(古法文)最早的版本可追溯到1300年左右,記載了多種肉餡餅食譜。<ref>Scully, Terence, ed.; Taillevent (1988). The Viandier of Taillevent: an edition of all extant manuscripts. Pasty mentions: University of Ottawa Press. p. 361. ISBN 0-7766-0174-1.</ref>1393年的《''Le Menagier de Paris''》紀載著鹿肉、小牛肉、牛或羊肉為材料的餡餅(''pasté'')食譜<ref>The Goodman of Paris. c. 1393.</ref>。
其他關於肉餡餅的紀錄還有:13世紀由[[亨利三世 (英格兰)|亨利三世]](1207–1272)頒布一項規定,[[大雅茅斯]]鎮每年必須繳交「100條鯡魚烤成的24個肉餡餅」給[[諾里奇]]的地方官員,地方官員送給東卡爾頓大宅主人後再,轉交給國王<ref>Nuttall, P Austin (1840). A classical and archæological dictionary of the manners, customs, laws, institutions, arts, etc. of the celebrated nations of antiquity, and of the middle ages. London. p. 555.</ref>。13世紀的編年史家馬修·帕里斯,記錄了[[圣奥尔本斯座堂|聖奧爾本斯修道院]]的僧侶有「以鮮肉餡餅為食的習俗」<ref> Brayley, Edward Wedlake (1808). The Beauties of England and Wales, Or Delineations, Topographical, Historical and Descriptive. VII (Hertford, Huntingdon and Kent). London: Thomas Maiden. p. 40.</ref>。1465年,約克大主教暨大法官(archbishop of York and chancellor of England)喬治·奈維爾(George Neville)的就職宴會上,供應了5,500個鹿肉餡餅<ref> Encyclopaedia Britannica 1823 vol VIII. Printed for Archibald Constable and Company. 1823. p. 585.</ref>。皇室成員也吃過這種餡餅,一封麵包師寫給[[亨利八世]]第三任妻子[[简·西摩 (英格兰王后)|珍·西摩]](1508–1537)的信寫著:「……希望這餡餅送達時狀態比上次的還好……」<ref> Shackle, Eric (21 April 2001). "A short history of ... Cornish pasties | Life and style | The Observer". London: Guardian. Retrieved 14 August 2009.</ref>。17世紀中葉,[[塞缪尔·皮普斯|塞繆爾·皮普斯]]在日記裡多次出現肉餡餅的相關紀錄,例如:「在威廉·潘爵士家用餐……一份鹿肉餡餅聞起來臭得要命。」<ref> "Thursday 1 August 1667". The Diary of Samuel Pepys. Phil Gyford. Retrieved 1 September 2011.</ref>但在這段時期之後,肉餡餅這個詞在康沃爾就漸漸少用了<ref>Laura Mason & Catherine Brown (2007). From Bath Chaps to Bara Brith: The Taste of South West Britain. Harper Press. pp. 32–33. ISBN 978-0-7524-4742-1.</ref>。