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* 成鳥繁殖期
# 頭至胸白色。有白眉線。頰及上胸有黑色斑紋。頭頂至後頸有黑與鏽紅色細紋。
* 體背偏灰褐 色,肩羽鏽紅 色,有 暗色羽 與淡 斑及白 色羽緣 * 胸白色,腹有大黑斑塊
# 頸
# 體背
* 成鳥非繁殖期
# 體背偏灰褐色,有暗色軸斑及白色羽緣。# 頭頂 至後頸 三黑兩白冠 暗細縱 較模糊, 。有 白眉 # 體下白色。# 有暗色 模糊 斑紋。
* 亞成鳥似非繁殖期,但黃褐色濃。體背 鏽紅 有黑軸斑 及白色羽緣 明顯,背羽顯得較斑駁 胸散佈暗 腹有不規則黑 色斑
* 飛行時,有白翼帶,腰至尾中央黑、兩側白。腳 趾略 超出尾羽端。
== 棲地&習性 ==
群聚性,常與其他岸鳥混棲,在地面快速走動,經常涉水活動,覓食動作急促,以嘴不停在泥地上戳刺找尋食物。 在海岸潮間帶軟泥及泥沙間覓食。慢步走動啄食,偶將嘴探入泥中,有時快步小跑一段及涉行淺水。通常單獨與他種小型鷸混群。
== 分佈 ==
亞種和分佈* C. a. arctica (Schiøler, 1922) – NE Greenland and, apparently this subspecies, Svalbard; winters mainly in NW Africa.* C. fa. falcinellus schinzii (PontoppidanC. L. Brehm & Schilling, 17631822) – [[斯堪的那維亞]]和[[俄羅斯]]西北部;從[[非洲]]東部(很少到[[南非]])通過[[南美洲]][[紅海]]和[[阿拉伯]]冬季到達[[西印度群島]]和[[斯里蘭卡]]。SE Greenland and Iceland through Faeroes and N British Is to Baltic and S Scandinavia; winters in S Europe and NW Africa.* C. a. alpina (Linnaeus, 1758) – N Scandinavia and N Russia E to Taymyr region and R Yenisey; winters from W Europe and Mediterranean to NW India (and sparsely E to Bihar).* C. fa. sibirica centralis (DresserButurlin, 18761932) – [[西伯利亞]]東北部(Taymyr,R Lena NE Siberia from Taymyr Peninsula to Kolyma Delta; winters E Mediterranean and Red Sea E 至R to S Asia.* C. a. sakhalina (Vieillot, 1816) – R Kolyma );從東北[[印度]]到東南亞,[[菲律賓]]和[[印度尼西亞]]再到[[澳大利亞]]。to Chukotskiy Peninsula and Anadyrland; winters in E China, Korea, Japan and Taiwan, and perhaps in small numbers in W North America.* C. a. actites Nechaev & Tomkovich, 1988 – N Sakhalin I; winters probably in E Asia.* C. a. kistchinski Tomkovich, 1986 – N Sea of Okhotsk and Koryak Mts through Kamchatka to N Kuril Is; winters in E Asia.* C. a. arcticola (Todd, 1953) – NW Alaska (N of Seward Peninsula) and NW Canada; winters in E China, Korea and Japan.* C. a. pacifica (Coues, 1861) – SW Alaska (S of Seward Peninsula); winters in W USA and W Mexico.* C. a. hudsonia (Todd, 1953) – C Canada from S Victoria I to SW Hudson Bay; winters on coasts of E USA and probably E Mexico.<ref>[https://www.hbw.com/species/broad-billed-sandpiperdunlin-calidris-falcinellus broad-billed sandpiperalpina dunlin],hbw.com</ref>
== 參考書目 ==