


巴克斯 (達文西)

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《'''巴克斯'''》('''''Bacchus''''')是一幅現藏於[[盧浮宮]]的畫作,底稿由[[達芬奇]]完成,全畫據推測是後來的一些達芬奇的追隨者完成的。[[西德尼·約瑟夫·弗萊德伯格]]認為這是達芬奇第二次米蘭時期完成的作品。<ref>S.J. Freedberg, "A Recovered Work of Andrea del Sarto with Some Notes on a Leonardesque Connection" ''The Burlington Magazine'' '''124''' No. 950 (May 1982:266, 281-288) p 285; the badly smudged and damaged red chalk drawing, conserved in the Museo del Santuario del Sacro Monte, Varese, is illustrated p.284, fig. 27.</ref> 其他參與繪製的畫家可能包括切薩雷·達·薩斯托(Cesare da Sesto)、<ref>Cesare is most often credited with the best of three copies of this work in its original formulation, on loan to the [[蘇格蘭國家美術館|National Gallery of Scotland]].</ref> Marco d'Oggiono、弗朗西斯科·梅爾齊(Francesco Melzi)<ref>Freedberg 1982:285</ref> 和切薩雷·貝爾納迪諾(Cesare Bernazzano)。

最初此畫的主人公原來描繪的是[[施洗者約翰]],但在1683至1693年間被塗掉重繪成了[[狄俄尼索斯|酒神巴克斯]]。<ref>It was inventoried in 1683 at ''Saint Jean dans le désert'' at Fontainebleau and in 1693 at [[Château de Meudon|Meudon]] as ''Bacchus'', with a marginal note that it had formerly been previously inventoried as ''Saint John''. (Freedberg 1982:285, note 16).</ref>

根據[[卡西亞諾·德爾·波佐]]的記載,此畫在1625年藏於[[楓丹白露宮]]。<ref>Noted by A. Ottino della Chiesa, ''Leonardo Pittore'' (Milan) 1967:109, from a document in the [[梵蒂岡博物館|Vatican Library]].</ref>當時畫作上的施洗者約翰與常見的藝術作品的施洗者約翰形象都不相同,似乎是達芬奇自己創造出來的,與現藏於盧浮宮的《[[施洗者聖約翰 (達芬奇)|施洗者聖約翰]]》有些相似。<ref>See Marilyn Aronberg Lavin, "Giovannino Battista: A Study in Renaissance Religious Symbolism" ''The Art Bulletin'' '''37'''.2. (June 1955:85-101).</ref>