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天文學家 (弗美爾)

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《'''天文學家'''》是[[荷蘭黃金時代繪畫|荷蘭黃金時代]]畫家[[弗美爾]]繪製的一幅油畫,完成于1668年,現藏於巴黎[[盧浮宮]]<ref name="louvre">{{cite web
| last =
| first =
| authorlink =
| coauthors =
| title = L'Astronome ou plutôt L'Astrologue
| work = Atlas: the database of the exhibited works of art
| publisher = Musée du Louvre
| date =
| url = http://cartelen.louvre.fr/cartelen/visite?srv=car_not_frame&idNotice=25889
| format =
| doi =
| accessdate = 2006-10-14
| language = fr }}</ref>。

17世紀的荷蘭繪畫中,科學家一直是個很受歡迎的主題。除去這幅作品之外,弗美爾本人還曾畫過《[[地理學家 (弗美爾)|地理學家]]》<ref name="louvre" />。這兩幅畫畫的都是同一個人<ref name="viewdeelft">{{cite book
| last = Bailey
| first = Anthony
| authorlink =
| coauthors =
| title = Vermeer: A View of Delft
| publisher =
| year = 2001
| location =
| pages = 165–170
| url = http://essentialvermeer.20m.com/cat_about/astronomer.htm
| doi =
| isbn = 0-8050-6930-5 }}</ref><ref name="vermeer">{{cite book
| last = Bailey
| first = Martin
| authorlink =
| coauthors =
| title = Vermeer
| publisher =
| year = 1995
| location =
| pages = 102–104
| url = http://essentialvermeer.20m.com/cat_about/astronomer.htm
| doi =
| id = }}</ref><ref name="worldvermeer">{{cite book
| last = van Berkel
| first = Klaas
| coauthors =
| title = The Scholarly World of Vermeer
| chapter = Vermeer and the Representation of Science
| publisher =
| date =
| location =
| pages = 13–14
| url = http://essentialvermeer.20m.com/cat_about/astronomer.htm
| doi =
| isbn = 90-400-9825-5 }}</ref>,一般認為此人即[[列文虎克]]<ref>Van Berkel, K. (February 24, 1996). ''Vermeer, Van Leeuwenhoek en De Astronoom''. Vrij Nederland (Dutch magazine), p. 62&ndash;67.</ref>。2017年的一份研究顯示,這兩幅畫連畫布都是出自同一匹布料<ref>{{cite journal | author = Johnson, C. Richard, Jr, and Sethares, W.A. |year = 2017 | title = Canvas Weave Match Supports Designation of Vermeer's Geographer and Astronomer as a Pendant Pair | journal = Journal of Historians of Netherlandish Art |volume = 9 | url = http://www.jhna.org/index.php/vol-9-1-2017/348-johnson-sethares}}</ref>。