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曾获2010年香港中文大学青年研究学者奖和2013年香港中文大学商学院教学奖。 <ref>[http://sme.cuhk.edu.cn/zh-hans/node/7026 学者 王丛],香港中文大学(深圳)网站</ref> <ref>[王丛教授 .香港中文大学商学院[引用日期2017-01-18]</ref>
王丛教授于2007年8月加入香港中文大学商学院金融系,时任 [[ 助理教授 ]] 。于2009年1月凭借优秀的研究成果被破格升为 [[ 副教授 ]] ,终身教职。
自2007年以来,王丛教授先后在世界顶尖的金融期刊Journal of Finance,Review of Financial Studies ,Journal of Banking and Finance ,Journal of Accounting and Economics,Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis发表多篇论文。Google Scholar 引用次数达到1000多次。其中的一篇论文,“Corporate Governance and Acquirer Returns” 被评为2007年发表在Journal of Finance 上的十大被引用次数最多的文章之一。另外一篇发表在Journal of Finance上的论文,“Agency Problems at Dual-class Firms”获得了第二届亚太金融市场年会的最佳论文。
王丛教授自2007年加入香港中文大学一直担任MBA,Msc, EMPAcc,及EMBA项目的教学任务,于2013年获得香港中文大学商学院杰出教学奖。研究与教学之余,王丛教授也致力于推动学术界和业界的合作。他与香港 [[ 对冲基金 ]] 睿亦嘉资产管理公司(Rega Capital Management)合作,由 [[ 睿亦嘉 ]] 捐助中文大学商学院150万港币,进行中国金融市场的研究。他目前担任睿亦嘉动态价值基金的董事。
(1) Corporate Governance and Acquirer Returns, (with Ronald Masulis and Fei Xie), August 2007, Journal of Finance 62, 1851-1889. Top 10 most-cited papers published at Journal of Finance in 2007 (reported by Journal of Finance). 
(2) Corporate Governance Transfer and Synergistic Gains from Mergers and Acquisitions, (with Fei Xie), February 2009, Review of Financial Studies 22, 829-858.
 (3) Agency Problems at Dual-Class Companies, (with Ronald Masulis and Fei Xie), 2009, Journal of Finance, 64, 1697-1727 Top 10 most-cited papers published at Journal of Finance in 2009 (reported by Journal of Finance). 
(4) Do Executive Stock Options Induce Excessive Risk Taking? (with Zhiyong Dong and Fei Xie), October 2010, Journal of Banking and Finance 34, 2518-2529.
 (5) Globalizing the Boardroom - The Effects of Foreign Directors on Corporate Governance and Firm Performance (with Ronald Masulis and Fei Xie), 2012, Journal of Accounting and Economics 53, 527-554 2015 Emerald Citations of Excellence for 2015. 
(6) Industry Expertise of Independent Directors and Board Monitoring (with Fei Xie and Min Zhu), 2015, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 50, 929-962.
(7) Foreign Cash: Taxes, Internal Capital Markets, and Agency Problems (with Jarrad Harford and Kuo Zhang), 2016, Review of Financial Studies, Forthcoming.
===Working Papers===(1) Labor Unemployment Risk and CEO Incentive Compensation (with Andrew Ellul and Kuo Zhang) (2015 EFA, 2016 AFA). (2) Employee Influence, Worker-Manager Alliance, and Shareholder Returns from Acquisitions (with Ronald Masulis and Fei Xie). (3) Financial Fraud and Analyst Reputation (with Xiumin Martin and Xiangang Xin). 
(4) Older and Wiser, or Too Old to Govern? (with Ronald Masulis, Fei Xie, and Shuran Zhang) (2017 AFA)。