* 2010年 PQ:紐約伍德斯托克攝影季度攝影中心100
* 2012年 看見格特魯德·斯坦:五層 / 國家肖像畫廊,華盛頓特區 / 當代猶太博物館,舊金山,加利福尼亞<ref>[http://www.horstphorst.com/exhibitions.php?c=sel HORST Selected Exhibitions]</ref>
[[File:霍斯特·P·霍斯特書籍.jpg|400px|缩略图|右|霍斯特·P·霍斯特書籍 [http://www.horstphorst.com/books.php 照片來自]]]
* Horst, Photographer of Style Victoria & Albert Museum, London 2014
* Platinum. Jefferies Cowan,2006
* Horst Portraits, 60 Years of Style. National Portrait Gallery, London, 2001.
* Plumb, Babara. Horst: Interiors. Little, Brown and Co., 1993.
* Form/ Horst. Twin Palms, 1992.
* Horst: Sixty Years of Photography. Schirmer/Mosel, 1991.
* Lawford, Valentine. Horst: His Work and His World. Alfred A. Knopf, 1984.
* Horst Return Engagement: Faces to Remember, Then and Now. Crown Publishers, 1984.
* Salute to the Thirties. Viking Press, 1971.
* Vogue's Book of Houses, Gardens, People. Viking Press, 1968.
* Patterns from Nature. J.J. Augustin, 1946.
* Horst Photographs of a Decade. J.J. Augustin, 1944.<ref>[http://www.horstphorst.com/books.php Horst P Horst books]</ref>