[[File:华盛顿特区1.jpg|缩略图|[https://bkimg.cdn.bcebos.com/pic/6c224f4a20a446237348244a9522720e0cf3d71c?x-bce-process=image/resize,m_lfit,w_268,limit_1/format,f_jpg 原图链接] 华盛顿特区 [http://www.mafengwo.cn/i/8345482.html 来自马蜂窝]]]
{{Infobox cityperson
|name = 华盛顿
|native_name = {{lang|en|Washington}}
注:华盛顿特区国际交换站,1871年1月1日-1945年6月30日在西北区24号街与M街交口,1945年7月1日起在里根国家机场。<ref>{{Cite web |title=ThreadEx |url=http://threadex.rcc-acis.org/ |dead-url=no |access-date=2014-06-27 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20060519074347/http://threadex.rcc-acis.org/ |archive-date=2006-05-19}}</ref>降水、气温、降雪量和降雪深度记录分别始于1871年1月1日,1872年1月1日,1884年7月1日和1893年1月2日。<ref name="NWS Sterling, VA" />
{{Weather box
|location = 华盛顿特区 ([[罗纳德·里根华盛顿国家机场|里根国家机场]]), 1981–2010正常值,1871至今极端数据
|collapsed = Y
|single line = Y
|metric first = Y
|Jan high F = 43.4
|Feb high F = 47.1
|Mar high F = 55.9
|Apr high F = 66.6
|May high F = 75.4
|Jun high F = 84.2
|Jul high F = 88.4
|Aug high F = 86.5
|Sep high F = 79.5
|Oct high F = 68.4
|Nov high F = 57.9
|Dec high F = 46.8
|year high F= 66.7
|Jan low F = 28.6
|Feb low F = 30.9
|Mar low F = 37.6
|Apr low F = 47.0
|May low F = 56.5
|Jun low F = 66.3
|Jul low F = 71.1
|Aug low F = 69.7
|Sep low F = 62.4
|Oct low F = 50.6
|Nov low F = 41.2
|Dec low F = 32.5
|year low F= 49.5
|Jan record high F = 79
|Feb record high F = 84
|Mar record high F = 93
|Apr record high F = 95
|May record high F = 99
|Jun record high F = 104
|Jul record high F = 106
|Aug record high F = 106
|Sep record high F = 104
|Oct record high F = 96
|Nov record high F = 86
|Dec record high F = 79
|year record high F= 106
|Jan record low F = -14
|Feb record low F = -15
|Mar record low F = 4
|Apr record low F = 15
|May record low F = 33
|Jun record low F = 43
|Jul record low F = 52
|Aug record low F = 49
|Sep record low F = 36
|Oct record low F = 26
|Nov record low F = 11
|Dec record low F = -13
|year record low F= -15
|scprecip = green
|Jan precipitation inch = 2.81
|Feb precipitation inch = 2.62
|Mar precipitation inch = 3.48
|Apr precipitation inch = 3.06
|May precipitation inch = 3.99
|Jun precipitation inch = 3.78
|Jul precipitation inch = 3.73
|Aug precipitation inch = 2.93
|Sep precipitation inch = 3.72
|Oct precipitation inch = 3.40
|Nov precipitation inch = 3.17
|Dec precipitation inch = 3.05
|year precipitation inch=39.74
|Jan snow inch = 5.6
|Feb snow inch = 5.7
|Mar snow inch = 1.3
|Apr snow inch = 0
|May snow inch = 0
|Jun snow inch = 0
|Jul snow inch = 0
|Aug snow inch = 0
|Sep snow inch = 0
|Oct snow inch = 0
|Nov snow inch = 0.5
|Dec snow inch = 2.3
|year snow inch=15.4 |year snow cm = 39.1
|Unit precipitation days = {{convert|0.01|in|mm|disp=/|abbr=on}}
|Unit snow days = {{convert|0.01|in|cm|disp=/|abbr=on}}
|Jan precipitation days = 9.6
|Feb precipitation days = 9.0
|Mar precipitation days = 10.5
|Apr precipitation days = 10.4
|May precipitation days = 11.1
|Jun precipitation days = 10.7
|Jul precipitation days = 10.3
|Aug precipitation days = 8.2
|Sep precipitation days = 8.3
|Oct precipitation days = 7.7
|Nov precipitation days = 8.6
|Dec precipitation days = 9.7
|year precipitation days=114.1
|Jan snow days = 3.0
|Feb snow days = 2.4
|Mar snow days = 0.9
|Apr snow days = 0.1
|May snow days = 0
|Jun snow days = 0
|Jul snow days = 0
|Aug snow days = 0
|Sep snow days = 0
|Oct snow days = 0
|Nov snow days = 0.2
|Dec snow days = 1.5
|year snow days= 8.1
|Jan sun = 144.6 |Jan percentsun = 48
|Feb sun = 151.8 |Feb percentsun = 50
|Mar sun = 204.0 |Mar percentsun = 55
|Apr sun = 228.2 |Apr percentsun = 57
|May sun = 260.5 |May percentsun = 59
|Jun sun = 283.2 |Jun percentsun = 64
|Jul sun = 280.5 |Jul percentsun = 62
|Aug sun = 263.1 |Aug percentsun = 62
|Sep sun = 225.0 |Sep percentsun = 60
|Oct sun = 203.6 |Oct percentsun = 59
|Nov sun = 150.2 |Nov percentsun = 50
|Dec sun = 133.0 |Dec percentsun = 45
|year percentsun = 57
|humidity colour =
|Jan humidity = 62.1
|Feb humidity = 60.5
|Mar humidity = 58.6
|Apr humidity = 58.0
|May humidity = 64.5
|Jun humidity = 65.8
|Jul humidity = 66.9
|Aug humidity = 69.3
|Sep humidity = 69.7
|Oct humidity = 67.4
|Nov humidity = 64.7
|Dec humidity = 64.1
|year humidity =64.3
|source 1 = NOAA(1961–1990年相对湿度与日照)
|date = November 2012
== 政治 ==
== 统计资料 ==
{{US Census population
|1800= 8144
|1810= 15471
|1820= 23336
|1830= 30261
|1840= 33745
|1850= 51687
|1860= 75080
|1870= 131700
|1880= 177624
|1890= 230392
|1900= 278718
|1910= 331069
|1920= 437571
|1930= 486869
|1940= 663091
|1950= 802178
|1960= 763956
|1970= 756510
|1980= 638333
|1990= 606900
|2000= 572059
|2010= 601723
|estref=<ref name="USCensusEst2016">{{Cite web |title=State Population Totals Tables: 2010–2016 |url=https://www.census.gov/data/tables/2016/demo/popest/state-total.html |accessdate=2016-12-22 |dead-url=yes |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20161226102059/http://www.census.gov/data/tables/2016/demo/popest/state-total.html |archive-date=2016-12-26}}</ref>
|footnote = Source:<ref name="histpop">{{Citation |title=Historical Census Statistics on Population Totals By Race, 1790 to 1990 |url=http://www.census.gov/population/www/documentation/twps0056/tab23.pdf |archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20080802025809/http://www.census.gov/population/www/documentation/twps0056/tab23.pdf |accessdate=2018-09-04 |archivedate=2008-07-26}}</ref><ref name="Census2010">{{Cite web |title=Resident Population Data |url=http://www.census.gov/2010census/popmap/ipmtext.php?fl=11 |accessdate=2013-01-06 |year=2010 |publisher=United States Census Bureau |dead-url=yes |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20130116171054/http://www.census.gov/2010census/popmap/ipmtext.php?fl=11 |archive-date=2013-01-16}}</ref> Note:{{NoteTag|Until 1890, the Census Bureau counted the City of Washington, Georgetown, and unincorporated portions of Washington County as three separate areas. The data provided in this article from before 1890 are calculated as if the District of Columbia were a single municipality as it is today. Population data for each city prior to 1890 are available.<ref>{{Cite web |title=Population of the 100 Largest Cities and Other Urban Places in the United States: 1790 to 1990 |url=http://www.census.gov/population/www/documentation/twps0027/twps0027.html |accessdate=2008-07-29 |date=June 1998 |last=Gibson |first=Campbell |publisher=[[United States Census Bureau]] |dead-url=no |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20110430024355/http://www.census.gov/population/www/documentation/twps0027/twps0027.html |archive-date=2011-04-30}}</ref>}}
=== 人口组成 ===
根据2000年统计数字,华盛顿内有居民572,059人,248,338户,114,235个[[家庭]]。人口密度为每[[平方公里]]3597.3人(每平方英里9316.4人)。<ref name="USCensusEst2016">{{Cite web |title=State Population Totals Tables: 2010–2016 |url=https://www.census.gov/data/tables/2016/demo/popest/state-total.html |accessdate=2016-12-22 |dead-url=yes |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20161226102059/http://www.census.gov/data/tables/2016/demo/popest/state-total.html |archive-date=2016-12-26}}</ref>|footnote = Source:<ref name="histpop">{{Citation |title=Historical Census Statistics on Population Totals By Race, 1790 to 1990 |url=http://www.census.gov/population/www/documentation/twps0056/tab23.pdf |archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20080802025809/http://www.census.gov/population/www/documentation/twps0056/tab23.pdf |accessdate=2018-09-04 |archivedate=2008-07-26}}</ref><ref name="Census2010">{{Cite web |title=Resident Population Data |url=http://www.census.gov/2010census/popmap/ipmtext.php?fl=11 |accessdate=2013-01-06 |year=2010 |publisher=United States Census Bureau |dead-url=yes |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20130116171054/http://www.census.gov/2010census/popmap/ipmtext.php?fl=11 |archive-date=2013-01-16}}</ref> Note:{{NoteTag|Until 1890, the Census Bureau counted the City of Washington, Georgetown, and unincorporated portions of Washington County as three separate areas. The data provided in this article from before 1890 are calculated as if the District of Columbia were a single municipality as it is today. Population data for each city prior to 1890 are available.<ref>{{Cite web |title=Population of the 100 Largest Cities and Other Urban Places in the United States: 1790 to 1990 |url=http://www.census.gov/population/www/documentation/twps0027/twps0027.html |accessdate=2008-07-29 |date=June 1998 |last=Gibson |first=Campbell |publisher=[[United States Census Bureau]] |dead-url=no |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20110430024355/http://www.census.gov/population/www/documentation/twps0027/twps0027.html |archive-date=2011-04-30}}</ref>}}
华盛顿的种族分布为60.01%[[黑人]]或[[非洲]]裔,32.78%[[白人]],2.66%[[亚裔美国人|亚裔]],0.30%[[美洲原住民]],0.06%[[太平洋]]岛屿居民,3.84%其他[[种族]],2.35%属于两个或两个以上的[[族群 (人类社会)|族群]];7.86%的人口属于[[西班牙语|西语]]裔或[[拉丁美洲]]裔,其中[[萨尔瓦多]]人是最大的西语裔族群。
* {{osmrelation-inline|162069}}
{{Authority control}}
{{DEFAULTSORT:Washington, D.C.}}
[[Category:750 美洲史地总论]]