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创建页面,内容为“'''利奥·胡贝尔曼'''({{lang-en|Leo Huberman}},{{bd|1903年|10月17日|1968年|11月9日}})是美国社会主义经济学家。1949年,他与保罗·…”
'''利奥·胡贝尔曼'''({{lang-en|Leo Huberman}},{{bd|1903年|10月17日|1968年|11月9日}})是美国社会主义经济学家。1949年,他与[[保罗·斯威齐]]一起创办并与其合作编辑《[[每月评论]]》。<ref>{{Cite news|url=https://select.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=F10C11F839541B7A8EDDA90994D9415B888AF1D3|title=LEO HUBERMAN, 65, PUBLISHER, DEAD; Monthly Review Co-Editor|date=November 10, 1968|publisher=The New York Times|accessdate=2008-01-22}}</ref> 他是哥伦比亚大学新学院社会科学系主任;PM报的劳动编辑;和流行历史书《人类世俗商品》(Man’s Worldly Goods)和《我们人民》的作者。<ref>[http://monthlyreview.org/press/books/pb0672/ Introduction to Socialism author notes] Monthly Review Press</ref>

== 生活 ==
Joseph和Fannie Kramerman-Huberman的十一个孩子中最小的一个,他出生在新泽西州的[[紐華克 (新澤西州)|纽瓦克]]。他的六个兄弟姐妹在婴儿期死亡。他从十一岁那年开始在纽瓦克州立学校学习,并作为电工伙伴在赛璐珞工厂和邮局工作,为家庭提供支持。1926年从高中毕业后,他在纽瓦克州立师范学校度过两年,在那里他获得了教师文凭,并在十八岁时开始在小学任教。他在私立实验学校任教,直到1932年。<ref name="Simon"/>

1925年,他娶了他的高中同学——也是一名学校老师,格特鲁德·海勒(Gertrude Heller)。为了他们的蜜月,他们搭便车到全国各地直到加州并返回新泽西州。<ref name="Simon"/>

他的第一本书《我们人民》(We the People)在伦敦出版,他在伦敦经济学院获得了一席之地。他后来在纽约大学读书,并于1937年完成了科学学位。他在哥伦比亚大学社会科学学院任职。从1940年起,他成为《美国周刊》(U.S. Week)杂志的编辑和专栏作家。1949年,他与[[保罗·斯威齐]]一起创办了左翼杂志《[[每月评论]]》,并成为其主编。<ref name="Simon"/>

他继续撰写和发表社会主义相关文字,直到他于1968年去世。<ref name="Simon">[http://monthlyreview.org/2003/10/01/leo-huberman-radical-agitator-socialist-teacher Leo Huberman Radical Agitator, Socialist Teacher] John J. Simon, Monthly Review, 2003, Volume 55, Issue 05 (October)</ref>

== 著作 ==
''Man’s Worldly Goods: The Story of The Wealth of Nations '', and ''We The People'' were initially written for young people but were revised for an adult audience.

* ''We, the People the Drama of America'', Left Book Club and Monthly Review Press,U.S (1932), {{ISBN|0853451346}}
* ''Capital and Proletariat, Origin and Development'' New York, (1936)
* ''Man’s Worldly Goods: The Story of The Wealth of Nations'' (1936), {{ISBN|1406798207}}
* ''The Labor Spy Racket (Civil liberties in American history)'', New York, Modern Age Books, inc, (c1937) [[iarchive:laborspyracket00huberich|Download]]
* ''The Great Bus Strike -: Transport workers' strike, New York, 1941'' Modern age books, New York, (1941) [[iarchive:greatbusstrike00huberich|Download]]
* ''There is a man interned in a prison as a "dangerous enemy alien being"'' California CIO Council (1944)
* ''The truth about unions'' Free World and Pamphlet Press, (1946)
* ''The truth about socialism'', New York : Lear Publishers, (1950)
* ''Man's Worldly Goods'', Monthly Review Press,U.S. (1952) and Read Books ( 2006)
* ''Cuba: anatomy of a revolution'', Monthly Review Press, (1960)
* ''Revolution and counterrevolution in the Dominican Republic: Why the U.S. invaded'' with Paul M. Sweezy, New England Free Press, 1965
* ''The cultural revolution in China: A socialist analysis '', New England Free Press, (1967)
* ''Notes on left propaganda: How to spread the word '', New England Free Press, Boston, (1967) [http://monthlyreview.org/1997/05/01/how-to-spread-the-word View on line]
* ''Introduction to Socialism'', with Paul M. Sweezy, Monthly Review Press,U.S. (1968)
* ''Cuba: A revolution revisited'' Monthly Review, 12(8), (1968)
* ''Vietnam: The Endless War'' Published Monthly Review (1970)
* ''Socialism in Cuba'' with Paul M. Sweezy, Monthly Review Press,U.S.; New edition (1970)
* ''The ABC of Socialism'' (1953)

== 注释 ==

== 延伸阅读 ==
* Christopher David Brady, [https://books.google.com/books/about/Mid_century_American_Marxist.html?id=3Mj1tgAACAAJ Mid-Century American Marxist: The Progressive Education of Leo Huberman], MA thesis. University of Oregon, 1999.

== 外部链接 ==
* [http://monthlyreview.org/597huber.htm How to Spread the Word?] by Leo Huberman, May 1997